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May 27, 2021 Report - May 10 - June 4 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21) 
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4) 

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21) 
     - Present talk on ‘ RF issues of Low Energy Muon Acceleration’ at 1-st Muon Collider Community mtg.
     - ERL Roadmap Panel - writeup on ‘The Art of Arcs’
     - White Paper on future CEBAF - writeup on ‘FFA Energy Doubling’
     - Bisected linac optics (one-on-one with Ryan) 
     - Presenting a talk  on ‘CEBAF FFA energy doubling’ at Hall C collaboration mtg.
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Attending IPAC’21
     - Summer Students lecture on ‘Introduction to Accelerators ’
     - ERL Roadmap Panel - writeup on ‘the LHeC ERL’
     - Mentoring a SULI student
     - FFA@CEBAF multi-pass linac optics

Ryan Bodenstein

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21) 
     - Attendance of 8 AM SAD meetings
     - Attendance of B-Team Meetings and Procedure Development Meetings
     - FFA WG meetings + IPAC paper
            - The paper is submitted – will check on “green light”
            - Poster and presentation online
     - Looking at some IPAC proceedings already
     - Guidance of Isurumali’s work – lots of editing of the paper and feedback on the poster
     - Writing and editing LDRD full proposal
            - Currently looking through finer details to make a strong case
            - Will need to re-examine budget a bit – will tie Spata into this
            - Will iterate with colleagues.
     - Gave input into Andrew’s LDRD proposal as well.
     - ILC meeting with Andrei and Todd 
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - IPAC21 attendance
     - LDRD Proposal work – will submit on May 28th 

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
  Next two weeks (May 21 - June 4) 

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Created posters for IPAC
     - Created slides for IPAC talk
     - Recorded IPAC talk and poster videos
     - Completed IPAC proceedings papers
     - Wrote SAD update talk for GlueX meeting
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Attended IPAC with 1 contributed talk and 2 posters
     - Gave SAD update talk at GlueX meeting
     - I will be taking some time off next week

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

Max Bruker

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - IPAC poster + video + paper done
     - I repeated some simulations of the emittance growth in the IMP experiment with phase dithering to make sure they all use the same, most recent tracking code. Unfortunately, the result does not agree with reality anymore! This may be something to study at a later point. For now, I left the dithering results out of the IPAC material.
     - We wanted to start beam commissioning of the CEBAF injector upgrade this week, but it was delayed by a series of unfortunate circumstances.
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Start the aforementioned beam commissioning phase.

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Completed papers preparations for IPAC'21. Two papers submitted for publications.
     - Completed videos uploads for a contributed talk and for a poster presentations at IPAC'21.
     - I was working on new lattice with isochronous arc.
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - I will participate at IPAC'21 virtual conference starting 05/24/2021 and ends at 05/28/2021.
     - I will be working with new dual energy ring and parameters calculation.

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Review of student applications as part of the selection committee for MFURA awards.
     - Continued work with the Brown-Servranckx transform for round, uncoupled beam from a magnetized beam. Trying to characterize the effects of different forms of the Brown-Servranckx transform, both with and without the 2.5D space charge solver enabled. The 3D space charge solver seems to result in huge, unphysical beams, so still trying to understand this module and its implementation.
     - Laser particle counter: test apparatus has been reassembled in TL 1011. Minor modifications, including moving the vacuum pump off of the bench to the floor, may be necessary as testing resumes. The vendor has received and tested initial hardware components and plans to be on site 5/26 and 5/27, returning once per week on a continuing basis thereafter.
     - Usual biweekly meeting with Omnisensing Photonics to discuss general progress.
     - Prepared and gave a short presentation on parametric-resonance ionization cooling (PIC and Skew PIC) concepts, implementation, and challenges as part of the 1st Muon Community Meeting hosted by CERN. Presentation was part of an overall presentation on advanced muon cooling concepts.
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Attending virtual IPAC2021. Following week: catching up on IPAC talks missed during on site work.
     - Laser particle counter: On site visit by vendor on 5/26 and 5/27. A 6-channel prototype was delivered instead of the 12-channel prototype expected due to hardware delays. Initial visit to familiarize ourselves with the hardware and GUI for data-taking. The current prototype can only record data from two channels simultaneously, so an obvious action item is to enable simultaneous recording of data from all six available channels. 
     - Submitted an action item list to the vendor. Vendor will return with prototype detector either 6/3 or the following week.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Prepared the poster, poster video and paper for IAPC’21
     - Read some materials received from USPAS Spin dynamics in Particle Accelerator class.
     - Checking outcome for 12-dimensional search problem with different constraints. 
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Participate in IPAC’21.
     - Continue 12-D search and figure out the better suited constraints and try to come up with a modified objective functions.

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - UITF
     - AIPINJ
     - 'HLA
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - UITF
     - AIPINJ
     - HLA
     - AI FOA
     - Ops

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)     
     - Finished IPAC slides and presentation. Finished and uploaded the IPAC paper. 
     - Participate in writing and editing an LDRD proposal.  
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4) 
     - IPAC’21
     - Add to TPSA lib the feature: generate a symplectic map from a given truncated map. 
     - Finish writing the tests for the TPSA lib.
     - Writing FMM paper. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
  Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Isotopes –
     - ARDDOT -  
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Isotopes – 
     - ARDDOT –

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21)
     - Start setting up CRADA with HZDR
     - Started preparing presentation on loss control in high current ERLs
     - Reviewed several IPAC papers and presentations
     - Submitted ERL Roadmap entries
     - Went over FOA call for SBIRs with Michelle Shinn
     - Put together LDRD proposal
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - Attend IPAC
     - Complete and present talk on Loss control in high current ERLs for SHC group
     - Submit LDRD proposal
     - Set up training for Drive Laser Enclosure LPSS
     - Start developing longitudinal model for CeC ERL on LiTrack

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (May 10 - May 21) 
     - Isotopes:            
     - ERL Roadmap:    
     - JJCLab: 
     - FCC-ee: .  
     - HIPERLAC:             
   Next two weeks (May 24 - June 4)  
     - Isotopes:    
     - ERL Roadmap:    
     - PERLE:    
     - HiPERLAC:   
     - VNACA: