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Dec 5 2019 Report - Nov 25 - Dec 20 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning/writing
     - MGMT Continue annual appraisals, AWP updates
     - JLEIC planning and organization, cooling studies
     - JACOW Team meeting preparations
     - IPAC'20 SPC/3 preparations, absract submissions
     - OPS CEBAF startup support
     - ODU PHYS854 teaching (with Geoff Krafft)
     - Madison Accelerator Lab annual telecon (Dec 2)
     - HOLIDAY (Nov 28-29, Thankgiving)
     - JACOW Team Meeting (Nov 30-Dec 7, attended remotely)
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB paper planning/writing
     - MGMT Complete annual appraisals, AWP updates
     - JLEIC planning and organization, transfer line start
     - JLEIC ICR BPM start evaluation, calculations
     - JACOW Post-Team Meeting info transfer to new Directors
     - IPAC'20 SPC/3 preparations, abstract QA/reclassification
     - OPS CEBAF ops support, Hall D procedures development
     - ODU PHYS854 final exam (with Geoff Krafft)
     - VACATION (Dec 19-20)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6) 
     - Lectures/Homework for USPAS’20
     -	PRAB article review
     -	Thanksgiving
     -	Optimized Spr/Rec design for the LHeC ERL
     -	Invention  disclosures review
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Lectures for USPAS’20
     -	PERLE magnet specs, field quality 
     -	CESR hardbend specs and drawings
     -	Vacation

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Coordinate presentations for the next JLEIC impedance meeting
     - Write and submitted 3 abstracts for IPAC20
     - Continue with my analysis on the spectra of uneven bunch distribution pattern
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20) 
     - Organize JLEIC impedance meeting on 11/11
     - Finish writing up the technote on spectra for uneven bunch fill
     - Write abstracts for IPAC 2020
     - Continue my understanding of coupled bunch instability and feedback systems
     - Organize the impedance meeting in December

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - I will be on extended medical leave
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - I will be on extended medical leave
     - I will put a little bit of time in to update my pre-proposal for for the DOE Early Career Award.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Thanksgiving break
     - Continue with PRAB draft
     - Found issues with tsfresh and have begun recomputing features (time consuming!) for SRF fault classifier models
     - Meeting with individuals and as group for identifying AI projects in Accelerator Division
     - SBIR Phase II coordination with RadiaSoft (meeting with J. Edelen, Kelly Webster, Deborah Dowd, budgets, letter of support, etc.)
     - Prep for LDRD Postdoc interviews
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Follow-up meeting to identify AI opportunities in Accelerator Division (in preparation for DOE presentation next month)
     - Telecon about a proposal to NSF for a AI Research Institute funds
     - Meeting with CNU about mobile (robot-based) diagnostic
     - Presentation at AI Lunch Series on "Problem of the Quarter 02" solution
     -	LDRD Postdoc candidate interviews (3)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Thanksgiving break
  Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     -	Preparations for IMP experiment
          - Improved dithering data analysis
          - Set up tools for Schottky spectrum analysis
  Next (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     -	Perform IMP experiment or help remotely
     -	Vacation until end of year

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Revisited the electron top-off injection scheme for JLEIC and reported in the JLEIC RD meeting
       - Preparing the teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Attended the JLEIC weekly meeting and presented an overview of JLEIC polarization design
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC R&D
         meeting, attended JLEIC weekly meeting, attended a meeting for the Spin@USPAS class, attended the JLEIC transient beam loading    
         meeting, attended the JLEIC IR machine detector interface assessment meeting
  Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
       - Evaluate the IR design for various electron energies
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Work on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Prepare and submit abstracts to IPAC2020

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8)
     - Working on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Single and many particles tracking.
     - Understanding why particles get lost after few turns. Elegant simulation shows that transverse co-ordinates keep growing drastically and
       finally particle gets lost. M. Borland suggestion : \ Try to modify the lattice so that the phase advance from the decelerating cavity 
       to the accelerating cavity is n*2*pi, while avoiding total tunes close to integer or half-integer values."
     - Presented the update on \ Two Energy Storage Ring Cooler" in \ High Innovative Cooling " meeting at CASA on Dec 06, 2019.
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Modifcation of lattice to adjust the phase advance from the decelerating cavity to the accelerating cavity to be exactly 2*n*pi(Fanglei
       mentioned that she has already done this for electron storage ring and she is going to apply the same technique for a two energy storage
     - Single and many particles tracking using new lattice after the lattice optimization / after the adjustment of phase advance between the
     - Stability in two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Radiation damping study.

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     -Attended the EIC Ion Collider Research and Development Project (11/16 - 11/30/19)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     -Attended the EICUG Yellow Reports - Kick-off Meeting (12/11 - 12/13/19)

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6):
     - Submission of abstracts for presentation at IPAC2020 on H- intrabeam stripping estimates and stripping chicane design for the JLEIC ion
     - Work on the DTL portion of the linac in PyORBIT.
     - Discussions on longitudinal Schottky signal analysis for the upcoming bunched beam cooling experiments.
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Participation in the DOE Independent Project Review of Mu2e at Fermilab.
     - Offline Schottky signal analysis as necessary for the upcoming bunched beam cooling experiments.
     - Continued work on getting the DTL portion of the ion linac working in PyORBIT.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - CEBAF:
     - JLEIC:
     - OTHER
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Continue working on EIC project
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Attended Accelerator AI projects meeting.
     - Addressed High Level Apps OPS-PRs generated during ops
         - eDT
         - DogCalc
         - QTSnyder
         - ArcSteer
     - Discussed with Tief a new RF cresting method using SLMs.
         - AIPINJ
             - Reconciled elegant deck with Alicia's GPT model.
     - 12GeV PRAB
         - Revised Optics Tuning section.
         - Completed first draft of Pathlength section.
     - Continued QTSnyder upgrade.
     - Attended BTeam, Injector Upgrade Modeling, AI Lunch meetings.
     - Took a few sick days for doctor appointments and such.
   Next two weeks (Dec 6 - Dec 20)
     - Provide Optics On-Call support through the end of the run.
     - Begin working with Tief on new cresting method with SLM.
     - Finish QTSnyder upgrade and write ATLis for testing.
     - Continue work on Injector upgrade elegant deck.
     - Continue work on assigned sections of the 12GeV PRAB paper.
     - Attend BTeam, Injector Upgrade, AI lunch, 12GeV PRAB meetings.
     - Continue exploring ML with Keras and TensorFlow, particularly for use at CEBAF.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)     
     - Vacation most of the time.   
     - Submitted an abstract to IPAC’20 
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20) 
     - Finish refactor electron cooling rate calculation. Revisit the particle model and the turn-by-turn model. Make sure they work well. 
       Based on the turn-by-turn model, work on the simulations of sweeping effect and cooling with shifted electron beam for better cooling 
       on the edge of the ion beam.  

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Prepare for a two day run to the 1G dump. Worked with I&C to fix problems with viewers. Created a test setup for 
       the LERF Cameras. These cameras can now be set correctly (gain, black level, sharpness and gamma) as well as verified to work on the 
     - Halo monitor – Run delayed a week.
     - HPWS – Printed a pneumatic cylinder holder for the air balancer. It and the cylinder was installed and tested.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Help with the two day run to the 1G dump.
     - Halo monitor – Conduct the Halo Monitor experiment in the LERF.
     - DPIT – Discuss the future of the LERF Video system

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Assisted in run to the 1G dump with CW beam. Unfortunately we could not run beam.
     -	Reviewed SBIR
     - Reviewed IPAC 2020 abstracts
     -	Looked over new Phase II SBIRs
     - Met with diagnostics team to derive a plan for replacing the beam-a-nizer frame grabber at the LERF
     -	Met with the magnet group and came up with a strategy for the kicker coils for RF merge test
     -	Continued gathering documents for the ERR punch list
     -	Planned for another run to the 1G dump
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Assist with the run to the 1G dump
     -	Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF
     -	Host Michael Famiano for Acc. seminar (with Joe Grames)
     -	Move excess equipment out of the LERF

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - We hope to have CW beam to the 1G dump (credit to Kevin, Steve and Joe).  I also hope to be able to submit demonstration that we have
       met all of the ERR items and receive beam authorization for the first 1kW isotope irradiation.  
     - On December 3, i (and Todd) will be on a conference call to advise the Madison Accelerator Lab.  
     - I will continue to look at improving the JLEIC cooling.  
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)