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Oct 2019 Report - Oct 28 - Nov 22 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning
     - ADMIN JLAAC review (Oct 22-24)
     - ADMIN FY20 AWP planning
     - ADMIN Xelera SBIR support planning
     - JLEIC/ER@CEBAF JLAAC dry runs and planning
     - JLEIC FOA quarterly report planning
     - ODU PHYS854 teaching (with Geoff Krafft)
     - OPS Walk Hall D line, run readiness evaluation
     - OPS Pre-brief half-day operator meeting (Oct 21)
     - VACATION Oct 14, half-day Oct 25
  Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning
     - ADMIN FY20 AWP planning
     - ADMIN Review PRAB paper
     - ADMIN Recommendation letters (Deepsana Shahi, Mike Lafky)
     - ER@CEBAF post-JLAAC planning for summer 2020 chicane install
     - JACOW Team Meeting travel preparation
     - IPAC'20 SPC/3 Meeting travel preparation
     - ODU PHYS854 teaching (with Geoff Krafft)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8) 
     - Alternative lattice for the LHeC ERL
     -	Invention disclosures review
     -	Appraisals
     -	Vac
  Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Vac
     -	SBIR proposal review 
     -	Lattice work for nuSTORM 
     -	Chapter on the LHeC ERL Optics (The LHeC Technical Design Report )

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Prepare and present JLEIC impedance studies at JLEIC R&D meeting
     - Participate multi-lab (LBL/SLAC/APS/NSLS-II) monthly seminar on collective effects in electron storage rings (I'm asked
       to present the next monthly seminar on collective effects in JLEIC)
     - Continue my collaboration with ALS-U and SLAC on impedance and instability
     - Literature study on feedback systems for coupled-bunch instability
     - Discuss with Frank Marhauser and Mark Wiseman on impedance progresses, and plan for the next JLEIC imepedance meeting
  Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 11) 
     - Organize JLEIC impedance meeting on 11/11
     - Finish writing up the technote on spectra for uneven bunch fill
     - Continue my collaboration with ALS-U and SLAC on impedance and instability
     - Continue understanding of the feedback systems for coupled bunch instability
     - Prepare and give presentation on "Collective Effects in Electron-Ion Colliders" for the inter-lab (SLAC/LBL/APS/NSLS-
       II/JLAB) tele-seminar (focused on collective effects) on 11/22

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Finished my proposal for the DESIREE experiment and submitted it, I have received confirmation that it is now with the
       review committee
     - Finished the decoupling system in the HEB now that a solenoid has been added
     - Wrote up a tech note about the current design of the HEB
     - Am currently working on a description of the DESIREE experiment and the details gained from it
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Extended Medical Leave

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Division seminar prep
     -	CEBAF PRAB manuscript work (verifying data with DT Manager)
     -	ML to model CEBAF pathlength (meet with Dennis T)
     -	Autonomous robot meeting
     -	Work with Gunn Tae on magnetized beam modeling
     -	"Problem of the Quarter" for AI Lunch Series
     -	BNL CeC meeting and slide prep for PI meeting in DC
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - BNL CeC (telecon starting up again)
     - JLEIC CCR (next approach)
     - Fine-tune ML models for SRF fault classifier in anticipation of fall run

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
  Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Attend the Accelerator R&D PI Exchange Meeting

Max Bruker

  Previous (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     -	Electron cooling theory
     -	Preparation for IMP experiment, travel paperwork
     -	Cool'19 proceedings survey
     -	Learned GPT basics to see if it could substitute CST for magnetized DC beam tracking
           - Precise modeling of equipotential surfaces seems difficult, so the space charge potential is probably inaccurate
           - Seems suitable for simple checks of magnetized optics
  Next (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     -	Look at data from previous IMP experiment
     -	Become familiar with the deficiencies of the setup

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project, and reported the progress in the storage ring cooler meeting
       - Revisited the electron top-off injection scheme for JLEIC
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting,
         attended JLEIC R&D meeting, discussed introducing computation of DK depolarization rate using Zgoubi with Radiasoft
         colleagues, attended JLEIC detector meeting, 
  Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
       - Work on updating the interaction region design
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Working on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Working with new lattice. Dr Fanglei Lin has designed new optics for two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Single and many particles tracking.
     - Understanding of bunching cavity phase and the stability based on particle tracking.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Optimization of parameters in two energy storage ring design.
     - Single and many particles tracking using new lattice.
     - Energy spread and bucket height simulation based on bunching cavity voltage.
     - Preparing a talk for Nov 22 Friday "High innovative cooler meeting".

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Nov 8)
     - Optimization of the IBS rate in the ion collider ring -IR design: modeling of the detector region in GEMC and GEANT4 -Preparation for and attendance of the EIC
       collaboration meeting     
   Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Attending APS DNP meeting
     - Preparation for JLAAC meeting
     - Preparation for EINN meeting

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8):
     - Participation in the DOE independent project review of LBNF/DUNE. Chaired the subcommittee reviewing the Beamline WBS. 
     - Completed final report for LBNF/DUNE review.
     - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in TRACK, particularly looking at longitudinal dynamics of 
       stripped lead ions after traversing a four dipole chicane.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance.
     - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in TRACK and PyORBIT.
     - Continued work on TRACK vs PyORBIT comparison for linac simulations.
     - Preparation of abstracts for IPAC20.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - CEBAF:
          - RAR reports 
          - Bteam preparation/meetings
          - AI meetings 
          - Optics for upcoming run
          - RF Pit meeting
          - Walking the beam line BSY/HALLA to reconcile with CED
          - Group meeting
     - JLEIC:
          - Beam-Beam meetings with Isurumali
          - Preparing for PI meeting
          - 4th quarter report prep for FOA        
     - OTHER
          - AWP preparations
          - Evaluations
          - SLLP meetings/prepare for presentation in november
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Complete evaluations
     - Prepare optics for startup CEBAF
     - AI workshop local organizing committee meetings

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Next step of the orbit correction - correcting the beta function distortion 
     - Investigating different multipole correction schemes.
     - Jlab contribution to the quarterly report
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Add ion quad data in to DA studies (from last week)
     - Continue to correct beta function distortion
     - Continue to investigate different Multipole corrector schemes 

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Transparent Spin Project - We completed the CASA Curve-Fitting python codes based on the least square method. Using our
       CASA Curve-Fitting we can obtain the numerical results of the spin resonance-strength, the spin field directions, the
       phases in spin resonance process, the average spin value and the amplitude Again, OPERA field maps with snakes’
       parallel (the snake currents were varied using a fitting procedure to adjust the snake axis to 0°) has been put into
       RHIC’s lattice. After precisely adjusting the total bending angle of all of the dipole magnets to sum up to 2π, we
       tried to realize the spin transparent in a simulation for the RHIC’s configuration: all of the spin components are 
       constant from turn to turn with a good numerical precision. The four different cases of misalignments was introduced
       into same RHIC lattice, the spin tracking from 1 turn to 2000 turns was carried out and the spin resonance-strength was
     - CASA Beam-Beam package - For the case β_1x^*≫σ_1x^*,β_2x^*≫σ_2x^*,  the analytical solution of the luminosity was
       derived by us. This new solution has been involved in CASA Beam-Beam package. For JLEIC Parameters and Luminosity
       Performance, we did the benchmarks. The results of our analytical solution and the numerical results are consistent.  
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
      - Continue working on EIC project

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Submitted ATLis for MultiWire testing.
     - qsUtility improvements.
     - Submitted ATLis for 6MeV matching.
     - Completed 130keV emittance measurements.
     - Discussed handing some of my non-CASA software tools back to HLA with Michele.
     - Discussed future plans for rfHealthCheck with Clyde.
     - Generated elegant layout for Injector upgrade.
     - Had a CED workspace created for the Injector upgrade
     - Setup computer with Keras and TensorFlow to start exploring ML.
     - Attended BTeam, 12GeV paper, Injector Upgrade, and AI lunch meetings. 
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Analyze 130keV emittance measurement data.
     - Continue work on assigned sections for the 12GeV PRAB paper.
     - Configure optics for the Injector upgrade elegant deck.
     - Start populating the Injector upgrade CED workspace.
     - Continue exploring ML with Keras and TensorFlow.
     - Finish QTSnyder upgrade and write ATLis for testing
     - Attend BTeam, 12GeV paper, Injector Upgrade, and AI lunch meetings. 

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)     
     - JSPEC - Updated the TWISS parameter loading function to improve the flexibility. Now the data column MUX and MUY are
       not required since they are not used in IBS calculation. TWISS parameter tables missing DY nad DPY are acceptable since
       in many cases the ring does not have vertical dispersion. I’m also adding the function of calculation and output the
       IBS contribution elememt by element to the UI. The other relatively large change in progress is revising the cooling
       rate calculation and the particle model, so that the average cooling rate for varying electron bunch can be used in the
       particle model.   
     - Beam beam effect - Help Yun Luo to set up and test the simulations using BB3D with high order map tracking or
       symplectic tracking. Find and fixed a bug in the TPSA lib which happens when all the elements are zero in a DA vector
       and caused an error in symplectic tracking using the 2nd kind of generating function.  
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8) 
     - Start working on JSPEC benchmarking with Lanzhou experimental data.
     - Finish a few changes of JSPEC

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Isotope Experiment –  Helped with adding diagnostic and connecting them to an EPICS controlled systems. Checked viewers
       needed to run to both the 1G and 1X destinations. Found issues with five of the thirteen viewers and emailed I&C the
     - Halo monitor – Had several discussions with collaborators and created an ATLis beam test plan.
     - HPWS – Repositioned the HPWS to its nominal operational angle of 45 degrees. Found that in this configuration the full
       travel cannot be reached due to a current limit setting. Increasing this setting can damage the linear motors. Added a
       pneumatic cylinder and an air regulator to the HPWS. Set the regulator to move the stage to the center of travel. With
       this addition the full range of the stage can now be reached. 
       AWP – Completed the AWP for two projects.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Prepare for a two day run to the 1G dump.
     - Halo monitor – Conduct the Halo Monitor experiment in the LERF

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Submitted proposal for change of SOW for the Cooling FOA for IMP work
     - Prepared quarterly report for Strong Cooling FOA project
     - Prepared budget for isotope project quarterly and assist PI in submitting the report.
     - Prepared and gave talk on LERF Activities at the JLAAC meeting.
     - Set up seminars by Chris Tennant, Pavel Chevtsov, and Michael Famiano
     - Discussed non-beam hazards and Lock,Tag&Try issues with Laser Safety personnel. 
     - Reviewed Class 3R laser status int he LERF and disabled several unused lasers.
     - Reviewed Isotope program and run plans with Operations Staff
     - Prepared AWPs for Cooling FOA project and Isotope production program.
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF
     - Submit papers for ERL workshop
     - Assist in run to the 1G dump with CW beam.
     - Work on punch list items for the Isotope ERR
     - Get kicker coils for RF merge test completed
     - Prepare slides for and the attend the NP Accelerator R&D PI Exchange meeting in Gaithersburg MD. 

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)