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October 10 2020 Report - Sept 14 - Oct 9 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25) 
     - EEIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team)
     - EIC Cost scrubbing exercises, R&D planning meetings
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, CRE informational)
     - ODU LHC education outreach lectures (Sep 21/23) , weekly Xelera meetings
     - OPS APEL training (Edy), KLF rastering planning/meetings
     - ADMIN IMP paper supporting calculation thoughts (with Max)
  Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9) 
     - EIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team)
     - EIC Cost scrubbing exercises, R&D planning, design review agenda meetings
     - EIC Collaboration Worskhop (Oct 7-9), dry runs (Oct 1), training (Oct 5)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, P&C Oct 28)
     - MGMT JLAAC planning
     - MGMT AWP updates for FY21, staffing and finance spreadsheets
     - OPS APEL training (Edy), start knowledge document
     - ADMIN IMP paper supporting calculation thoughts (with Max)
     - ADMIN DPB Exec Council April Meeting program committee meeting
     - ODU Weekly Xelera meetings

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25) 
     - ER@CEBAF optics (one-on-one with Isturumali)
     -	Muon acceleration paper
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	Publication Committee work
  Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - ER@CEBAF optics (one-on-one with Isturumali)
     -	Preparation for JLAAC presentation 
     -	Promotion documents for Edy
     -	PERLE WBS scoping

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Write code for modeling of transverse coupled-bunch instability for eSR in EIC
     - Going over theories of transverse coupled-bunch instabilities
     - Compare the code result with analytical formula
     - Participate task force meetings/discussions/activities on impedance in eSR of EIC
     - Continue attending meeting and discussion in ALS-U impedance studies
  Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9) 
     - Continue with the transverse coupled-bunch instability studies
     - Attend EIC collaboration workshop
     - Participate task force meetings/discussions/activities on impedance in eSR of EIC
     - Continue attending meeting and discussion in ALS-U impedance studies

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - Sorting out LDRD Year 2 fiasco
             -	We were denied second year funding because the proposal was seen as too close to the FOA proposal. However, we will still receive funding to keep ODU postdoc and 
               grad student.
      - Present "Introduction to Graph Representation Learning" to AI lunch series
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Vacation
     - NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute "AI for Predictive Maintenance" course

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - Sorting out LDRD Year 2 fiasco
             -	We were denied second year funding because the proposal was seen as too close to the FOA proposal. However, we will still receive funding to keep ODU postdoc and 
               grad student.
      - Present "Introduction to Graph Representation Learning" to AI lunch series
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Vacation
     - NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute "AI for Predictive Maintenance" course

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Aug 17 - Aug 28)
  Next two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - IBIC
     -	UITF fun. Run 1 ongoing; beam delivered to HDice with successful alignment to the IBC solenoid axis. Massive intermittent problems with energy jitter from SRF booster 
       microphonics. After nailing down a "golden orbit", the objective will be to provide further support for Rogowski BPM studies and tests of the raster system.
     -	Cooling simulations for the IMP paper. Discussions are ongoing.
  Next (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - UITF run 1 finished. The energy jitter issues seem to have been mitigated. QSUtility scans for optics verification and emittance determination were partially successful. The
       "golden orbit" is supposedly known at this point, but reproducibility of the chicane axis continues to be a problem despite diligent hysteresis cycling. It could be caused by
       day-to-day variations of the beam energy rather than the dipole fields. With the exception of minor issues, the beam line is looking OK; however, the BPM studies were not 
       spectacularly conclusive, and the raster system is underperforming. The HDice folks are trying to come up with a synchronization scheme that will partially blank the beam to
       mitigate the inhomogeneous illumination pattern.
     -	We seem to be in agreement on the parameters for the cooling simulations. He Zhang finalized the simulation data. The draft of the manuscript was updated accordingly but is
       still missing a short comparison of the jitter-induced heating rate with theory.
     -	Some thoughts about RF/beam feedback simulation.

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Prepared and submitted the final report on the task force on novel techniques for ESR polarization improvement  
     -	Benchmarking results from SLICK, SITRO and Bmad 
     -	Prepared a presentation and attended the EIC workshop 
     -	Miscellaneous: attended the dry run meeting for EIC workshop, attended EIC design team meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended the EIC Accelerator Design
       meeting, attended the EIC general meeting 
  Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Continue the study of electron polarization in the EIC 
     -	Work on the storage ring cooler project  
     -	Prepare a lecture that will be given at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology 

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)
     - I have learned sddsprocess for data analysis after elegant job output. Damped equilibrium values are calculated using sddsprocess and 
       using Jupyter note-book. Results are promising.
     - I was taking Polarized He3 experimental shifts at Hall C. I was taking 6 swing shifts from September 07 to September 13. Now all shifts
       are completed and
     - I think my name will appear for two papers in the future based on that Polarized helium3 experiment.
     - I was trying to understand the best way to calculate dynamic aperture and Frequency Map Analysis (FMA) for the whole two rings.
   Next two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Preparing, attending, presenting the 2nd IR design and serving as a convener at the EIC workshop 
     - Attending and presenting the EIC and IR design at the detector advisory committee meeting 
     - Work on the 2nd IR design: footprint optimization, linear optics design, planning
     - Polarization simulations: electron and ion polarization lifetime
     - Simulations of the spin transparency experiment
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Preparing for the Jefferson lab accelerator advisory committee meeting 
     - Work on the 2nd IR design
     - EIC polarization work: simulations, crabbing effect
     - Work on the spin transparency experiment

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Submitted input to EIC Biweekly report.
     - MADX optimization of integrated solenoid/quadrupole/skew quadrupole fields for a compact spin rotator. Integrating the quadrupole and skew quadrupole fields into the solenoids
       can potentially save ~10 m of space per solenoid, for ~20 m total. Solutions matching to the optics while zeroing out the coupling parameters beta12, alfa12, beta21, and alfa21
       using PTC_TWISS in MADX were very difficult to find when dispersion constraints were also included in the optimization. Preliminary solutions for both solenoid modules were 
       found by relaxing the horizontal dispersion and dispersion prime constraints on the match. The coupling parameters are about an order of magnitude larger than in the original 
       lattice, and further work is needed to study the implications of this on the beam dynamics in the spin rotator.
     - Attended meetings on revisions of the IMP experiment paper.
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Collected and edited inputs to the September 2020 EIC Design Update Newsletter.
     - MADX optimization of integrated solenoid/quadrupole/skew quadrupole fields for a compact spin rotator. Continued optimization to reduce the magnitudes of the coupling 
       parameters and final quadrupole strengths.
     - Attended the EIC Workshop on potential international collaborations.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)
     - Support for machine optics
     - bteam coordination
     - Planning preparations for sad bteam related activities
     - er@cebaf review of optics
   Next two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - bteam
     - Optics on call,machine support
     - Developing requirements for ced optics loading
     - er@cebaf mtg
     - Planning for bteam activities during sad.
     - Analysis of raytrace data , development of new procedures to match/assess machine
     - Preparation for upcoming physics readiness review on Hall A E12-09-016 experiment

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Aug 17 - Aug 28)
   Next two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Based on A. Piwinski, we tried to accelerate the calculation of the intra-beam scattering in JSPEC.
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - JSPEC: Starting re-defining commands of “section run” so that optimizing the efficiency of JSPEC. Attending EIC meeting.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Read articles on ER@CEBAF and CEBAF accelerator.
     -	Installed OptiM and started to get familiar with it.
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Read on ‘Coupled betatron motion’.
     -	Started to gather information on RayTrace.

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - rayTrace
           - Tested data collector during Beam Studies
           - Fixed bugs found during testing
           - Developing analysis tools
     - AI/SRF FOA budget meeting
     - Medcon 5 training update
     - UITF
           - Provided help with qsUtility and optics measurements
           - Got ced2elegant working with UED
           - Created elegant deck for the rest of the UITF beamlines and populated the UED Optics workspace
     - AIPINJ
           - Imported the elegant deck for Phase 1 into the CED InjUpgrade workspace
     - Attended AI Lunch Series, Accelerator Seminars, and Radiasoft AI webinar.
     - Attended BTeam, AIPINJ meetings
   Next two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - rayTrace
          - More testing during Beam Studies
          - Analyzer development and debugging
     - AI SRF FOA approval
          - Met with team to work out budget reduction
     - UITF
          - Worked with Max to fix some problems with qsUtility
          - Helped with emittance measurement and matching
          - Updating UED Optics workspace
          - Tweaked ced2elegant
     - AIPINJ
          - Updated decks and InjUpgrade CED workspace with new nomenclature
          - Developing tools to import Injector elegant deck into CED
     - Attend CASA, BTeam, AIPINJ meetings
     - Attend AI Lunch Series, Accelerator Seminars, etc

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)     
     - Ran a bunch of simulation with various groups of parameters for the IMP experiment. Some results agree well with the experiment. 
     - Added a few small feature to JSPEC2 
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9) 
     - Finish debugging and testing the IBS formula. 
     - Test JSPEC python wrapper.
     - Prepare a talk for Snowmass21 planning meeting.
     - Start coding non-Gaussian IBS calculation.

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)
  Next two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14  - Sept 25)
     - Isotopes –Attended several planning meetings. Created several simulations for shell and tube heat exchangers to test the effectiveness of various designs. These various
       parameters that were modeled were the number of coils, the bend radius, flow rates for both the gallium and water, tapered coils and the relative orientation of the coils. In
       total sixteen simulation were ran with the best performance to the models that had the gallium coils perpendicular to the water flow. Worked with Steve B. and Kelly T. on the
       as-found and ideal location of the last isotope dipole. The dipole needs to move approximately 10.1 mm in X and 29.5 mm in Z to shift into the ideal position. Spoke with Neil
       W. about how this could be accomplished without removing the vacuum chamber.
     - ARDDOT - Assembled all the viewers for which I had all the parts. A total of seven are ready to install with the remaining needed to wait till early November when the
       remaining parts are expected to arrive. Sent the three ARC 7 SLM stand positions offsets to S&A to convert into machine coordinates. Met with Neil W. on the work required for
       this task.
     - ACCTVL -Attended the COMSOL 2020 virtual conference.
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Isotopes –Continue to develop a 50kW target design.
     - ARDDOT – Work on assembling the three ARC 7 SLMs
     - ACCTVL – Attend the a COMSOL Heat Transfer Class.

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 11)
   Next two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Finished up contribution to Cooling Alternatives Document
     - Assisted in the Isotope run
     - Analyzed results from the isotope run
     - Worked with Xelera to model different merger designs for the EIC
     - Reviewed EIC ERL design to determine R&D path
     - Went over OAM paper review and strategized on reply
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - Write up Task force year-end  summaries 
     - Attend EIC Collaboration meeting
     - Review new version of IMP paper
     - Calculate trajectory in Isotope spectrometer
     - Develop new AWPs for isotope program

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Sept 14 - Sept 25)
     - Isotope Irradiations took place Sept 13-16.  This involved a stack of Nickel and Vanadium foils and isotopically pure Gallium71 in a powdered oxide form for calibration.  We
       also irradiated a solid graphite block to obtain approval for using graphite as the crucible for the later irradiation of natural liquid gallium.  We obtained approval the same
       day (actually after hours in the evening) and irradiated the gallium for a total of 26 hours.  The LERF was not being cooperative and we lost 12 hours to an RF station, but 
       because of the rainfall from the SALLY remnants, we were able to extend the run (too dangerous to remove the shielding blocks).  The results appear to confirm the FLUKA results
       for Gallium, but we are pretty sure that FLKA gives the wrong results for Nickel (one of the daughters has twice the production rate, the other one half).  We are still having
       meetings to get all of the calibrations correct in view of a publication.  
     - Lila presented the work she did at Jefferson Lab as an REU student at the "The DOE Isotope Program’s Virtual Seminar Series: On the Horizon: Novel Isotopes and Future Leaders.”
       I worked with her to make sure she did well.  
     - I spent a lot of time looking at the harmonic kicker for the EIS RCS; in my opinion, too much effort has been spent on optimizing the RF to avoid problems that I do not believe
       are problems.  I prepared and presented a talk on simplifying the harmonic kicker design for the EIC.   
     - We received preliminary approval for the PERLE ICRADA from the DOE - submitted on September 3, pre-approval obtained on September 23, faster than it took to go through the 
       system at Jefferson Lab.  It required two Jefferson lab signatures, Andrei and Drew; both have signed.  Now it goes to IJCLab where Achille Stocchi, the Director, is eager to
       sign it. 
     - There was a VNECA meeting scheduled and I read through the draft Governor’s Statement in preparation.  My suggestions from the first draft had all been incorporated and I 
       actually found a typo in the latest version (the authors were delighted!).  The meeting was postponed at the last minute.  
   Next two weeks (Sept 28 - Oct 9)
     - EIC:  After giving a presentation on there harmonic kicker, I updated my ideas and sent them out in an email.  I received no feedback!  I also attended the EIC Collaboration
       Meeting which was actually considerably better than I had anticipated.  I attended the EIC Collaboration Meeting dry runs and then the Collaboration Meeting itself, which was
       actually considerably better than I had anticipated.  
    - Isotopes: we are still trying to understand the irradiation results, and have had several meetings to clarify things.  In parallel, we are continuing design work for a 50kW 
      target.  The latest idea from Pavel Degtiarenko is to use an external heat exchanger and pump the liquid gallium around with a magnetic pump.  So far, the idea looks better than
      our previous design.