Junior Scientist Travel Support
Here is the most recent announcement (2009) for this fund:
The JSA Initiative Fund has provided a $12,500 Travel Fund for graduate students and postdocs working in the 4 Halls and in the Theory Group to present their results at national and international conferences and workshops.
These funds will enable more of our junior colleagues to receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work and will help them improve their communication skills and reputation as they seek their next job. The Travel fund will cover up to 50% of the travel cost. The traveler will have to find grant or other support for the remaining 50% or more. The Travel Fund Committee has been confirmed (D.Higinbotham, M.Battaglieri-Chair, and A.Ahmidouch) with the duty of administering travel requests.
Advisers/supervisors should send the requests for matching money (up to $800) to the Travel Fund Committee chair (Marco Battaglieri battagli@jlab.org) addressing what and where the young scientists will be presenting their results, the scientific potential of the student, and a statement of commitment to pay for balance of the travel costs.
The committee will examine applications and reply to requests in a timely manner. Applications can be submitted anytime. For any questions or further information send a message to battagli@jlab.org.