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May 15, 2019 Report - May 6 - May 30 Director - Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
     - Preparing poster on ‘Dogbone’ ERL for IPAC'19
     - Selection of Technical Reviewers for the new Internal Publication system
     - Light Peer Review for IPAC'19
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)
     - IPAC’19
     - Vacation
     - PRAB paper - review

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
     - Coordinate JLEIC impedance meeting: good progress in the IR chamber design (Mark wiseman) 
       and EM modeling (Frank Marhauser), and heated discussion about Gunn Tae Park's presentation
       about harmonic kicker impedance analysis. Also interesting discussion with Dan Wang of LBL 
       who participated the meeting via bluejeans
     - Literature studies on impedance theories
     - Family vacation for most of the 2nd week
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)
     - Impedance studies
     - Bunch spectrum for JLEIC bunch pattern and its impact on coupled bunch instabilities
     - CSR effect studies (Georg Haffstaetter visit to discuss CSR effects in CBETA)

Ed Nissen

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Chris Tennant

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
     - Finished IPAC19 paper and poster
     - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
     - Provided parameters for SR background study in JLEIC
     - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended 
       the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC general meeting, attended ZGOUBI workshop 
       committee meetings
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)
     - Update the pCDR-100
     - Work on the storage ring cooler project
     - Prepare tutorial material for ZGOUBI workshop

Vasiliy Morozov

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Amy Sy

 Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin


He Zhang

 Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

River Zhang

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
     - Completed IPAC2019-poster and submitted paper.
     - "CASA BeamBeam"
     - Revised, optimized and accelerated “Crab Kick” of “CASA BeamBeam” codes by using the High Performance Python Compiler,
       Numba. Based on JIT(Just in Time), Numba translates part of our “Crab Kick” Python functions to optimized machine code
       at runtime using the industry-standard LLVM compiler library. 
     - Performance of “Crab kicking”
     - Simulations have been down for the JLEIC parameters again. For example, for the case CM Energy 21.9GeV, comparing with
       previous job, the “Numba” based “Crab Kick” codes can save 1/5 time than the old code for 4000 turn in a collider ring.
     - 3 Particles Spin Tracking
     - For Snakes 0o, 3 particles spin tracking was carried out again via revised “CASA BeamBeam”.
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)
     - pyFMM will be under investigation.
     - Continue spin tracking study.

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Joe Gubeli

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Michael Tiefenback

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)

Andrew Hutton

  Previous two weeks (May 6 - May 17)
  Next two weeks (May 20 - May 31)