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Fanglei Lin
Fanglei Lin
   Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30)
   Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
         - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
         - Optimizing the electron collider ring design with PEP-II magnets
         - Prepared tutorial material for ZGOUBI workshorp
        - Working on the storage ring cooler project
        - Attended the ZGOUBI workshop
         - Miscellaneous: attended the spin transparency test teleconference,
   Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
            - Attended the Pre-CDR Update meeting, attended the JLEIC R&D meeting,
            - Attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC general meeting
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
        - Work on the electron collider ring design with PEP-II magnets
         - Work on the storage ring cooler project
         - Work on the storage ring cooler project
         - Work on updating the interaction region design
         - Electron spin study using BMAD
        - Work on spin tracking using BMAD and ZGOUBI
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Vasiliy Morozov
Vasiliy Morozov
     Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30)
     Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)
       - Finished updating the detector and ion complex chapters of the pCDR
       - Spin transparency experiment: teleconference with collaborators and calculation of the spin response function of RHIC
       - Modeling of the IR for the short-range correlations (SRC) LDRD
       - Redesign of ion interaction region for 200 GeV
      - Reviewing papers and posters for NAPAC19
       - Preparation of the DoE quarterly reports
      - Preparation for and participation in the Zgoubi workshop
       - Miscellaneous: postdoc interview, storage ring cooler, collimation
       - Preparation of a paper on the figure-8 concept
     Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
       - Work on the spin transparency experiment: spin tracking and meeting with collaborators
       - Completion of the DoE quarterly reports
      - Preparation of a TRL document for EIC simulation tools
      - Ion IR and collider ring design
     Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
      - pCDR update
       - Work on the SRC LDRD
       - Spin transparency simulations
       - Spin tracking for the spin transparency experiment
      - Preparing for EINN2019 and PSTP2019
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Amy Sy
Amy Sy
     Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)
       - Continued H- linac optimization in TRACK. Working on optimization of second DTL tank with slightly lower voltage level. Baseline design has one voltage level for first
       - Served on the review committee covering the primary and neutrino beamlines as part of the DOE/SC review of LBNF/DUNE at Fermilab.  
        and second DTL tanks, and a slightly lower level in DTL tank 3. Trying to improve on reduced emittance by lowering the voltage in DTL tank 2 and reoptimizing downstream
          - Wrote and submitted the Beamline portion of the final report.
         quadrupoles and solenoids.
      - Met with Zack Conway and Brahim Mustapha at ANL to discuss the JLEIC ion linac. Discussed polarization tracking, H- intrabeam stripping, and stripping chicane
      - Working on PSTP2019 invited talk titled "Laser-driven polarized deuterium source".  
         design/optimization as paths for further design studies. Working with Brahim to get the latest Trace3D and TRACK inputs for the LEBT and full linac designs.
     Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
       - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance.
       - Continued work on getting the TRACK code running with the latest version of the JLEIC ion linac lattice.
       - Continued work PSTP2019 talk
       - First looks at IMP cooling data from December 2018 to start informing Spring 2019 experimental goals.
      - Attending/presenting at PSTP2019 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Revision as of 09:54, 19 September 2019

February 1 2019 Report - Jan 21 - Feb 15 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
  Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
     - Finalize Arc 1 and Arc 2 re-design 
     -	Vacation
     - Conferences and Publications Committee: kick-off mtg
  Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Fine-tuning of gamma_t for FODO lattices
     -	Machine support
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	Grad Student Steering Committee mtg.

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
     - FMLA
     - Catching up on work after a long leave 
  Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15) 
     - Planning for the next impedance meeting
     -	Look at collective effect for pCDR-100GeV 

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
     - Work on lattices for new JLEIC  boosters
     -	Machine Access Control training
     -	Vacation.
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Finishing MAC training.
     -	Continue work on the new boosters 

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
     - Considered various issues and potential optimization (IR, cooling) for 100 GeV CM energy JLEIC
     - Prepared FOA report (cooling simulation, bunched beam experiment and coherent electron cooling
     - Prepared talks for Hong Kong High Energy Physics Program
  Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Attend the HK HEP program in the second experiment 
     - Make planning of Lijun Mao's visit
     - Planed spring JLEIC collaboration meeting 

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Jan 21 - Feb 1)
       - Optimizing the electron collider ring design with PEP-II magnets
       - Working on the storage ring cooler project
       - Miscellaneous: attended the spin transparency test teleconference, 
           - Attended the Pre-CDR Update meeting, attended the JLEIC R&D meeting, 
           - Attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC general meeting
  Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
       - Work on the electron collider ring design with PEP-II magnets
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Electron spin study using BMAD

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30)
     - I was working on "Longitunial Stability in Two Energy Storage Ring." That was all about using the third harmonic cavity to cancel the momentum offset introduced by the
       RF cavities.
     - Working on paper preparation for NAPAC2019.
     - Working on poster preparation for NAPAC2019.
     - Spoke with MCC experts in Jefferson Lab about computers and simulation. I have to run the simulation to calculate the damped emittance soon.
   Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Participating NAPAC2019 at Michigan Lansing for a week ( Aug 31 - Sept 06) A very limited number of people came to my poster. But those who came to know about Two Energy
       Ring, they were really impressed by this idea. One scientist from APS, ANL mentioned that he should work on this project.
     - Working on Longitudinal dynamics in Two Energy Storage Ring.

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)
     - Spin transparency experiment: teleconference with collaborators and calculation of the spin response function of RHIC
     - Redesign of ion interaction region for 200 GeV
     - Preparation of the DoE quarterly reports
     - Miscellaneous: postdoc interview, storage ring cooler, collimation
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Completion of the DoE quarterly reports
     - Ion IR and collider ring design
     - pCDR update
     - Spin transparency simulations

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)
     - Served on the review committee covering the primary and neutrino beamlines as part of the DOE/SC review of LBNF/DUNE at Fermilab. 
         - Wrote and submitted the Beamline portion of the final report.
     - Met with Zack Conway and Brahim Mustapha at ANL to discuss the JLEIC ion linac. Discussed polarization tracking, H- intrabeam stripping, and stripping chicane
       design/optimization as paths for further design studies. Working with Brahim to get the latest Trace3D and TRACK inputs for the LEBT and full linac designs.
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Continued work on getting the TRACK code running with the latest version of the JLEIC ion linac lattice.
     - First looks at IMP cooling data from December 2018 to start informing Spring 2019 experimental goals.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks ()
     - CEBAF:
     - JLEIC
   Next two weeks ()

River Huang
   Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Transparent Spin Mode using Zgoubi - In a principle scheme of RHIC snake (OPERA maps), two currents control the spin rotation angle and the spin rotation axis. By
       tracking three particles with orthogonal spins in Zgoubi, we determine the spin rotation angle and axis for a given set of snake currents again. The snake currents are
       then varied using a fitting procedure to adjust the snake axis to 0°. The evolutions of the spin components along the helical trajectories are obtained. The simulation
       indicates a full snake with a longitudinal axis: the radial and vertical spins flip while the longitudinal spin remains longitudinal. The closed orbits inside a snake
       for the 45∘ and 0∘ settings of its axis are obtained. Note the smaller closed orbit excursion for the 0∘ case.
     - Particle Tracking - We revised BB3D and CASA Beam-Beam. The updated BB3D can be used in particle tracking of a beam bunch for each turn and the updated CASA Bean-Beam
       can track the change in details of phase coordinates of a macro-particle for each collision.  
   Next two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
      - Continue working on Transparent Spin project

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)     
     - JSPEC code development - RF Voltage calculation module has been finished and tested. This feature has been merged into the main branch and pushed to Github. When the bunch
       size is chosen to be constant, jspec will calculate the RF voltage with respect to the momentum spread at each time step. The voltage is saved in the last row of the user-
       specified output file. When the bunch size is allowed to vary with the momentum spread. The RF voltage is calculated once. But it is still saved as above on each time
              - Space charge field of the electron bunch results in both the longitudinal velocity shift and the transverse velocity shift of the electrons. The longitudinal
                velocity shift is due to the electrostatic potential difference according to the different radius. The transverse one is due to the collective effect of the
                radial space charge field and the longitudinal magnetic field. In the perspective of the friction force calculation, both velocity shifts change the relative
                velocity between the ion and the electron while the transverse one also changes the electron temperature (Larmor emittance). With the help of some references, the
                formulas of the velocity drift for a uniform round electron beam (bunched or coasting) are derived and documented. These are good enough for IMP experiment. For a
                uniform flat beam, one may have to do numerical integration. The code is still under development. 
     - For the core-tail model, I am working on the multidimensional fitting algorithm using the gradient descent method.  
   Next two weeks (Feb 4 - Feb 15)
     - Finish the core-tail model and the space charge effect in friction force calculation. 
     - Continue documenting JSPEC development. 
     - Prepare data, plots, and poster for the DA based kernel independent FMM. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30)
     - HPWS: New motor controller for the High Power Wire Scanner arrived. After some change in the wiring I was able to run some initial test. The new controller seems to run
       a little better than the older one but the parameters are not yet optimized. Had a telecom with our collaborators, Radiabeam, were we both tried to tune the parameters.
       After a little progress we decided that we need to get Aerotech involved.
     - Isotope: Little to no work on Isotope production
     - FAST: Received the slit plate and had it UHV cleaned. Had a trip scheduled but the folks at Fermilab realized at the last minute that they had a scheduling conflict with
       the cleanroom. The trip has been delayed to the end of September at the earliest.
     - IBIC: The paper and poster are completed. Waiting on local review/approval to submit the paper.
   Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Short week with Monday being a holiday and Friday a travel day to IBIC. Will work some on preparing the Isotope crucible with gallium test shipment. The idea is to keep
       the gallium from freezing during transport. We will try using hand warms packed in the shipping container. It is the start of the month so I will be doing the monthly
       safety walkthrough as Safety Warden. The following week is the IBIC conference.

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22 - Feb 1)
     - Stood in for T. Satogata in his absence
     - Wrote up budget for Isotope quarterly report.
     - Submitted quarterly reports for FOA and Isotope project.
     - Completed and helped to submit FOA proposal for micro bunching measurements at CBETA Hosted cooler ring meetings to go over the impact of the new booster configuration     
     - Worked on property validation.
     - Submitted laser safety checklists for the LERF.
     - Trained J. Gubeli and J. Musson for User Lab 4 laser safety.
     - Developed specifications for the isotope beam line dipoles power supply
   Next two weeks (Feb 4- Feb 15)
     - Submit new text for LOD and safety envelope for LERF.
     - Summarize the ERLs for EIC workshop. 
     - Develop MPS specifications for isotope runs.
     - Review coherent cooling literature and establish specification baseline Get new simulations for Pre-CDR-100 Write up new draft for Pre-CDR-100 chapter 6 Review invited      
       talk suggestions for FEL 2019 Hold cooler ring and FOA coordination meetings.
     - Hold seminar committee meeting to establish Winter/spring schedule.

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30)
     - Finished up editing the PreCDR-100, but I am sure it will be coming back at me!  
     - On Friday, I met with Camille to give her some “insider” information on her new position.  
     - More interestingly, I had a telephone conference with Doug Wells, our isotope collaborator, presently at New Mexico Tech.  He has a follow-on patent being prepared on a
       new technique for producing radio-isotopes, which he would like us to demonstrate.  His office sent us a non-disclosure agreement, but I have not heard back from Rhonda
       Scales if this is acceptable to JLab, so I don’t have the details.  I suggested that he passed the basic concept by Ethan Balkin to find out whether this would be
       something that the DOE-ONP would support (financially, of course).  I looked at the previous patent and it is really interesting, but it is a new way of producing isotopes
       that are already being produced by industry, so I am not sure that the DOE Isotope program will want to fund it (although they should).  I will keep you informed.  
     - I have also been preparing an introduction to the Isotope Program for the as-yet-unscheduled ERR.  I am certain that they will need an introduction, but I don’t have a
       handle on the rest yet.  We are having some difficulty with the isotope target approval, it needs a pressure vessel review which is going slow.  But we will work through
       that. This afternoon, we are meeting to discuss the details of a transfer of unirradiated gallium to VCU via FedEx; lots of details to work through, e.g. does it stay
       liquid? If not, will it freeze and burst the crucible, etc?   More fun than all of the bureaucratic hurdles we have to jump over.  
     - I have been emailing back and forth collecting information on future NP projects world-wide for the AMICI conference mid-September. This will move to high priority in the
       next two weeks.  I should probably give the talk at a CASA meeting when I get back.    
   Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Vacation: 6 days