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'''Computational Physics - Y. Roblin'''<br>
'''Computational Physics - Y. Roblin'''<br><br>
No report
Kirsten Deitrick:
-electron cloud background/simulation tools
-get UITF (new CEBAF quarter cryomodule) unit field maps from Haipeng
-magnetized beam from GTS gun through FEL buncher and FEL booster (1D case)
  -have discovered critical considerations to designing LERF PoP
-forwarded USPAS acceptance to Audrey for payment
-conversations with Dave on experience previously running the FEL and the necessary beam parameters
-continued pursuit of shielded CSR GPT module (not yet, maybe next two weeks)
-scheduled meeting with Bob Rimmer and Rui regarding impedance simulation/calculation
-Monthly CASA
-EIC Collaboration meeting (in the background while simulating)
Next two weeks:
-electron cloud simulation tools/benchmarking
-PEP-II impedances
-old tech notes related to operating the FEL
-clarification regarding magnetized/drift emittance and specific beam distributions
-magnetized beam from GTS gun through FEL buncher and UITF booster (1D case)
-request 3D map of FEL booster and potentially UITF booster (from Haipeng)
-magnetized beam through both boosters (3D case)
-look at odd results when calculating beam magnetization from simulation results - maybe implement RTFB transformer
-meeting with Bob Rimmer and Rui regarding impedance simulation/calculation (may have to be rescheduled, haven't heard from Bob)
-Cooler (including presentation on preliminary results of retaining beam magnetization in injector)
Yves Roblin:
*Prepared for collaboration meeting
*Ran BB simulations, uncovered problem in BB3D with the treatment of non-linear lattices
*Writing analysis codes for beam beam simulations (importing transport from MAD-X, ELEGANT, producing FMA maps, etc..)
*Attended EIC collaboration meeting.
Next 2 weeks:
*Setup dynamic aperture studies for e- ring with Fanglei
*Update task list for simulations with input received
*Put BB3D into subversion to manage bug fixes
He Zhang
*Prepare the talk on electron cooling for EIC collaboration meeting
*Simulation for the cooling of lead beam on the collision energy - When I was preparing for my talk, I found we had never simulated the cooling for the lead ion beam at the collision energy. To make the picture complete, I simulated the case for the lead beam at 40 GeV/u. As expected, the cooling is relatively easier than that for the proton beam.
*Revise the optimization paper following Balsa’s comments
*JSPEC development - In future, we will need to check how the ion beam density changes during cooling, when we consider more realistic case without the assumption of Gaussian distribution. I am thinking to output the data in SDDS format, so that we can make the plots using SDDS tools. That will save some time for us to developing plotting tools and make it easier for the cooling simulation codes to collaborate with other accelerator codes. I am reading references on SDDS to figure out how to use it.
*Writing down my understanding of space charge model in electron cooling. (Not finished yet)
*Reviewing a paper for SIAM. (Not finished. This one is a little bit difficult.)

Latest revision as of 09:42, 16 October 2017

Director - M. Spata
No report

Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata
Todd Satogata

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - OPS: BTeam (Oct 3), start ATLis cleanup
     - OPS: 12 GeV beam parameter meeting, notes to Alex
     - JLEIC: Prepare talk for BNL collaboration meeting
     - IPAC18: SPMS support work
     - JACOW: Team Meeting travel planning, organization
     - JLEIC: Continue assembling documents, pCDR meetings/planning
     - HALLD: Help McCaughan prepare slides for GlueX collab meet talk (Oct 12)
     - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Oct 9-13)
     - ADMIN: Initiate annual review process
     - SICK: Oct 5
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - OPS: BTeam (Oct 17), ATLis cleanup, ORFP update review
     - ADMIN: Peer review NIM paper (overdue)
     - IPAC18: Editorial board support, SPMS support work
     - JACOW: Team Meeting travel planning, organization
     - JLEIC: Continue assembling documents, pCDR meetings/planning
     - JLEIC: Booster injection scheme work (with Ed)
     - ADMIN: Weekly meetings with students (Randy, Eric)
     - ADMIN: Continue annual review process

Alex Bogacz

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - NUFACT: Write, finish paper for NUFACT'17 proceedings
     - USPAS: Continue work on lectures for "Practical Accelerator Design"
     - VACATION: Oct 6-13
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - ADMIN: Peer review PRAB paper, annual review process
     - OPS: 12 GeV beam parameter meeting, notes
     - PERLE: End to end simulation development

David Douglas

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - JLEIC: continue with tilted solenoid: generate transfer matrix
       (numerical differentiation); start comparing to conventional
     - JLEIC: continue responding to any results Chris develops on the simple
       CCR arcs and writing up the simple arc
     - ADMIN: talks for collaboration meeting, Bonn, and Daresbury
     - JLEIC: Gave talk on cooler test beds for EIC collaboration meeting
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - ADMIN: Bonn travel, annual review process
     - JLEIC: continue with tilted solenoid: generate transfer matrix
       (numerical differentiation); start comparing to conventional
     - JLEIC: continue responding to any results Chris develops on the
       simple CCR arcs and writing up the simple arc
     - JLEIC: write up kicker estimates to provide "straight merger"

Rui Li

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - VACATION: Oct 2-3
     - JLEIC: Prepare slides on collective effects for EIC collab meet
     - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Oct 9-13)
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - ADMIN: read/edit manuscript for Cheng-Ying
     - JLEIC: Follow up on collaboration meeting collective effects
     - JLEIC: Start documenting collective effects in tech note

Ed Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - JLEIC: figure out the best way of combatting injection
       synchrobetatron coupling and hopefully get a good injection
       simulation going. Reading up on injection methods.
     - JLEIC: Listening in on EIC collaboration meeting
     - VACATION: Oct 9
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - JLEIC: Finish injection literature search
     - JLEIC: Improve injection scheme, coordinate parameters with Todd
     - VACATION: Oct 20

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - PERLE: microbunching analysis for first full turn of PERLE
       (it's bad)
     - ADMIN: read/edit manuscript for Cheng-Ying
     - CSR: read and work through PRSTAB on CSR published several
       weeks ago
     - JLEIC: continue to understand discrepancy between Bmad and
       other codes
     - JLEIC: microbunching analysis for multiple turns in CCR - looks
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - JLEIC: (hopefully) model CCR arc in Bmad with CSR shielding
     - JLEIC: next steps for e-cooler...?

Randy Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - Dissertation writing: Continue coasting beam chapter, tech note
   Next two weeks (Oct 16-Oct 27)
     - Dissertation writing: Hopefully coasting beam chapter, tech note

Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang

Fanglei Lin

  • Continued optimization of detector region optics in the electron collider ring.
  • Prepared the presentation and attended EIC collaboration meeting at BNL.
  • Miscellaneous: attended CASA group meeting, attended the JLEIC R&D meeting, attended JLEIC parameter coordination meeting.

Vasiliy Morozov

  • Preparation for and participation in the EIC collaboration meeting: talks on polarization dynamics and interaction region design.
  • Geometry tagging LDRD: preparation and submission of a project data sheet.
  • Planning design and R&D activities.

Activities planned in the upcoming two weeks:

  • Preparation of a 45 min talk for the 2017 Accelerator R&D PI Exchange Meeting.
  • Preparation of a presentation for the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Dynamic Apertures of Circular Accelerators.
  • Preparation and submission of the final report on the 2017 LDRD geometry tagging project.
  • Presentation on the beam polarization design at a Wednesday detector meeting.
  • Planning collaboration with SLAC and BNL.

Amy Sy

  • Started preparing draft documentation for JLEIC ion source requirements. Met with Matt Poelker and others to discuss a path forward for the atomic beam polarized ion source SBIR with Muons, Inc. Will likely revise the SBIR proposal to focus on a D- ion source for JLEIC/as a polarimeter in CEBAF.
  • Data analysis for Geometry Tagging LDRD: continued generating plots of nuclear thickness and yield as a function of relative rigidity and A of nuclear remnant for detected particles through the ion downstream final focus triplet. Began plotting similar plots for the second data set using density-weighted distance data.
  • Attended the EIC Collaboration Meeting at BNL.

Yuhong Zhang

  • Attended EIC collaboration meeting at BNL, prepared/gave a talk
  • Completed a revision of staged cooling scheme

Computational Physics - Y. Roblin

Kirsten Deitrick: Reading:

-electron cloud background/simulation tools


-get UITF (new CEBAF quarter cryomodule) unit field maps from Haipeng
-magnetized beam from GTS gun through FEL buncher and FEL booster (1D case)
 -have discovered critical considerations to designing LERF PoP


-forwarded USPAS acceptance to Audrey for payment
-conversations with Dave on experience previously running the FEL and the necessary beam parameters
-continued pursuit of shielded CSR GPT module (not yet, maybe next two weeks)
-scheduled meeting with Bob Rimmer and Rui regarding impedance simulation/calculation


-Monthly CASA
-EIC Collaboration meeting (in the background while simulating)

Next two weeks:


-electron cloud simulation tools/benchmarking
-PEP-II impedances
-old tech notes related to operating the FEL
-clarification regarding magnetized/drift emittance and specific beam distributions


-magnetized beam from GTS gun through FEL buncher and UITF booster (1D case)
-request 3D map of FEL booster and potentially UITF booster (from Haipeng)
-magnetized beam through both boosters (3D case)
-look at odd results when calculating beam magnetization from simulation results - maybe implement RTFB transformer


-meeting with Bob Rimmer and Rui regarding impedance simulation/calculation (may have to be rescheduled, haven't heard from Bob)
-Cooler (including presentation on preliminary results of retaining beam magnetization in injector)

Yves Roblin:

  • Prepared for collaboration meeting
  • Ran BB simulations, uncovered problem in BB3D with the treatment of non-linear lattices
  • Writing analysis codes for beam beam simulations (importing transport from MAD-X, ELEGANT, producing FMA maps, etc..)
  • Attended EIC collaboration meeting.

Next 2 weeks:

  • Setup dynamic aperture studies for e- ring with Fanglei
  • Update task list for simulations with input received
  • Put BB3D into subversion to manage bug fixes

He Zhang

  • Prepare the talk on electron cooling for EIC collaboration meeting
  • Simulation for the cooling of lead beam on the collision energy - When I was preparing for my talk, I found we had never simulated the cooling for the lead ion beam at the collision energy. To make the picture complete, I simulated the case for the lead beam at 40 GeV/u. As expected, the cooling is relatively easier than that for the proton beam.
  • Revise the optimization paper following Balsa’s comments
  • JSPEC development - In future, we will need to check how the ion beam density changes during cooling, when we consider more realistic case without the assumption of Gaussian distribution. I am thinking to output the data in SDDS format, so that we can make the plots using SDDS tools. That will save some time for us to developing plotting tools and make it easier for the cooling simulation codes to collaborate with other accelerator codes. I am reading references on SDDS to figure out how to use it.
  • Writing down my understanding of space charge model in electron cooling. (Not finished yet)
  • Reviewing a paper for SIAM. (Not finished. This one is a little bit difficult.)

Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  • Submitted requisition for $371k worth of waveguide for LERF project
  • Continued updating wiki
  • Waveguide review posted to https://wiki.jlab.org/lerf/index.php/Reviews
  • Working to finish Safety Assessment document, update schedule
  • Cryomodule shuffle has begun, first is to secure the vacuum on the 3 modules w/clean tent

Joe Gubeli

  • This week I finished up the LCLS-II waveguide layout. We had a review that went well. A list of the WG components were made and you generated a purchase requisition.
  • A little time was spent on cleaning up Lab 2.
  • Had a conservation with Bryce to talk about the upcoming experiment.

Mike Tiefenback

  • Working on JPos17 contributions plus I am reviewing the antiparallel acceleration mode with Wojtsekhowski. There may be options available to reduce exposure to C100 radiation damage.
  • Still trying to begin mass flow conversation, configure SLM expansion proposal for Arc 10, and get a start on characterizing/demonstrating optical resolution experimentally, prior to diagnostic installation. *Plus X-ray direct imaging.

LERF - S. Benson
October 2-13

  • Prepared presentation for EIC collaboration meeting
  • Attended EIC collaboration meeting.

October 16-27

  • Finish writing up papers for COOL17 and JPos17
  • Prepare presentation for EINN meeting
  • Finish Research plan for Cooler ring.