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Jan 16 2020 Report - Jan 6 - Jan 31 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17) 
     - Invention disclosures - review
     -	Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
     -	Machine support 
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	CEBAF ER chicane config. with Cornell’s magnets

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Working on writing up the technote on uneven bunch spectra
     - Study literature about impact of uneven bunch fill on coupled bunch instability behavior
     - Schedule and planning for the next JLEIC impedance meeting
     - Continue to participate ALS-U impedance meeting
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31) 
     - Finishing up with the uneven bunch spectra technote by adding plots from Mathematica
     - Understanding effect of uneven bunch fill on coupled bunch instabilities
     - Understanding scaling of impedance on aperture size

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - I have been working to document the upcoming DODGE  experiment
     - Discussing the strategy for COMBINE with Jean and Geoff attending meetings about the future of our EIC work
     - Working as optics on call
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - I will finish my DODGE preparations
     - Work on the design for COMBINE, it needs some tweaking and updated cost projections.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Visit to CNU robotics lab
     - Follow-up meetings for "AI in Accelerator Division" talk
     - Meeting with Communications staff about AI at JLab
     - Generate content for AI landing page
     - Work with Daniel Lersch on generating quarterly problem for AI Lunch Series
     - Checking performance of online fault classifier models
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Prep and give presentation on AI at Jefferson Lab at DOE telecon
     - Accelerator Production Systems Engineering: meetings and contributing to draft white paper
     - AI for NP Workshop: work on pre-workshop "hackathon"
     - Host Lasitha for day visit to the lab
     - Re-train ML models for SRF fault classification using new training data set (with more fault classes)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
  Next (Jan 20 - Jan 31)

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)
     - Learning python and data science with python. Took some online courses on python.
     - Preparing slides on ` beam cooling ' for coming USPAS .
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Working with stability in a two energy storage ring cooler with ` Radiation on'.
     - Working on generalized formula for stability in a two - energy storage ring cooler.
     - Going to USPAS ( Jan 13 - Jan 24) San Diego, CA as a TA for "Accelerator Physics".

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     -Attended the EIC Ion Collider Research and Development Project (11/16 - 11/30/19)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     -Attended the EICUG Yellow Reports - Kick-off Meeting (12/11 - 12/13/19)

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3):
     - Preparing Early Career Award pre-proposal for submission.
     - DTL phase optimization in H- ion linac in TRACK.
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Continued work on getting the DTL portion of the ion linac working in PyORBIT.
     - Schottky signal analysis for latest IMP experiment as necessary.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - CEBAF:
     - JLEIC:
     - OTHER
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Continue working on EIC project
   Next two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - AIPINJ
        - Emittance measurment simulations
        - Optics corrections for various wien filter settings
        - Beam size requirements
        - Generated wien filter matrices for 200keV gun voltage
        - Started on a tool for performing solenoid scans
        - Modified the elegant deck to reflect recent design changes
     - HLA
        - eDT vs. Hall B momentum in CED
        - Changes to eDT for more accurate conversion to control system units
        - New version of QTSnyder ready for testing with beam
        - Implemented a fix in QTSnyder to catch invalid segment selections from Fopt.
        - MultiWire emittance tool ready for testing with beam
        - Helped with documenting RF software
        - Agreed to take over Fopt as primary maintainer and Phaser as secondary from Chris Slominski
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Searched for and found references for the FFB/locks section
     - Completed training as it came up.
     - Completed Property Validation.
     - Attended BTeam, 12GeV PRAB, AIPINJ, AI Lunch meetings.
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - AIPINJ
        - Complete solenoid scan tool.
        - More emittance measurement simulations: take wien filter apertures into account.
        - Import fieldmaps into the elegant deck as they become available.
        - Import the elegant deck into CED InjUpgrade workspace.
     - HLA
        - Test QTSnyder and MultiWire with beam as Beam Studies time permits.
        - Meet with Chris Slominski to discuss Fopt and Phaser.
        - Address OPS-PRs as they arise.
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Complete draft of FFB/locks section.
     - Provide input to Chris Tennant for the DOE AI/NP telecon later this month.
     - Provide Optics On-Call support as scheduled.
     - Attend BTeam, AIPINJ, 12GeV PRAB meetings.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)     
     - Revised JSPEC for better management of the code. 
     - Calculated the IBS rate for new lattices from Vasiliy.
     - Ao Liu, A scientist from Euclid Techlab, want to apply for an SBIR project on space charge effects and he wish Ji Qiang and I can join.
       Discussed with them and helped to write an LOI. 
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17) 
     - FOA Quarterly report.
     - Set up turn-by-turn tracking for IMP experiment and ion beam edge cooling. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)
     - Isotope Experiment – Helped with the two day run to the 1G dump.
     - Halo monitor – Conducted the Halo Monitor experiment in the LERF.
     - ARDDOT – Was able to install and run the Beamenizer on a Windows 10 machine.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Help with the two day run to the 1X line.
     - ARDDOT – Start work on the other CEBAF SLMs

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Assisted in run to the 1G dump with CW beam. Unfortunately we could not run beam.
     -	Reviewed SBIR
     - Reviewed IPAC 2020 abstracts
     -	Looked over new Phase II SBIRs
     - Met with diagnostics team to derive a plan for replacing the beam-a-nizer frame grabber at the LERF
     -	Met with the magnet group and came up with a strategy for the kicker coils for RF merge test
     -	Continued gathering documents for the ERR punch list
     -	Planned for another run to the 1G dump
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Assist with the run to the 1G dump
     -	Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF
     -	Host Michael Famiano for Acc. seminar (with Joe Grames)
     -	Move excess equipment out of the LERF

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - The last two weeks have been mostly spent on AccApp 2020, preparing before I left for Vienna as well as the Program Committee itself.     
       One upside, I have an invited oral on Isotope production.  
     - We are finalizing the preparations for the first irradiation (mostly Steve and Kevin).  
   Next two weeks Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - I leave for Vienna on January 9, returning on January 16, but will not come to the lab on January 17.
     - This week, I need to complete the Isotope quarterly report for the DOE, due Friday.  
     - Next week, we will commission the target beam,one, with the first irradiation hopefully the following week.  
     - There is also movement on the Straight Merger test at the ANL-AWA.  Ware preparing the coils for the cavity that is installed at the 
       AWA. Sarah is heading up this effort.