Difference between revisions of "2019-04-12-LeadershipReports"

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Line 108: Line 108:
   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
       - Attended JLEIC collaboration meeting.
       - Organized and attended JLEIC collaboration meeting.
       - Continued work on early career proposal.
       - Met with various visitors during the week of the collaboration meeting
       - Participated in commissioning of laser-driven polarized proton source at FZ Juelich. Testing Lamb-shift polarimeter with unpolarized pulsed proton beam.
       - Activites supporting the cost exercises (design and risk factors)
       - Summarized longitudinal Schottky signal analysis work on IMP experiment data for quarterly report.
       - Worked on various parts of the JLEIC design, particularly 140 GeV high energy JLEIC
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
       - Continued work on early career proposal.
       - Continue work on various parts of the JLEIC design, particularly 140 GeV high energy JLEIC
      - Continued participation in experiments with Lamb-shift polarimeters at FZ Juelich.
Line 155: Line 153:
     Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
       - Attended an ARIES sponsored workshop on scintillating screens, cameras & optics.
      - Working on getting power setup for Magnetron Project. This will be done in Lab 1 of the LERF. Within the next
        few weeks the first of two transmitters will arrive and be installed in the LERF.
      - Mounted a BNNT Halo monitor screen for the Isotope beam line run the LERF, also worked to get beam to 0G dump
        and to the 1G dump. Initially the vacuum system was not ready then we were all ready & the drive laser would not stay locked.
        There were a num bet of items on HCO that were signed off but not operational. We will try to run to the 1G dump in ~6 weeks when we are back at 2K.
      - Working with Joe & Mike to get the first SLM installed in Arc 7 during the SAD. I also mounted a BNNT flag as a part of this installation.
      - Attending a meeting at ODU about hope to better work together on common projects with the school of engineering.
      - Finishing up some IBIC program details for this fall’s conference.
      - Spent some time on the IPM gun pulser design for the 300 kV experiment.
     Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
Line 164: Line 170:
     Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
       - Finished and implemented the new optical layout of ARC 7 SLM. We now have a filter wheel in front of the first optic as Mike T. asked for the second
        filter wheel is 90mm upstream of the third filter wheel which is located at the field stop. The first wheel will contain the slits. I am waiting on input
        from Mike T. on the width and offset of the five different slits that will be installed here. The second wheel will contain bandpass filters for short and
        long visible wavelengths along with a vertical and a horizontal polarizer. The last wheel contains neutral density filters. Met with Steve S. and Keith C.
        at the installation location. Steve said he will approve the installation but hasn’t yet updated the Atlis.
      - Spent time working on the Beamenizer after we found the system not working when running to the 0G dump. I created a test fixture and after a timing board
        repair I was able to verify the system now works.
     Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
       - VACATION - 1 week
      - Prepare and install the ARC 7 SLM.

Revision as of 15:37, 19 April 2019

April 12, 2019 Report - April 1 - April 26

Director - Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Machine support 
     - Paper on ‘Dogbone’ ERL for IPAC
     - Finalizing White Paper on Publications and Conferences
     - JLEIC Collab. mgt.
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Injector solenoids - importance of uniformity of focusing across the bunch and stray field 
     - Finalizing paper on ‘Dogbone’ ERL for IPAC
     - Implementation of new Internal Publication system
     - PRAB paper - review

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Participated EIC collaboration meeting, presented my talk, and interacted with colleagues from different labs
     - Extended discussions with the RF group and John Fox and Dmitry Teytelman on feedback requirements for JLEIC
     - Scheduling the next impedance meeting and update impedance wiki 
     - Started collaboration with LBL on impedance and wakefield studies for ALS-U
     - Literature studies on impedances
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Continue with broadband impedance study for JLEIC
     - Impedance meeting on 4/22 at 10:30am
     - Review some of the studies on CSR effects 

Ed Nissen

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Attended the JLEIC collaboration meeting 
     - Working on ECA application
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Continue working on ECA application
     - Finish paper to submit for light peer review at IPAC

Chris Tennant

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - JLEIC collaboration meeting
     - Finished collecting parameters for updated ERL landscape plot (with help of Peter Williams)
     - Met with SLAC representatives about collaborating on their LDRD (ML relating to SRF)
     - Went over SRF classification analysis with Anna and Adam
     - Continue analysis and documentation in TN for SRF classification (text needed for Anna's LDRD, IPAC paper and Adam's ICALEPCS paper)
     - Vacation day to attend "Applied Machine Learning Conference" in Charlottesville
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Finish(?) TN

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Maternity Leave
     - Finished the electron collider ring design
     - Updating the pCDR-100 in the electron complex section
     - Prepared electron ring information to the talk given in the collaboration meeting spring 2019 
     - Provided the electron ring magnet information to Leigh and Tim for the cost estimation
     - Had a discussion and made a plan on the study of electron polarization with colleagues from UNM and Cornell university 
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Maternity Leave

Vasiliy Morozov

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - JLEIC collaboration meeting: preparation and presentation of four talks on JLEIC overview, IR design, collider ring designs 
       and working group summary, discussions with collaborators. Presentation of the latest JLEIC design to NP.
     - Costing and energy upgrade exercises.
     - Ion polarization: spin transparency experiment analysis and simulations, preparation of a paper with Kondratenko.
     - IR design: setting up collider ring simulations in Elegant with Randy.
     - Work on simulations of the longitudinal dynamics in a storage ring cooler with Bhawin.
     - Work on beam-beam simulations with River
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Costing exercise.
     - Preparation of the DoE quarterly reports.
     - Work on the spin transparency experiment and polarization papers
     - Completion of the pCDR.
     - Collider ring design and simulations.

Amy Sy

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Attended JLEIC collaboration meeting.
     - Continued work on early career proposal.
     - Participated in commissioning of laser-driven polarized proton source at FZ Juelich. Testing Lamb-shift polarimeter with unpolarized pulsed proton beam.
     - Summarized longitudinal Schottky signal analysis work on IMP experiment data for quarterly report.
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Continued work on early career proposal.
     - Continued participation in experiments with Lamb-shift polarimeters at FZ Juelich.

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Organized and attended JLEIC collaboration meeting.
     - Met with various visitors during the week of the collaboration meeting
     - Activites supporting the cost exercises (design and risk factors)
     - Worked on various parts of the JLEIC design, particularly 140 GeV high energy JLEIC
  Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Continue work on various parts of the JLEIC design, particularly 140 GeV high energy JLEIC

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

     - Prepare for machine startup.
     - Preparing talk to Hall A collaboration.
     - Completed TOSP for Hall A Apex Experiment
     - Developing method to center solenoids (in particular 
        Hall A moeller solenoid)
     - BTEAM
     - Reviewing Implications of the 100 GeV CM setup for BeamBeam   
     - Attended workshop on ML
     - Conducted interviews for postdoc position
     - TRC meetings
     - FOA reports.
     - Evaluating various Python frameworks for ML and GA (DEAP,        pyEVOLVE)

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - MAD-X 5D Map tracking code has been sent to Yun Luo and Ji Qiang
     - Working on JSPEC development
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - Enhance the luminosity module of JSPEC
     - Simulation on dispersive cooling

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Attended an ARIES sponsored workshop on scintillating screens, cameras & optics.
     - Working on getting power setup for Magnetron Project. This will be done in Lab 1 of the LERF. Within the next
       few weeks the first of two transmitters will arrive and be installed in the LERF.
     - Mounted a BNNT Halo monitor screen for the Isotope beam line run the LERF, also worked to get beam to 0G dump 
       and to the 1G dump. Initially the vacuum system was not ready then we were all ready & the drive laser would not stay locked. 
       There were a num bet of items on HCO that were signed off but not operational. We will try to run to the 1G dump in ~6 weeks when we are back at 2K.
     - Working with Joe & Mike to get the first SLM installed in Arc 7 during the SAD. I also mounted a BNNT flag as a part of this installation. 
     - Attending a meeting at ODU about hope to better work together on common projects with the school of engineering.
     - Finishing up some IBIC program details for this fall’s conference.
     - Spent some time on the IPM gun pulser design for the 300 kV experiment.
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
     - Finished and implemented the new optical layout of ARC 7 SLM. We now have a filter wheel in front of the first optic as Mike T. asked for the second 
       filter wheel is 90mm upstream of the third filter wheel which is located at the field stop. The first wheel will contain the slits. I am waiting on input 
       from Mike T. on the width and offset of the five different slits that will be installed here. The second wheel will contain bandpass filters for short and 
       long visible wavelengths along with a vertical and a horizontal polarizer. The last wheel contains neutral density filters. Met with Steve S. and Keith C. 
       at the installation location. Steve said he will approve the installation but hasn’t yet updated the Atlis.
     - Spent time working on the Beamenizer after we found the system not working when running to the 0G dump. I created a test fixture and after a timing board 
       repair I was able to verify the system now works.
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)
     - VACATION - 1 week
     - Prepare and install the ARC 7 SLM.

LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Apr 1 - Apr 12)
   Next two weeks (Apr 15 - Apr 25)