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'''Computational Physics - Y. Roblin <br>'''
'''Computational Physics - Y. Roblin <br>'''
No report.
'''Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan <br>'''
'''Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan <br>'''

Latest revision as of 08:19, 3 November 2017

Director - M. Spata

No report

Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata

Todd Satogata

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
   - USPAS: Class preparation
   - OPS: Daily meetings, spring run preparation
   - IPAC18: SPC1 meeting prep
   - ER@CEBAF: Seminar prep
   - ADMIN: ODU/Adelphi REU recommendation letters
   - ADMIN: student meetings (Randy, EricT)
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
   - ADMIN: Meet with Rui, establish expectations/reporting
   - ADMIN: Distribute normalized annual reviews to group
   - IPAC18: SPC1 meetings (Jan 10-12)
   - ODU: Randy annual research presentation (Jan 11)
   - OPS: Daily meetings, spring run preparation, BTeam/ATLis prep
   - ADMIN: student meetings (Randy, EricT)
   - USPAS: Teaching (Jan 15-28)

Alex Bogacz

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
   - Publication survey analysis (APS publication committee)
   - JLEIC: Transfer of Booster lattice to Ed
   - Vacation (Jan 4-6)
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
   - PERLE : continue lattice design, Feb trip prep
   - JINST article review
   - Invention disclosure reviews

David Douglas

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
   - JLEIC: CCR arc option evaluation
   - JLEIC: Devise/refine solutions for arcs with local axial
     symmetry, dispersion suppression, and isochronicity (and
     working to shorten an initial design)
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
   - JLEIC: Write up CCR arc option evaluation tech note
   - JLEIC: Work with Chris on longitudinal beam dynamics
     of EUV FEL-type arcs and magnetized beam transport

Ed Nissen

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
  - JLEIC: Continue writing PRSTAB paper draft on beam-beam sims
  - JLEIC: Start evaluating/planning Booster lattice from Alex
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
  - JLEIC: Continue evaluating/planning Booster lattice
  - JLEIC: Review recent PRST:AB on booster injection space charge compensation
  - JLEIC: Continue writing PRSTAB paper draft on beam-beam sims

Chris Tennant

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
   - DarkLight: Finished TN on emittance analysis
   - JLEIC: Translate Dave DIMAD ERL cooler recovery arc to elegant
   - JLEIC: Transport simulations of magnetized beam in EUV FEL-type arc
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
   - JLEIC: Tracking studies for new CCR baseline through arc
     (axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric)
   - JLEIC: Investigation of measuring emittance in multi-component
     beams (also applicable to DarkLight TN analysis)
   - LERF: Start evaluating injector simulations for NASA irradiation project

Randy Gamage

 Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6)
   - JLEIC: Continue writing outlines of initial dissertation chapters
   - JLEIC: Continue esme simulations of debunch/rebunch with impedance
   - Start preparations for USPAS TA-ship
 Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20)
   - Annual report presentation to committee (Jan 11)
   - USPAS: TA for Todd/Cedric course (Jan 15-28)

Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang

Slava Derbenev

   - Studied electron cooler with non-magnetized gun
   - Discussed cooling physics and JLEIC design with several collaborators
   - Continued the unified field theory study 

Fanglei Lin

   - Writing a paper for the Spin Symposium 2016.
   - Working on spin tracking in ZGOUBI.
   - Miscellaneous: attended the CASA monthly meeting, attended JLEIC General meeting, attended discussion of JLEIC 140 GeV CM energy. 

Vasily Morozov

   - My main activities in the past week were:
   - Ion polarization: meeting with Anatoliy, SPIN'16 proceedings.
   - Geometry tagging LDRD: meeting with collaborators.
   - Skew PIC: meeting with Rol and collaborators. 

Amy Sy

   - My activities over the past few weeks are as follows:
   - Toroidal merger: generating magnetized distribution from flat beam distribution following Dave's FBT treatment.
   - Skew PIC: Added third decapole harmonic to tighten the phase space area of the beam core. Examined the effect of adding a second octupole harmonic - no effect on phase space area for distributions with angular spreads up to 65 mrad, but may have implications on higher order multipoles. In the process of getting ifarm access to run genetic algorithm routines for faster multipole optimization. 

Guohui Wei

   - Try to input BeAGLE result to GEMC. This job is part of LDRD of Geometry tagging for heavy ions at JLEIC. BeAGLE is a CODE of Benchmark eA Generator for LEptoproduction. Currently, we study the simulation with a BeAGLE result of e-Pb collision.
   - Worked on IPAC'17 proceeding papers
   - Continual research on integration of detector solenoid into the JLEIC ion collider ring. 

Yuhong Zhang

   - Developed/revised new JLEIC parameters with strong cooling
   - Explored options for JLEIC to reach 140 GeV CM energy and gave a presentation
   - Reviewed a SBIR-II proposal
   - Started preparation of a talk in the next week Hong Kong high energy physics conference 

Computational Physics - Y. Roblin

No report.

Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan