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November 19, 2020 Report - Oct 26 - Nov 20
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - EIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team) - EIC Conceptual Design Review page turns/dry runs - EIC FCC-ee diagnostics polarization meet (Nov 5) - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, DEI inclusion, staffing) - MGMT JSA BoD Monthly contributions (Nov 6) - ODU USPAS training and planning meetings - ODU Dissertation defense (Jose Marin, Oct 28) - VACATION (half-day Oct 30) Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - EIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team, R&D) - EIC FCC-ee Week presentations (Nov 9-12), budget (Nov 12) - EIC Conceptual Design Review (Nov 16-18) - EIC design plan updates (Nov 19-20) - EIC Director's Review page turns (Nov 19-20), associated homework - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, staffing, diversity) - ODU USPAS training and planning meetings - ODU Xelera SBIR weekly meeting (Tuesdays) - ODU Sunil Pokharel candidacy oral exam (Nov 20) - VACATION (Nov 13)
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - ER@CEBAF optics (one-on-one with Isturumali) - Presentation on CEBAF FFA at JLAAC - PRAB paper review - PERLE Optics design - Annual appraisal Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - FFA CEBAF Optics - 6-pass Cell design - ER@CEBAF optics (one-on-one with Isturumali) - Muon Acceleration for Muon Collider - presentation for European Muon Collider Study Group - PERLE Optics design
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Summarized my results for the interplay of coherent beam-beam and wake-induced coupled-bunch instability - Presented my results at the EIC impedance/instability working group - Continue to study convergence of the modeled dipole coupling with respect to the number of macroparticles used in my simulation - Gained some understanding of the effect non-Gaussian distribution on the dipole coupling due to nonlinear beam-beam force - Discussed with Yue Hao of BNL/MSU on beam-beam modeling for flat beams of EIC - Discussed with Cheng-Ying Tsai (my earlier student) of HUST about IBS effect in CSR-induced microbunching instability Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Prepare slide summarizing my results in Mike Blaskiewicz's presentation for Fcc-week - Planning my next stage of EIC work, on the simulation and analysis for the interplay of coherent beam-beam and transverse coupled bunch instability - Further check of transverse instability growth rate for eSR of EIC - Recover my NERSC account and working on NERSC allocation application - Review my previous work on CSR in collaboration with Cheng-Ying Tsai, in preparation for writing up the paper
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (Oct 23 - Nov 6) - Finished application for DESIREE beam time - Submitted PRL paper - Was off for Nov 3 and 4 - Worked on HALL-D APEL preparation - Worked on getting WARP running for future DESIREE experiments Next two weeks (Nov 6 - Nov 9) - Worked on HALL-D APEL preparation - Worked on getting WARP running for future DESIREE experiments - Worked on ORFP task group - Attended post CPM Snowmass Accelerator frontier Conveners meeting - Wrote and submitted ECA pre-proposal
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.) - Work on Problem of the Quarter - AIFOA1: bi-weekly PI meeting, graduate student search and recruitment - RADSMA: continued data exploration of SmartAlarm data Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.) - Training - Various seminars attended (OWLE, Radiasoft) - Volunteer work for NeurIPS conference next month - PRAB paper accepted for publication - Final edits as reviewer for a PRAB paper - Vacation
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (Oct 12 - Oct 23) - Next two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) -
Max Bruker
Previous (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Thought about the EIC LLRF - Participated in UITF run 2. We mostly supported HDice; there was not much room for machine studies, though booster trips remain a recurring issue. - Submitted the revised version of the IMP manuscript. It involved more discussion and some fixes/reruns of the simulations, but it seems consistent now and we can feel good about it. Next (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Maybe finally get a good starting point for RF simulations - Start looking at Fay's gun - UITF run 3 depending on the shift schedule
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Worked on the storage ring cooler project - Continued involving the study of electron polarization in the EIC - Prepared and gave a seminar lecture for graduate students at HUST in China - Miscellaneous: attended the EIC eSR polarization meeting, attended the EIC RCS polarization meeting, attended EIC design team meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the EIC general meeting, attended the EIC hadron polarization meeting Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Work on electron polarization in the EIC - Work on the storage ring cooler project
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - I was working on momentum aperture and Touschek lifetime calculation in dual energy storage ring. - We are using our own python script to calculate momentum aperture in dual energy ring. This code printsout the maximum momentum acceptance value for each machine element. Dr. Fanglei Lin has written the python code for it and I am trying to understand and implement it in our system. - I have presented the status and update on dual energy ring cooler in EIC meeting at Jefferson Lab on Nov 06. Dr Douglas Higinbotham asked me to present my research in that meeting as I got the EIC fellowship 2020. Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - I will be working on momentum aperture calculation in dual energy storage ring. We came to know that the momentum aperture in high energy ring is smaller than the momentum aperture value in the low energy ring. This is limited by the SRF cavities we use to accelerate the beam energy in high energy ring. - I will be editing the tech notes written on dual energy storage ring. When editing completes, It will be sent to JLab online system. - Calculating Touschek lifetime analytically and using elegant simulation.
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - 2nd IR work: completed IR optics and geometry adjustment - Electron spin tracking - FFA work - Preparing and giving a talk on the 2nd IR at the 4th EIC Yellow Report Workshop Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Optimization coupling in the electron ring to adjust the beam aspect ratio - Polarization work - 2nd IR work - FFA work
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (Oct 12 - Oct 23) - Submitted input to EIC Biweekly report. - MADX optimization of integrated solenoid/quadrupole/skew quadrupole fields for a compact spin rotator. Integrating the quadrupole and skew quadrupole fields into the solenoids can potentially save ~10 m of space per solenoid, for ~20 m total. Solutions matching to the optics while zeroing out the coupling parameters beta12, alfa12, beta21, and alfa21 using PTC_TWISS in MADX were very difficult to find when dispersion constraints were also included in the optimization. Preliminary solutions for both solenoid modules were found by relaxing the horizontal dispersion and dispersion prime constraints on the match. The coupling parameters are about an order of magnitude larger than in the original lattice, and further work is needed to study the implications of this on the beam dynamics in the spin rotator. - Attended meetings on revisions of the IMP experiment paper. Next two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Collected and edited inputs to the September 2020 EIC Design Update Newsletter. - MADX optimization of integrated solenoid/quadrupole/skew quadrupole fields for a compact spin rotator. Continued optimization to reduce the magnitudes of the coupling parameters and final quadrupole strengths. - Attended the EIC Workshop on potential international collaborations.
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) -
Randi Gamage
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - 2nd IR layout and optics matching Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - 2nd IR layout and optics match - hall A beam line reconfiguration
River Huang
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) -
Isurumali Neththikumara
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Read on ‘Linac Optimization’ Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Attending “Introduction to overleaf for non-Latex user & intermediate level” webinars organized by CERN. - Writing a code to optimize quadrupole strengths for FODO cell phase advance using GA. - Learning functional programming and debugging the code
Dennis Turner
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - rayTrace - Continue refining rayTrace data collector and analysis code - Continue developing an operator tool for rayTrace analysis - Complete GEN150 Annual Property Custodian training - Complete self assessment and career profile - Install pyTorch and go through tutorials - UITF - Help get IHAM803 and IHAM905 usable by qsUtility - Continue refining elegant deck and UED - Attend AI Lunch Series talks, Accelerator seminars, etc. - Attend BTeam, CASA, AIPINJ, etc meetings Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - rayTrace - Data collector ready for one more test and release to production - Building analyzer GUI for Ops to plot beta functions, orbits, coupling, etc. - HLA - Helped Michele take ownership of the RF cavity history and DRVH manager tools from me. - Attended ORFP/Cold Startup/Optics Troubleshooting Guide meeting - Looking into elegant model and rayTrace data to help figure out why we had excessive corrector steering in the 1E and 2E regions - Attended Radiasoft webinar on ML with Sirepo/Activait - Attended AI Lunch Series talks, Accelerator Seminars - Completed ODH training - Attended 0800, BTeam, AI FOA meetings
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Finished parallelizing JSPEC using openmp - Start coding non-Gausian IBS calculation. Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Add a feature to output the friction force in JSPEC. - Test JSPEC python wrapper and prepare an example. - Start coding non-Gaussian IBS calculation.
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Isotopes – Worked on and completed thermal analysis on the 5kW radiator and raft. Created a presentation and am ready to present to reviewers. Working with NMT on FLUKA absorbed power density distributions for the 5kW run for the window, radiator and crucible. - ARDDOT - Finished the assembly of the ARC 7 SLM stands, they are ready for installation. Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Isotopes – Present 5kW thermal analysis to a group of engineers. Work on 50kW design. - ARDDOT – Work with S&A on the ARC 7 assemblies
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) -
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - Wrote up and submitted the quarterly report for the Electron Cooling FOA - Completed AWPs for Innovative High Energy Electron Cooling for EIC project - Met with videographers to determine what they can film in the LERF. - Put together budget information for the Isotope quarterly and got it verified by finance. - Had a kickoff meeting for a Photon Source Working Group. - Formally ended the Low Energy cooling meeting series - Helped come up with recommendations for moving the ERL workshop from June 2021 - Straightened up LERF in preparation for a video shoot for a new lab video. - Worked to find home for IR Demo magnets Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - Assist in preparing materials for ERR of 5 kW operation - Review Export Control and FOUO compliance with external lawyers - Review PRAB paper - Review DOE SBIR proposal - Assist in remote laser audit in the LERF - Attend the EIC Conceptual Design Review - Go over CDR appendix looking for potential lethal flaws in the low energy cooler design.
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6) - EIC: I attended meetings, including the Editorial Board, as well as the Review. The editorial activity will probably greatly expand in December. - Isotopes: the Quarterly Report was finally sent out and including a reasonable understanding of the irradiation results. We are now addressing the ERR documentation for the 5 kW irradiation, which we have promised before Thanksgiving. The Review will occur at the beginning of December and the 5 kW irradiation itself the week of January 11-16. We will administratively restrict access to the GTS vault during the irradiation because of airborne radiation and ozone, both of which will be tracked for future irradiations. This request has been agreed by Riad. - PERLE: there was a PERLE Collaboration Board meeting, following which I had a discussion with the Achille Stocchi and a couple of others on the conditions that they would like for Jefferson lab participation. I sent Stuart and Andrei a synopsis of this so they could prepare our response Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20) - EIC: again, I attended meetings, including the Editorial Board. I provided feedback to Bhawin and Fanglei on how to calculate the Touschek lifetime in the two energy cooler - resulted in doubling the lifetime! - Isotopes: We have made excellent progress on preparing the documentation for the ERR as well as building new hardware. Kevin built a new raft, Adam Stavola has made progress on getting pieces for a coincidence measurement of an aliquot of the irradiated gallium (Joe did the 3-D design and the Detector Group built us a beta detector). I think we will be able to submit the documentation for the ERR by Thanksgiving, on schedule for the ERR December 14 (the 11th is the back-up date), which Camille is setting up. I also attended another virtual seminar organized by the ONP Isotope program - mainly on chemical separation which was not too interesting for us, but I need to support our Program Manager! - Photon Source Working Group: I sent feedback to Steve, suggesting some basic first decisions. Hopefully, he will bring them up.