2016-Jun-12 Comp. Phys. Biweekly Report
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Yves Roblin
Supported beam delivery for CEBAF
working on 4D symplectic fitting of trajectories in the CEBAF machine in order to characterize optics errors.
prototype code is working and giving the right answers on a simulated machine using ELEGANT.
working with the PREX/CREX collaborations to optimize methods to setup parity quality beam.
Prepared and gave a talk for the PREX review
prepared a case study for the NP/ASCR. Send to Ji Qiang.
reading PAC proposals and preparing a report for upcoming TAC meeting.
setup subversion repository for the jleic lattice. Its ready to use.
reactivated account at NERSC and setup an allocation for "beam dynamics studies for JLEIC"
prepared documents for Ji Qiang for the planning meeting for the Office of Nuclear Physics, joint with the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research on computing in the exascale era (NP/ASCR)
setup parallel elegant on the lqcd computer (qcdi65 which we purchased). Its up and running, doing preliminary tests.
after consultation with Qiang Zhao (FRIB) contacted Ji Qiang for setting up IMPACT-Z at NERSC. This is the tool that FRIB utilized to perform the ion linac studies.
Dr Zhao has offered to help us with the use of impact-z for simulations of the ion linac.
worked on the proposal for the CEBAF-ER.
He Zhang:
- Worked with River on the symplectic integration methods for the cooling code.
- Prepared a case study for the NP/ASCR meeting.
- working on heat load and trap rate optimization for the CEBAF linac. Investigating the use of various multi-objective optimization algorithms to do it. In particular, a Python implementation (PyGMO).
- Getting familiar with Python.
River Huang
- Developed c++ code for a symplectic hermite integrator for use in the cooling code.
- Checked that it conserves the invariant (energy) when calculating the electrostatic field between electrons using the coulomb formula. Currently working on testing that this is also conserved when using the FMM for the field calculation.
- writing a summary of the work on field emission for SLAC
- preparing a FMM paper, generating data and simulations for it.