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Email sent from Todd morning of Jan 16:

I am feeling quite unwell so am headed home sick today. Here are some items I was planning to go over in the group meeting:

  • CEBAF operations starts on Friday with injector restart. Yves is running BTeam well, and should have an optics on call schedule for this run up shortly. The latest BTeam meeting agenda is at https://accwiki.acc.jlab.org/do/view/BTeam/BTeam20190115 .
  • LERF cooldown for LCLS-II module testing is due to start imminently, likely today. Congrats to Joe and Kevin for all their efforts from CASA to make this happen!
  • The recent Machine Learning meeting with ODU engineering profs went very well; Chris gave a good presentation on ML applied to categorization of CEBAF RF trips as a preview of his talk at the Applications of Machine Learning in Particle Accelerators workshop in late February at PSI.
  • The pCDR-65 is nearly complete after revisions; we are waiting for final input from Rik Yoshida for Chapter 2 to have a version that is ready to print. The JLEIC pCDR-100 planning is moving along, with a delivery date in mid-April and important near-term decisions to make about the overall architecture of the ion injector complex.
  • Yuhong is working on dates for the next EIC collaboration meeting, Likely dates look like Mar 25-29 or Apr 1-5. Please let Yuhong know asap if you have a strong preference for one week over the other or if you know of organizational conflicts on either of those dates. (I personally prefer Mar 25-29...)
  • Alex has been identified to chair a new division conferences and publications committee by Andrei and Mike to improve quantity, quality, and organization of our publication efforts. The committee membership and charter are in development. In this vein, Evelyn has organized a visit by the authors of "They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing", on Apr 8, including a half-day writing workshop. Please mark your calendars.
  • Tristan is putting all leave (vacation, travel, sick time) on group calendars, so please email her when you know you will be out of the office. Please CC: Tristan on all travel requests so they can make it onto the division travel spreadsheet.
  • Tristan is also starting to pick up documentation duties in the wiki for the biweekly reports, so please CC: her on your biweekly report updates.
  • I will be out teaching USPAS in Knoxville the next two weeks, and will be out Tue Feb 5 on medical.
  • Please update your Property Refresher Training and Annual Property Validation per the labwide email on January 14.

Added later:

  • Several folks have inquired about a potential CASA move to TED. This would not occur until very late in CY19 or early CY20, and is still being discussed. There are clearly advantages and disadvantages for us moving to this space, and I want to make it as easy a transition for us as possible. I will be spending time in TED cubicles in February to start identifying things that need to change or be updated to create a suitable space for CASA. We will discuss more in the Feb group meeting, where I will give some details and request input from everyone on concerns and advantages of this move.