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May 15, 2019 Report - May 27 - June 21
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - HOLIDAY: May 27 (Memorial Day) - VACATION: May 28-31 - IPAC19: Light peer review coordination (with Alex Bogacz) - JLEIC: R&D planning, pCDR-100 restart, final IPAC papers, meetings - ADMIN: Student meetings/planning (Madeline, Sarah) - ADMIN: SSIII job posting review, committee planning - OPS: Run planning, optics on call planning for restart - ADMIN: HEP Gard telecon (Jun 7) Next two weeks (Jun 10-Jun 21) - ADMIN: SBIR FOA edit meet (Jun 10) - ADMIN: Student meetings/planning (Madeline, Sarah) - ADMIN: SSIII job posting selection, start phone interviews - ADMIN: Review M/FURA committee prize applications - JLEIC: pCDR-100 restart, R&D planning, meetings - PERS SICK: Jun 13-14 (Arm surgery)
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Impedance studies - Arranging next JLEIC impedance meeting - Participate the ALS-U impedance meeting and discuss details about microwave instabilities - Get ALS-U BPM model as a proof of principle model for JLAB people to start practicing broadband impedance calculations - Bunch spectrum for JLEIC bunch pattern and its impact on coupled bunch instabilities - Develop analytical model of bunch current spectrum for uneven bunch fill - Compare the results with numerical results from Frank Marhauser and Gunn Tae Park - CSR effect studies - Multiple discussions with Georg Haffstaetter and William Lou of CBETA on impact of numerical noise for CSR induced microbunching instability in CBETA Elegant modeling - Suggested William Lou to directly communicate with Cheng-Ying Tsai about his thesis work - Write recommendation letter for Cheng-Ying Tsai Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Impedance studies - Continue with discussions in JLEIC and ALS impedance meetings - Going over impedance theories - Uneven bunch spectrum - Write up technote for my analysis, and prepare slides for JLEIC impedance meeting on 6/17 - See its application in coupled-bunch instability growth rate analysis
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Vacation - Working on JLEIC related things for the pCDR. Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Continue pCDR work, and do a shortened, one week sting as program deputy.
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - IR design: chromaticity compensation, detector simulations, iterating with engineers - Spin experiment: spin tracking RHIC - Storage ring cooler: analysis of the longitudinal dynamics - Preparing for trip to CERN Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Continue spin tracking for the spin experiment - Tracking the dynamic aperture of the ion collider ring - Updating pre-CDR
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Conversion of ion linac lattice from TRACK to PyORBIT. The superconducting section of the proton linac (5 MeV to 155 MeV) has been implemented using matrix RF gap models, but with older versions of the linac accelerator modules in the PyORBIT code. - Conversion of TRACK proton linac lattice for H- ion acceleration, and comparison to PyORBIT version. In TRACK, quadrupole and cavity voltage polarities were flipped. In PyORBIT, quadrupole polarities were flipped, and RF gap phases were shifted by 180 degrees. Optics generally agree between TRACK and PyORBIT simulations for both protons and H- ions, with some mismatch in the radial defocusing from RF fields contributing to the overall mismatch in beam size. - Working with summer student Madeline Clyburn to get set up to work with PyORBIT. Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Getting the updated versions of linac accelerator nodes in PyORBIT to work with the JLEIC ion linac lattice. These modules contain more advanced RF gap models. Have reached out to Andrei Shishlo at ORNL for some guidance. - Implementing DTL sections into the PyORBIT lattice. - Start designing a stripping chicane for the lead ion linac. - Working with Madeline to start looking at relative velocities of H- ions along the superconducting linac to estimate H- intrabeam stripping losses per unit length of the beamline.
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
River Zhang
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - NAPAC2019 - Finished and submitted the abstract of the paper “Simulation of Transparent Spin Experiment in RHIC” and JLab JaCow for 2019 North American Particle Accelerator Conference. - "CASA BeamBeam" - Optimized and accelerated the transformation parts of “Crab Kick” of “CASA BeamBeam” codes by Using “Thread” of Python3 and Numba JIT method. - pyFMM - pyFMM is in testing process. In future, if possible, we wish to develop pyFMM to deal the irregularly shaped bunches in the interactions when crabbing. - Particles Spin - Form RHIC original snake setting, we are starting to check Twiss w/o error and to track spin in one turn by using Zgoubi. Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) -
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Reviewed Early career proposal - Worked with Tom Oren to get LOD modification out. - Developed safety documents for Isotope ERR. - Scheduled seminar for Riad Suleiman for GTS gun results - Worked to set up clean assembly of LDRD viewer - Developed run plan for June 18-19 run to 1G - Gave tour of LERF to Operations Group Candidate - Worked with CIS group to come up with laser solution for Chameleon experiment in User Lab 1 Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Attend FAST/IOTA workshop at Fermilab and consult with personnel on LDRD installation and future run plans. - Help out with setup run for LERF running to 1G dump. - Go over PreCDR and update sections that need it. - Summarize the ERLs for EIC workshop.
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (May 27 - June 7) - Attend JLEIC meetings. - For the Isotope Program I held a successful brainstorming session on the target holder (the raft) design. On Monday, I was asked to give a talk to HUGS on the program but I had not given a talk for a long time. Spent 2 1/2 days preparing a talk (attached) and delivered it. - Sarah arrived last week for the summer. I spent time getting her settled and answering questions. Her topic for the summer is to take the existing WiFEL gun, which was optimized for low-charge, ultra-low emittance, short bunches) and examine whether it can be tuned to produce high-charge, long bunches. She is learning GPT for this. - ALCC meeting (6/7) - apparently the ILC is not yet totally dead Next two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Focus on readying the LERF for beam and launching with Sarah - Vacation