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Dec 5 2019 Report - Nov 25 - Dec 20 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning/writing
     - MGMT Continue annual appraisals, AWP updates
     - JLEIC planning and organization, cooling studies
     - JACOW Team meeting preparations
     - IPAC'20 SPC/3 preparations, absract submissions
     - OPS CEBAF startup support
     - ODU PHYS854 teaching (with Geoff Krafft)
     - Madison Accelerator Lab annual telecon (Dec 2)
     - HOLIDAY (Nov 28-29, Thankgiving)
     - JACOW Team Meeting (Nov 30-Dec 7, attended remotely)
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning/writing
     - MGMT Complete annual appraisals, AWP updates
     - JLEIC planning and organization, transfer line start
     - JLEIC ICR BPM start evaluation, calculations
     - JACOW Post-Team Meeting info transfer to new Directors
     - IPAC'20 SPC/3 preparations, abstract QA/reclassification
     - OPS CEBAF ops support, Hall D procedures development
     - ODU PHYS854 final exam (with Geoff Krafft)
     - VACATION (Dec 19-20)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6) 
     - Lectures/Homework for USPAS’20
     -	PRAB article review
     -	Thanksgiving
     -	Optimized Spr/Rec design for the LHeC ERL
     -	Invention  disclosures review
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Lectures for USPAS’20
     -	PERLE magnet specs, field quality 
     -	CESR hardbend specs and drawings
     -	Vacation

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Coordinate presentations for the next JLEIC impedance meeting
     - Write and submitted 3 abstracts for IPAC20
     - Continue with my analysis on the spectra of uneven bunch distribution pattern
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20) 
     - Organize JLEIC impedance meeting on 11/11
     - Finish writing up the technote on spectra for uneven bunch fill
     - Write abstracts for IPAC 2020
     - Continue my understanding of coupled bunch instability and feedback systems
     - Organize the impedance meeting in December

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - I will be on extended medical leave
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - I will be on extended medical leave
     - I will put a little bit of time in to update my pre-proposal for for the DOE Early Career Award.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Thanksgiving break
     - Continue with PRAB draft
     - Found issues with tsfresh and have begun recomputing features (time consuming!) for SRF fault classifier models
     - Meeting with individuals and as group for identifying AI projects in Accelerator Division
     - SBIR Phase II coordination with RadiaSoft (meeting with J. Edelen, Kelly Webster, Deborah Dowd, budgets, letter of support, etc.)
     - Prep for LDRD Postdoc interviews
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Follow-up meeting to identify AI opportunities in Accelerator Division (in preparation for DOE presentation next month)
     - Telecon about a proposal to NSF for a AI Research Institute funds
     - Meeting with CNU about mobile (robot-based) diagnostic
     - Presentation at AI Lunch Series on "Problem of the Quarter 02" solution
     -	LDRD Postdoc candidate interviews (3)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Thanksgiving break
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     -	Preparations for IMP experiment
          - Improved dithering data analysis
          - Set up tools for Schottky spectrum analysis
  Next (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     -	Perform IMP experiment or help remotely
     -	Vacation until end of year

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Revisited the electron top-off injection scheme for JLEIC and reported in the JLEIC RD meeting
       - Preparing the teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Attended the JLEIC weekly meeting and presented an overview of JLEIC polarization design
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC R&D
         meeting, attended JLEIC weekly meeting, attended a meeting for the Spin@USPAS class, attended the JLEIC transient beam loading    
         meeting, attended the JLEIC IR machine detector interface assessment meeting
  Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
       - Evaluate the IR design for various electron energies
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Work on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Prepare and submit abstracts to IPAC2020

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Working on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Working with new lattice. Dr Fanglei Lin has designed new optics for two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Single and many particles tracking.
     - Understanding of bunching cavity phase and the stability based on particle tracking.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Optimization of parameters in two energy storage ring design.
     - Single and many particles tracking using new lattice.
     - Energy spread and bucket height simulation based on bunching cavity voltage.
     - Preparing a talk for Nov 22 Friday "High innovative cooler meeting".

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Attended EINN'19 and gave a presentation on the JLEIC and eRHIC designs
     - Attended the PI exchange meeting and presented the status of the transparent spin test project
     - Preparation for a trip to CERN to work on analysis of the SPS crab cavity test data 
     - Optimization of the IBS rate in the JLEIC ion collider ring, meeting with V. Lebedev
     - Exploration of the chromaticity compensation options and magnet requirements in an IBS optimized ion collider ring lattice
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Work at CERN on the crab cavity test data analysis
     - Continue exploration of the chromaticity compensation options and magnet requirements in an IBS optimized ion collider ring lattice 
     - Spin tracking for the transparent spin experiment
     - Preparation for the EICUG Yellow Reports - Kick-off Meeting

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8):
     - Participation in the DOE independent project review of LBNF/DUNE. Chaired the subcommittee reviewing the Beamline WBS. 
     - Completed final report for LBNF/DUNE review.
     - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in TRACK, particularly looking at longitudinal dynamics of stripped lead ions after
       traversing a four dipole chicane.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance.
     - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in TRACK and PyORBIT.
     - Continued work on TRACK vs PyORBIT comparison for linac simulations.
     - Preparation of abstracts for IPAC20.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - CEBAF:
          - Bteam preparation/meetings
          - Preparing and investigating alternate schemes for reduced linac gradients
          - Schedule and coordination for startup
     - JLEIC:
          - FOA PI meeting at DOE
          - Re-scoping of FOA
          - Meeting with student every week
          - Meeting with CNU prof and JLab operations for use of drones in tunnel (AI)
          - Organizing committee for AI workshop    
     - OTHER
          - Preparing lecture for SPIN2020 school. Initial gathering and writing of agenda
   Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - SLLP training in Chicago
     - Machine startup

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Next step of the orbit correction - correcting the beta function distortion 
     - Investigating different multipole correction schemes.
     - Jlab contribution to the quarterly report
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Continue to correct beta distortion
     - Continue different multipole correction schemes

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Transparent Spin Projet - In order to test the theoretical prediction, we introduced different cases of misalignments in RHIC lattice 
       configuration and we obtained the spin field direction and the resonance strength by fitting the data to offset spin curves. The 
       obtained resonance strength was consistent with the theoretical prediction. The spin field was close to horizontal as expected. We plan
       to report these results on IPAC2000.
     - CASA Beam-Beam package - In order to generate or deal with users’ own data for different phase definitions, we completed a Python code
       and added it into CASA Beam-Beam package. We revised BeamBeam3D (BB3D) so that BB3D can track all detail changes of a particle phase-
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
      - Continue working on EIC project

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Edited the script to output 6-D coordinates of a specific particle.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Calculation of Lyapunov exponent using the data obtained from BB3D simulations.

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Worked with Alicia to reconcile Injector upgrade elegant deck with GPT model.
     - Progress on QTSnyder upgrade for RHEL7.
     - Injector matching for the various energy options for the upcoming run.
     - Performed some myself and provided assistance to the crews over the weekend.
     - Gathered sources for 12GeV PRAB paper.
     - Attended BTeam, Injector Upgrade, AI lunch, 12GeV PRAB meetings.
     - Attended AI Projects for Accelerator Division meeting; proposed using ML for finding unstable SRF cavities in CEBAF. 
     - Addressed OPS-PRs for problems with high-level apps discovered during startup.
     - Continued exploring ML with Keras and TensorFlow.
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Assist with CEBAF startup as needed.
     - Address OPS-PRs generated during startup.
     - Finish QTSnyder upgrade and write ATLis for testing.
     - Continue work on Injector upgrade elegant deck.
     - Continue work on assigned sections of the 12GeV PRAB paper.
     - Attend BTeam, Injector Upgrade, AI lunch, 12GeV PRAB meetings.
     - Continue exploring ML with Keras and TensorFlow.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)     
     - JSPEC - Refactoring the electron cooling rate calculation. Haven’t finished.     
     - Other - Reviewed an SBIR proposal for DOE. 
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6) 
     - Vacation most of the time. 
     - Finish refactor electron cooling rate calculation. Revisit the particle model and the turn-by-turn model. Make sure they work well. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Prepare for a two day run to the 1G dump. Worked with I&C to fix problems with viewers. Created a test setup for 
       the LERF Cameras. These cameras can now be set correctly (gain, black level, sharpness and gamma) as well as verified to work on the 
     - Halo monitor – Run delayed a week.
     - HPWS – Printed a pneumatic cylinder holder for the air balancer. It and the cylinder was installed and tested.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Help with the two day run to the 1G dump.
     - Halo monitor – Conduct the Halo Monitor experiment in the LERF.
     - DPIT – Discuss the future of the LERF Video system

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Submitted Test plans for 1G run
     - Reviewed PRAB paper
     - Completed punch list items for Isotope ERR
     - Hosted three seminars
     - Completed review of Compton Gamma Source paper
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Get kicker coils for RF merge test completed
     - Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF
     - Review SBIR
     - Assist in run to the 1G dump with CW beam.

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Lost a fair amount of time due to (very) minor surgery, pre-op and post-op visits, etc.  I will survive!  
     - On November 12, I attended a VNECA meeting on Richmond to approve the draft annual report (I sent a copy to Stuart, Andrei and Todd).  
       We are moving forward on closing out the Isotope ERR items; we will have had two meetings on this as well as a lot of behind the scenes
     - I discussed with Doug Wells, our isotope collaborator at NMT, a new FOA for Isotopes which is only available to Universities.  It was 
       agreed that NMT would take the lead on this.  I discussed this with Stuart and got his blessing to proceed.  Our part would be
       irradiating targets prepared at NMT, which would then be shipped offsite to VCU for separation.  Chemists from NMT would participate in
       the separation.  We also discussed the follow-on Isotope FOA that currently funds us; Doug will develop a short list of isotopes that we
       could address, and we would then discuss this list with Ethan Balkin, DOE-ONP Isotope Program Manager, to gauge the level of interest.
       We expect this FOA to come out in July 2020.  
     - I developed and presented my idea for asynchronous electron cooling for JLEIC.  I now don’t think this is the best solution, but I was
       pleased to generate discussion that hopefully will lead to improved understanding of the cooling process.  
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - We hope to have CW beam to the 1G dump (credit to Kevin, Steve and Joe).  I also hope to be able to submit demonstration that we have
       met all of the ERR items and receive beam authorization for the first 1kW isotope irradiation.  
     - On December 3, i (and Todd) will be on a conference call to advise the Madison Accelerator Lab.  
     - I will continue to look at improving the JLEIC cooling.