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July 1, 2019 Report - June 24 - July 19 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
  Next two weeks (July 22 - August 2)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Machine support 
     - Expand USPAS lecture on Radiation Damping
     - Revisions to Operations Training, MOODLE 
     - Final review of IOP submissions for the IPAC'19 Light Peer Review
  Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     - Vacation
     - PRAB paper review

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Participate the weekly ALS-U impedance meeting 
          - Interesting discussions with Karl Bane and Bob Warnock at the meeting
          - Bob Warnock is modifying his code on microwave instability so that he can send to me  to run for JLEIC case
     - Prepare for JLEIC impedance meeting on 6/17:
          - Talking to Tim Michalski to prepare presentation on vision and status of the engineering design 
          - Talking to Rimmer to prepare presentation on vision and status of the feedback system
     - Uneven bunch spectrum
          - Write up technote for my analysis,
          - start to look at its impact on the coupled-bunch instability growth rate 
     - Plasma cascade in the BNL Coherent-electron-cooling 
          - Read reference papers on, trying to catch up on their current status
          - Remotely participated one CeC operation meeting on their upcoming experiment
     - Assisted Walter Wittmer on R&D list
          - Work with Bob Rimmer to prepare documents Walter requested for the R&D list, in particular, I'm the P.I. of
            block 6 (impedance and instabilities) in the list
          - Assisted with CBETA on CSR induced microbunching instability
          - Georg's graduate student, William Lou, is following our suggestion to do convergence test of the microbunching
            instability. He had questions for me and my former student Cheng-Ying Tsai. And we are helping him on the
  Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     - Impedance studies
          - Organize the JLEIC impedance meeting on 7/16
          - Participate ALS-U impedance meeting and discussions
          - Continue to understand impedance analysis 
          - Help to coordinate impedance budget study at JLAB
     - Coupled bunch instability
          - Continue with technote writing
          - Continue with analysis of coupled bunch instability and the study of the impact of uneven bunch distribution 
            on growth rate
     - CeC project
          - Continue to understand the underline physics
          - Continue to participate their weekly meeting
     - CSR in CBETA
          - Continue to give support/help on their CSR studies

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Worked on tuning the LEB
     - Have been performing some duties as optics on call
     - Have been working on my proposal for the DESIREE experiment. 
   Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     - I will finish and submit the proposal to the University of Stockholm
     - Finish up my tenure as Optics on Call
     - Finish up my redesign work on the two boosters

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Final LDRD slide prep and presentation
     - BNL CeC telecon presentation on greenfield ERL design
     - LERF Ops (single day for isotope run)
     - Work on JSA initiative proposal
     - Bagels with Andrei
     - Interview panel for Machine Learning Programmer Analyst posting
     - Leading ML Lunch Series
     - Lay out 476 MHz version of linac for JLEIC ERL cooler
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Propagate distribution from Fay through (completed) parts of JLEIC ERL cooler
     - BNL CeC analysis of greenfield front end design
     - Work on RF classifier pipeline

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
     - Developed estimated luminosity curves for 140 GeV JLEIC with or without high energy cooling 
     - Worked on a concept for 140 GeV JLEIC 
     - Read chapter 3 of pre-CDR-100 and made corrections 
     - Worked on three talk slides.
  Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Continue work from previous weeks

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
       - Working on updating the IR design in the electron collider ring
       - Working on the transparent spin project
       - Working on the storage ring cooler project
       - Preparing tutorial material for ZGOUBI workshorp
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC R&D meeting, attended ZGOUBI
         workshop committee meetings, attended JLEIC general meeting, attended IP magnet design meeting, attended teleconference on transparent spin test meeting, attended
         Packing factor/drift limit program meeting
  Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
       - Work on updating the IR design in the electron collider ring
       - Work on the transparent spin project
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Prepare tutorial material for ZGOUBI workshop

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (June 10 - June 21)
     - Ion polarization studies: work with River on simulations of the transparent spin experiment, evaluating a
       polarization scheme for 400 GeV ion collider ring
     - IR work: work with Randy on optimization of the ion collider ring optics and simulations of the dynamic aperture,
       identifying multipole values to be used in the simulations
     - Two-energy storage ring cooler: development of a new concept for the longitudinal dynamics in a storage ring with
       long bunch length suitable for cooling
     - Exploring options for the ion collider arc lattice at 400 GeV and presenting them at the R&D meeting
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Work on simulations of the transparent spin experiment
     - Evaluating the multipole effect on the dynamic aperture of the ion collider ring
     - Exploring IR and crabbing designs for 140 GeV CM upgrade and writing an appendix on the upgrade
     - Updating the pre-CDR

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
     - Worked with summer student Madeline Clyburn to extract transverse and 
       longitudinal rms velocities along the linac for H- intrabeam stripping estimates. 
       Currently able to extract information about the bunch at the end of the linac, and
       working to extract values as the linac is traversed. 
     - SRIM/TRIM calculations of energy and angular distributions of lead ions after passing
       through carbon stripping foils, and parameterization of the probability distribution 
       as a function of foil thickness and incident beam energy as in the Gorelov and Marti
       paper TUP087 from LINAC2006. Generating python tools to analyze the SRIM/TRIM data and
       extract distribution parameters - general agreement when comparing results obtained for
       12 MeV/u U-238 ions.
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Continued work with PyORBIT including: troubleshooting the DTL linac implementation and
       lack of beam stability, and optimization of the superconducting portion of the linac for 
       better matching with TRACK. Also plan to discuss with ANL the possibility of converting 
       the RF cavity field map files from binary Fortran files to something that can be read into 
     - Putting together a stripping chicane in TRACK; estimates of effects of carbon stripping foil
       on lead ion beam emittances and optics parameters.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

Randy Gamage

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
     - Frequency map analysis of the bare lattice. 
     - Re-visited chromaticity compensation in madx (in progress). 
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Scale SuperKEKB FFQ multipole strengths to JLEIC. 
     - Dynamic aperture studies with multipoles if the chromaticity compensation goes well.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - HPWS: The linear motor controller is undersized for the HWPS when the stage in at 45 degrees. This angle is the nominal operation angle. 
       A collaborator from Radiabeam was here for a couple of day to try tuning the drive for better performance. This didn’t work and a larger 
       driver was ordered. The HPWS was moved to the optical table to allow operations in the horizontal position. This allowed us to test the EPICS 
       controls and to obtain scan data for a student summer project. 
     - Isotope: Helped with aligning and testing the diagnostics. Worked with operations during the two day run. At the end we were able to thread beam to the 1G dump.
     - FAST: Designed the tungsten slit plate, new fork and gimbal plate. The gimbal plate will allow the fork to be set normal to the beam. The new fork and gimbal 
       plate have been made and are ready for cleaning. Order titanium bolts to replace the silver plated bolts in the LDRDS.
   Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     - HPWS: Use the new dynamic tuning SW to improve performance before the larger controller arrives. Test the incremental encoder with a long cable.
     - Isotope: Complete the alignment and installation of the shield wall. Support the upcoming review.
     - FAST: Supervise the disassembly, cleaning and partial assembly of the LDRDS.
     - Halo Monitor: Align and install a fiber coupler and camera assemble to be able to obtain spectrum from the electron/BNNT interaction.

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
   Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Participated in Fitness for Duty discussion with Dr. Smitty Chandler and Jim Boyce
     - Participated in June 25th and 26th LERF run to the 1G dump.
     - Headed up a review of the Harmonic kicker and attended the close-out of the UITF ARR.
     - Submitted another abstract for ERL 2019
     - Worked on getting the LDRD assembly ready to ship to Fermilab.
     - Worked on updating Pre-CDR-100 chapter 6
     - Worked on finalizing the COO for isotopes.
   Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     -	Finalize documentation for Isotope ERR.
     - Get LDRD sent to Fermilab.
     - Prepare quarterly summary for FOA contract and budget for Isotope quarterly.
     - Continue to work on updating the Pre-CDR-100 chapter 6.

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
     - Attended the SuperKEKB Review in Japan July 8-10. A lot of  information that is very relevant to JLEIC, particularly in the background and collimation topics. 
       All the talks are available on the web at http://www-kekb.kek.jp/MAC/.  
     - Then a few days vacation in Koyasan
     - This week in Isotopes,  we have got pulsed beam to the 1G dump, still need CW (awaiting the MPS masks) and then getting the beam to our target, the 1X line.  We have
       made considerable progress on the equipment to unscrew the carbon plug in the back of the crucible (Kevin has built a turntable to rotate the crucible in the hot-cell
       while the remote manipulator is used to hold the plug).  Everything is now ready for a trial transfer to VCU.  We will pack the crucible into the pig into the shipping
       container today.  
     - I did a little editing of the pCDR.  I also spent some time with Sarah.    
   Next two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2)
     - We (Kevin, Joe and Keith Welch) will go up to VCU on Monday to test the unpacking of the pig from the shipping container (with VCU RadCon) and then opening the pig in
       the hot-cell using remote manipulators (with Jamal’s group.  The two students from NMT, Geno Santistevan and Robert Bentley, will be here next week.  They will be doing
       thermal transfer measurements and getting up to speed on everything we have been doing.  I have asked them to give us a presentation of their work so far.  
     - I will also be doing a lot of pCDR editing.  
     - This is Sarah’s last two weeks, so she might need help finishing her project.  The poster and paper are already partially written.