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June 24, 2021 Report - June 7 - July 2 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team, R&D)
     - EIC Meetings (second IR), FCC-ee diagnostics (Jun 16), review report writing
     - EIC Review of FPC dry run Jun 9, resource planning (Vasiliy/Fanglei)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, personnel)
     - ADMIN APS DPB Education/Outreach/Diversity committee (Jun 18)
     - ADMIN PSsQCD EIC 2nd IR OC meetings
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam, 1:30 Weds SAD, PAC49 TAC Jun 7)
     - SICK Dr appt (oral surgery) AM Jun 17
     - HOLIDAY May 31
  Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team, R&D)
     - EIC Meetings (second IR), resource planning (critical hires), Nb purchase guidance
     - EIC PC review triage (Jun 23), scope/cost changes retreat (Jun 25)
     - EIC TCCB review meeting (Jun 25)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee, personnel)
     - ADMIN JSA poster competition, user group meeting
     - ADMIN PSsQCD EIC 2nd IR OC meetings
     - ADMIN AI Lunch on collider data analysis (Jun 30)
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam)
     - SICK Dr appt (physical) AM Jun 28

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18) 
     - One-on-one with Rishi
     - ERL Roadmap Panel - writeup on the LHeC ERL
     - PRAB paper review
     - Letter of recommendation for Ben Hounsell 
     - Serving as a conveners for Muon Collider Roadmap Panel
  Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Attending Source Group mtg. on positron production channels
     - Mentoring Rishi 
     - Coordinating/writing a PRAB paper on ‘Beam Dynamics Driven PERLE Design’
     - Update on FFA@CEBAF at CBETA monthly mtg.
     - DIS’21 proceedings  - composing paper on PERLE 

Ryan Bodenstein

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18) 
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - Radworker I training test (passed)
     - Radworker I training practical (passed)
     - MAC training for MCC/CEBAF (for channel access)
     - Summer Student guidance
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - LDRD questions and updates
  Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - MAC training for MCC/CEBAF (complete)
     - Summer Student guidance
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - Positron/FFA liaison work initial meeting
     - Tunnel Cleanup 
     - PERLE collaboration meeting

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Vacation 6/7-11
     - Attending CeC monthly review meeting 
     - Attending EIC impedance/instability meeting
     - Proceed with the tune scan for my study of the interplay between coherent beam-beam and coupled-bunch instability 
  Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2) 
     - Vacation 6/24-25
     - Attending EIC impedance/instability meeting
     - Attending EIC weekly meeting at JLAB
     - Reading references on coherent beam-beam instability (CBB) and its instability threshold in tune space
     - Think about ways to improve the code for eliminating tune dependence of growth rate caused by the modeling algorithm

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Attended beam-beam task force meetings
     - Worked on proceedings papers for IPAC
     - Worked on updating DODGE paper
     - Half day off on June 17
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Attending beam-beam task force meetings
     - Work on DODGE paper
     - Judge for JLUO student poster contest

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - RADSMA: work to mine archiver to get more training data
     - AI FOA: lots of meetings and discussion regarding field emission project (ATLis prep, problem framework, understanding NDX detector operation, etc.)
     - Review an FOA proposal per DOE request
     - Interview panel for Data Science postdoc (pre-interview meetings, interview, etc.)
     - JLab training
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - RADSMA: meetings/discussions about mining CEBAF databases for more training data
     - AI FOA: meetings about data storage, compute needs (working with CST)
     - Review a Frontiers paper per request
     - Brainstorming Accelerator Division AI Town Hall Meeting
     - Meet with PNNL about graph applications with CEBAF
     - Interview panel for Data Science postdoc (pre-interview meetings, interview, etc.)
     - JLab training

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - I was taking USPAS online courses. The first course was "Spin Dynamics" from June 07 - June 19. The course was great. I learned the fundamental concepts on spin dynamics. And I also learned the basic concept of "Zgoubi" software to study the spin dynamics. That was a big class and great course.  
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - I will be taking US Particle Accelerator School (USPAS). There are two courses, Spin Dynamics (June 06 - June 18) and Machine Learning and Optimization (June 21 - July 02). I will be busy with this \Machine Learning and Optimization" course. I will not be able to work with my dual energy storage

ring within this time period.

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Evaluating candidates for the open SS1 position as part of the search committee.
     - Laser particle counter: vendor visit 6/10-6/11 with prototype detector and new software. New software for simultaneous recording of 6 channels of data was quarantined by anti-virus software - this issue was resolved. 
       Vendor returned on 6/14 to participate in simultaneous data collection from all six available channels with wire sweeping events at approximately 1 Hz rep rate. Worked with vendor's MATLAB data parser to extract saved 
       data, and generated new MATLAB functions to plot and manipulate data from all available channels. Lowpass filtering filters out the signal from the recorded amplitude data, and only marginally improves the displacement 
       signal data. Tried a window technique where the displacement signal is binned, and the average over each bin is subtracted from the displacement signal over that bin - this amplifies the event signals in a way that makes 
       them more easily visualized. 
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Laser particle counter: Continued data analysis of 6-channel data with both 1 Hz and more sporadic wire sweeping events. Vendor will return on July 1 with software updates and for discussion on issues that have arisen during data analysis, e.g. unphysical magnitudes of displacement signal for one channel only, ways to improve the internal algorithm used for calculation of the displacement signal, and others. Will give update on LPC status at biweekly PIT meeting. Discussions with Detector Group on methods for well-defined and well-controlled wire/particle event generation.
     - Looking into PD info (daily meetings, existing summaries) to better understand PD responsibilities for a possible stint as PD.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Working on EIC Beam-Beam project, especially focusing on the research of the emittance growth in SPS lattice due to the different noises.
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Continue working on EIC Beam-Beam project.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Attended the 1st session of USPAS summer 2021

- Spin Dynamics in Particle Accelerators

   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Attend the 2nd session of USPAS summer 2021
           - Optimization and Machine Learning for Accelerators

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (May 24 - June 4)
     - CED Import
          - Continued tweaking and bugfixing elegant2ced, including exploring ways to speed it up.
          - Modified elegant2ced to work with svn baseline decks, since they handle the linacs differently from ced2elegant
          - Started on code to audit for consistency and correct optics
     - AIPINJ
          - Corrected floor coordinates for PREINJ deck to match up with svn baseline
          - Scheduled to perform emittance measurments vs wien configurations, but IHA0I02 broke
     - Ops Procedure Review
          - Sent Brian write up on how to validate match with harp measurement
          - Worked on Aperure Scan procedure
          - Provided input for the Pathlength Correction procedure and spreader matching section of ORFP
     - 'HLA
          - ced2elegant bugfixes and tweaks. Removed "fix" for negative length drifts
     - Attended AI Lunch Series, Accelerator Seminars
     - Attended 0800, AIPINJ toolbox, AIPINJ beam drivers, AI FOA, BTeam, PPB meetings
   Next two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - CED Import
         - Continued ironing out elegant2ced
         - Explored accounting for Hall A and C elevation change in CED
     - AIPINJ
          - Worked with Alicia to finalize injector solenoid conversions (B to I to KS and back)
          - Verified changes to the Injector Quick Reference, PREINJ deck, and CED all agree
          - Met with Joe Grames and Reza to discuss MDR coil fixture rotation test plan
          - Worked with Mamun to take solenoid scan data with IYG0I02. Prepared scripts to analyze the data once the pixel to mm 
            calibration is complete.
     - HLA
          - Modified cs2sdds and eDT to account for new solenoid unit conversions.
          - Verified qsUtility works with the new conversions 
     - Attended AI Lunch Series, Accelerator Seminars
     - Attended 0800, AIPINJ toolbox, AIPINJ beam drivers, AI FOA, BTeam, PPB meetings

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)     
     - Write a section for ICFA paper. 
     - Finished writing the tests for the C++ TPSA C++ lib. 
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2) 
     - Finish writing the tests for the TPSA Python lib.
     - Writing a paper on the TPSA lib for JOSS. 
     - Organize data for FMM paper. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Isotopes –
     - ARDDOT -  
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Isotopes – 
     - ARDDOT –

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18)
     - Researched Steady State Micro-Bunching (SSMB) option for SRFEL
     - Worked out transfer of funds for harmonic buncher completion
     - Reviewed several papers for IPAC
     - Reviewed FEL mirror information with Export Control lawyers
     - Negotiated with Leigh on LDRD proposal travel plans.
   Next two weeks (June 21 - July 2)
     - Track down mirror vendor information for lawyers
     - Rewrite and submit the LOSP for User Lab 4
     - Continue developing longitudinal model for CeC ERL on LiTrack
     - Get CRADA with HZDR set up
     - Explore Super-radiant undulator operation

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (June 7 - June 18) 
     - Isotopes: we will start preparing our closeout report, and decide whether it is worth our time to prepare a response to the FOA if we don’t have the support of the lab.               
     - ERL Panel: this activity will continue unabated as we start working towards the Roadmap itself and interacting with the various European scientific committees.      
     - ERL sub-panel: we held our kick-off meeting on June 9 with all the members present.  We agreed on the path forward and our first “interview” with Vladimir Litvinenko and Thomas Roser will be around June 16.  In the meantime, I am collecting questions from the sub-Panel members to be transmitted to the authors.  The sup-Panel members are: Chris Adolphsen (SLAC, Reinhard Brinkmann (DESY), Oliver Brüning (CERN), Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab) - Chairman’ Sergei Nagaitsev (Fermilab), Max Klein (Liverpool), Peter Williams (STFC), Akira Yamamoto (KEK), Kaoru Yokoya (KEK), and Frank Zimmermann (CERN). We held a second meeting to hear a presentation by Thomas Roser and Vladimir Litvinenko of CERC, initiating an ebullition of emails and comments.  

Loida should have made some progress on her project, she is already collecting up information she will need as input.

     - ALCC:attended a meeting June 10 and presented the ERL sub-Panel.  The group is excited by the possibilities and scared of the Telnov proposal derailing the ILC.  Lots of discussion!
     - AccApp'21: I got active, drafted the letter explaining the mixed in person/remote conditions and invited four speakers.  Two accepted, one declined (I need a replacement) and one I haven’t heard back from.              
   Next two weeks (June 7 - June 18)  
     - Isotopes: I have been told not to submit a proposal that involves irradiations at LERF until he talks with the DOE.  At this time, I am working with my UVA collaborators to craft a proposal where they buy copper 67 and carry out all of the radiochemistry.  I still need to close out the current grant, after which, I do not see how I can l can keep our team together, which will make  it difficult for Jefferson Lab to get back into isotopes.  Sad! 
     - On the other hand, Loida is doing really well with her program to search for new radioisotope production pathways. She has submitted an Abstract to AccApp’2021 and I have contacted the Program Chair regarding student funding for her to attend in person.     
     - ERL Panel:  The ERL Panel is getting more active again; I will be presenting the present status to the Particle Physics community on July 9 (haven’t received the info yet).  
     - I have a PERLE Collaboration Board meeting on Friday, June 25.  We are informed that the CNRS have signed the ICRADA and sent it via DHL to Jefferson Lab, but we haven’t seen it yet.  All the other collaborators have signed the Collaboration Agreement except for BINP.  Emails to the BINP representative went unanswered, so I contacted the BINP Lab Director and he immediately agreed to sign it and appointed a new representative.  Our participation will be more difficult with the departure of Frank Marhauser.  
     - Next week, I hope to have the last meeting on the CERC and prepare my ERL talk - when I know the audience!