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April 2 2020 Report - Mar 16 - Apr 10
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Second iteration on chicane layout, per input from Chase - SBIR proposal review - Paper on neutrino decay ring design - Jupyter Notebook examples for USPAS course on Practical Lattice Design. Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Attend Muon Collider Mtg. at CERN 3/31-4/2 - Multi-pass linac optics for the LHeC ERL - Revisiting UITF beam-line optics - Exploring Jupyter Notebook examples
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Meetings/editing/prep/presentations for AI FOA - Meetings/writing/editing/begging for letters for Accelerator Stewardship FOA with CNU - Meetings/prep/discussion AI Lunch Series - "Attended" several sessions of NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference - Analysis of ML model performance on CEBAF data (prior to MEDCON6) Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Finalize and submit Accelerator Stewardship FOA - Meetings/editing/prep/presentations for AI FOA - Meetings/editing/prep for LDRD - Outline/draft of peer-reviewed paper for SRF Fault Classifier
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Max Bruker
Previous (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Started writing the PRAB article about the IMP experiment. Some questions are still unresolved, but the quality of the results is starting to look convincing nonetheless. - Remotely attended the first UITF training session Next (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Continue and hopefully finish my part of the article. There is not much left to do as far as the longitudinal and transverse profile data are concerned, but I'd like to understand what happens to the synchrotron frequency. Also, I'm getting the impression that nobody quite knows what our objective/conclusion is supposed to be. I hope we'll figure it out along the way. - Attend more UITF training and hopefully the communication seminar that keeps being postponed.
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Writing section for 12GeV paper - Gathering list of M56 measurements for analysis - Working on beam loss in CEBAF - Reviewing longitudinal match strategies for CEBAF - Beam prep and meetings - Beam-beam meetings with isurumali - Online class on machine learning with python - AI meetings for FOA prep. Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Cebaf ER , reviewing lattice and scripts, documenting for Peter and Gus. - Developing restart for strategy for CEBAF - More online learning /python machine learning/data mining - Beam-beam FOA, start studying effect of damping in eRHIC by comparing tracked result with bb3d result and results from Y. Hao's code - AI meetings.
Randi Gamage
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
River Huang
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - CASA Beam-Beam package - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Isurumali Neththikumara
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Dennis Turner
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - AIPINJ - - HLA - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - AIPINJ - - HLA - - AI -
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - New model added to JSPEC, which allows to use multiple electron bunches to cool one ion bunch. The electron bunches are assumed identical but placed at different positions. Kick due to the raising/falloing edge of a cylindrical electron bunch is
added into the turn-by-turn model.
- Did some calculation/simulations on eRHIC low energy cooling. Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Non-magnetic friction force formula to JSPEC. Heating effect to JSPEC. - Keep documenting JSPEC. - Perform simulation on IMP experiment if data is available.
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Isotope Experiment – - Halo monitor – - ARDDOT – - HPWS - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - HPWS – - ARDDOT – - Isotope Experiment -
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) -
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - Got RF merger coils shipped to Argonne - Set up home office and hoped shut down the LERF safely - Tracked down replacement for failed Ortec high voltage power supply - Started Low Energy Cooling meeting series with Brookhaven - Helped set up simulations of EIC cooling - Reviewed Optics Communications paper - Reviewed latest version the new LERF Operations Directive - Documented changes in the Roles and Responsibilities for the LOD for comparison between versions - Organize studies for low energy cooling on eRHIC - Set up home monitoring of LERF vacuums and coordinated with Frank Humphrey to keep them under control. Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Help to organize tutorial seminars for Accelerator Division - Derive new schedule and budget for Isotope exposure runs - Review LERF start-up procedures - Continue to develop Low Energy Cooling plan for EIC - Work on finding replacement for me on Seminar Committee.
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (Mar 16 - Mar 27) - The last two weeks have been spent trying to get used to working from home. I think I am getting there! - For the EIC, I attended two meetings of the RF team, I wasn’t much use. I did spend a fair amount of time to look into the idea of reducing the vertical emittance in the EIC proton ring, either by emittance exchange or coupling. For the emittance exchange,I am now certain that the “traditional” method of transverse-longitudinal coupling will not work for 25 GeV protons. I do believe that a transverse emittance re-distribution might be possible, either in the transfer line or in the Yellow Ring. Of these, the transfer line would be best. I also think we could look into slow extraction from the AGS followed by horizontal stacking in the Yellow Ring. - For the Isotope Program, I have been involved in suggesting directions for calculations which are proceeding well (Joe Gubeli and Keith Welch, aided and abetted by the NMT students). I have prepared a new set of milestones and sent it round for comment - so far it is an anechoic chamber out there! I also sent around information on the upcoming FOAs and got a positive response from Jamal at VCU, but Doug Wells has been offline for weeks. I suspect he has been dragged into organizing teaching online, a massive task! - I attended a videoconference on PERLE which is starting up again. I wrote up a brief report fro upper management, with positive response from Andrei. - The ALCC is now considering writing a short White Paper to submit to the Snowmass meeting November 4-6, 2020 in Fermilab. I will probably get involved editing that. Next two weeks (Mar 30 - Apr 10) - Continue with EIC work, hopefully collaborating more closely with Dave Douglas. - I will need to finalize the Isotope Milestones and send them to Ethan Balkin. I also need to write the Isotope Quarterly Report, due around April 24.