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March 5 2020 Report - Feb 17 - Mar 13 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB writing/meets, group move planning
     - MGMT Group meet (Feb 19), Stand-down (Feb 26), LMBB
     - EIC Meetings, BNL work planning, parameter review
     - OPS Optics on-call (through Feb 25), Hall D raster optics
     - VACATION (Feb 27)
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - ADMIN 12 GeV PRAB writing/meets, group move planning, PRAB review
     - MGMT Stand-down notes, JSA monthly, training updates
     - MGMT AI for NP workshop
     - EIC Meetings, BNL work/resource planning, parameter review
     - OPS UITF tour, start CASA involvement; positron beams meet
     - OPS CEBAF high current, diagnostics support planning
     - OPS KLF discussions, proposal contribution
     - ODU/SBIR Prep Sunil Pokharel for Xelera SBIR, grad student review
     - IPAC Light peer review assistance (Peter McIntosh)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28) 
     - Machine support 
     -	Preparing  for Graduate Student Progress Review 
     -	Exploring Cornell’s magnets for ER@CEBAF
     -	Selection of REU 2020 Summer students 
     -	Exploring Jupyter Notebook for USPAS course on Practical Lattice Design
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Machine support 
     -	Conducting Graduate Student Progress Review 
     -	'First cut' chicane layout with Cornell’s magnets
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	TRC invention disclosure review

'Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28) On Leave
     - Participate in bnl/jlab remote meetings
     - Participate in ALS-U remote impedance meetings
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13) Work at home 
     - Read over collective effect studies in the eRHIC design
     - Email discussions with fellow EIC task force members of EIC, Mike Blaskiewicz and Alexei Blednykh, on status
       of instability and impedance in the EIC design
     - Read over BNL impedance calculation results for EIC
     - Participate remote impedance meeting for EIC
     - Participate remote impedance meeting for ALS-U 
     - Email discussion of EIC impedance results with JLAB colleague Frank Marhauser and Bob Rimmer
     - Study Frank's impedance results for corrugated beam pipe

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - I was mainly working as Program Deputy in OPS
     - I was also off for 2 days
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - I've spent some time with administrative issues
     - I sat in on Beam studies
     - I will be working on both getting ready for DODGE in May as well as my IPAC contributions

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - Preparation for AI Hackathon
     - Co-review ML/MOGA paper (with Alicia)
     - Development/meeting for JLab AI webpage
     - RF classifier model development
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Attend and participate in "AI for Nuclear Physics" Workshop 
     - CAS Seminar prep
     - RF classifier model development
     - working on RL problem for lunch series

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - All data sets have been looked at, including dithering.
     -	At the frequencies that have been tried so far, triangle-wave dithering does not do what you'd think. In
       terms of overall sigma of the bunches, the cooling properties are similar, but the beam loss is egregious.
       The physical reason is understood by handwaving at best, and further experiments are warranted (to be carried
       out by someone else, presumably)
     -	There was an error in the square-wave dithering experiment that resulted in half the electron bunches 
       missing. So what we have is basically a statically displaced bunch with half the duty cycle. As might be
       expected, the core overcooling effect is strongly reduced, but the cooling rate is also low (in part because
       of the low duty cycle) and beam loss is high.
     -	In all dithering experiments, the synchrotron sidebands in the beam spectrum light up like a Christmas tree
       as a result of cooling. There also seem to be additional modulation sidebands of unclear origin. It looks
       like there may be some kind of microbunching going on. This is where the experiment could start being 
     -	This observation has led us to switch to a more accurate transfer impedance model for the BPM as opposed to
       naive integration to transform BPM voltage into beam current. There is a ton of high-frequency content in the
       BPM signal of the cooled bunches, and taking into account that the transfer impedance becomes real at some
       intermediate frequency, you can actually see a massive distortion of the bunches on short timescales as a
       result of dithered cooling.
  Next (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Hopefully finalize analysis, reach consistency, perform somewhat decent visualization of results. Prepare 
       seminar talk to present all this stuff on March 12.
     -	We are currently aiming for a PRST publication limited to the boring results. If we can get the transverse
       data remeasured, it'll be more consistent, but we can make do with what we have if needed. It depends on the
       availability of IMP folks that has been limited by the recent pandemic.
     -	Unfortunately, it seems that the dithering stuff is not understood well enough with the current data to 
       warrant inclusion in this publication. We are unlikely to get enough beam time to make a more meaningful
       measurement at this point.

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Worked on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Studying eRHIC design and participated in the discussion of EIC task forces
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended meetings for the Spin@USPAS class,
         attended the EIC accelerator design team meeting
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Work on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Study eRHIC design and prepare for the contribution to the design of EIC

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - I got student grant to participate in AccApp20 conference which was supposed to held in Vienna, Austria from
       April 05 - 09, Vienna, Austria.
     - I was busy for visa application process and I got a visa to attend the conference.
     - Understanding damping time and IBS time in a two-energy storage ring.
     - Target Operator training at Hall C, Hall C walk-through training.
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Calculating damping and IBS time.
     - Participating JLab hack-athon and AI workshop.
     - Canceling all reservation which was made for AccApp20, Now AppAcc20 is offcially canceled.
     - Working intensely in a two-energy storage ring project.
     - Acknowledgement: Thanks to Dr Vasiliy Morozov who has greatly helped us every time. He is very smart to
       figure out the problems with solutions.

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - Resubmitted a PRL article on spin transparency
     - Planning of collaborative work with BNL
     - Work on detector solenoid integration
     - Work on two-energy storage ring cooler
     - Spin tracking for the transparent spin experiment
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Preparation of a PRAB paper on spin response function
     - Work on detector solenoid compensation
     - Spin tracking simulations 
     - Work on beam-beam modeling
     - Work on crabbing dynamics

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - H- intrabeam stripping estimate in JLEIC ion linac using PyORBIT. Cleaning up of the lattice model used by M.
       Clyburn to split the superconducting RF cavities to incorporate three gaps versus a single gap per cell.
       Calculations of the H- intrabeam stripping cross-section as a function of the relative beam velocity. First
       pass at calculating the fractional beam loss as a function of linac length.
     - Longitudinal Schottky signal analysis for the IMP cooling experiment including dithered electron beam data.
       Dithering the electron beam by 100 - 1000 Hz at different electron and ion bunch lengths generated more
       sidebands in the cooling process that persist even in the later stages of the cooling duration. Additional
       satellites at the dithering frequency are sometimes seen in the spectra, but not for every parameter set, so
       conclusions on general behavior are difficult to make. Focus will be on the fixed frequency data for the
       resultant publication.
     - Discussions with A. Hutton and Y. Derbenev on new electron EDM experiment concepts.
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Participation in the AI for Nuclear Physics workshop.
     - Continued work on the H- intrabeam stripping estimates.
     - More discussions on electron EDM.
     - Completing Radworker 1 training.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - IPAC papers 
     - Multipole correction for jelic icr (not converging probably due to too many correctors?)
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - IPAC papers 
     - Multipole correction for jleic icr 
     - Looking at EIC detector solenoid compensation

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - CASA Beam-Beam package - We are working on revising Lie-operator code part of CASA Beam-Beam package, the
       part will record the details of “slice-slice” kick which acts on the 6 phase space coordinates at s=0(the IP)
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Continue working on revising CASA Beam-Beam package.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - AIPINJ
        - Yet another layout update
        - Got input Twiss and solenoid setpoints from Alicia's GPT model.
        - Got QW fieldmaps from Jay and imported into elegant deck; verified the generic KQUAD models are not far
        - Rematched with QWs and new input Twiss for all the wien configurations; sent required QW setpoints to Jay
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Completed draft of Beam Locks section
     - 'AI
        - Gathered RF data from MYA for model training
     - Optics On-Call
        - Was called in to assist with Injector rematch after Wien flip
     - Safety Stand Down
     - Attended CASA, BTeam, AIPINJ, AI Lunch meetings
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - AIPINJ
        - Layout up to chopper should be finalized soon; get floor coordinates to S&A once it's finalized.
        -  Get FX/FY fieldmaps from Jay to compare settings from elegant vs GPT.
        -Figure out how to include Wien filter field maps into elegant, perhaps using Astra as an intermediate.
     - UITF tour
     - AI for NP workshop
        - Lots of things to look up and learn about
     - Work with Brian Freeman and Tief on SLM emittance measurements
     - Perhaps ressurect efforts on rayTrace
     - Test QTSnyder and MultiWire if Beam Studies time becomes available.
     - Attend CASA, BTeam, 12GeV PRAB, AIPINJ, AI Lunch meetings.
     - Secondary Optics On-Call

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)     
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13) 


Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
  Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Travel: 2/28 - 3/8 - IBIC 2020 PC Meeting 

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - Isotope Experiment – Reinstalled the camera that images the alignment target after another RADCON mock
       run. Prepare for next week run.
     - Halo monitor – The missing $27k was returned to Radiabeam. They have asked guidance on how to wire the
       funds to us but nobody seems to be helping them. Not sure we will ever see it.
       routine code and the funds went to the State Department instead of DOE.
     - ARDDOT – Preparing an installation manual for the CEBAF Viewer replacement. Took sometime this week to
       clean up Lab 2 after quarterly safety walk through remarks.
     - HPWS - Had some meetings to decide on functionality of the controls and GUI.
     - Safety - Had the Quarterly as well as the Monthly Saftey LERF inspection. Housekeeping and low
       illumination was the only concern. Housekeeping was remedied and FM is working the lights.
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - HPWS – Design a test setup to pulse a diode laser that simulates the electron beam. This will allow us
       to test the scanner’s acquisition in pulsed mode. 
     - ARDDOT – Continue working with Zemax. Start working on a couple of different optical designs that will
       allow the cameras on the CEBAF SLMs to be in a lower radiation environment. The current beam setup in CEBAF
       allows for much higher production of radiation at the detriment of the electronics in the tunnel.
     - Isotope Experiment - Support 1kW run.

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - Assist in the isotope line commissioning run but administrative limit error cancelled production run.
     -	Hosted seminar by Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
     -	Worked on setting up task forces for EIC at BNL
     -	Prepared for an attended the final CBETA review. Wrote up report for it.
     -	Analyzed Straight-merger coil magnet measurement data and signed off on shipping them to ANL
    -	Assisted William and Mary Property staff to find W&M property in the LERF
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - Assist in commissioning run and production isotope run the week of March 9
     -	Host seminar by Ying Wu.
     -	Set up simulations of EIC cooling
     -	Send Straight merger coils to ANL

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Feb 17 - Feb 28)
     - EIC, participated in some meetings, I am unimpressed!  I also have been advising Yuhong about a different
       parameter set with more, smaller bunches.      
   Next two weeks (Mar 2 - Mar 13)
     - EIC, Michelle Shin and Manouchehr were visiting today and Mike Spata told them about my proposal to change
       frequency to 800 MHz.  I met them both at lunchtime so I got the chance to do a sales pitch.  They were
       receptive - particularly with regard to ONP being the contact for the future CERN SRF, not HEP!  So when
       there is an explosion from BNL about DOE knowing about the frequency change proposal, it wasn’t me!  I 
       attended a video conference on SRF where the enormous problems caused by the few, big bunches were discussed.
       I think they would be very receptive to a change in the operating mode that distributed the charge more 
     - Isotope preparations continue.  We heard today that Jamal will not be able to accept the crucible until his
       new lab is set up - and we have no date for that.  I am maintaining the 1 kW run and will move ahead to use
       the data to prepare for a 5 kW run, perhaps sometime in April.  
     - I participated in VNECA which is now focusing on generating a strategic plan for nuclear energy in Virginia.
       I can’t participate in preparing the plan, but they would welcome someone from JLab.  
     - I am in the process of canceling my trip to AccApp 2020.  A clear instruction from DOE forbidding foreign
       travel would be most helpful in getting reimbursements.  
     - I signed up for HPI training next week - did you know it is two mornings, 2 1/2 hours each?