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August 29, 2019 Report - Aug 19 - Sept 13
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) -
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - ERL’19 paper on the LHeC ERL - SS III recruitment cont. - Machine support, OOC - Tech Transfer invention disclosure evaluation Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Handbook article on ERLs - ERL’19 talk on the LHeC ER - Semi-annual grad. student review - Machine support, OOC
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Impedance studies - - - - JLEIC collective instability studies - - - CeC project - - - Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - JLEIC collective instability studies - - - CeC project - - - JLEIC pCDR100 - -
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) -
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Participate in DOE's "AI for Science" Town Hall at ORNL - Spent time preparing a summary talk of Town Hall and presented at ML lunch series - Various travel arrangements (ICALEPCS, AI Summit) - Training (to be able to create web content on the jlab.org site, GEN101) - Met with Onish (DC power) about trim card faults and data available - Worked on LHeC CDR update appendix on "ERL Development..." I was asked to write - Met with Stephen Webb (Radiosoft) Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Labor Day and a long weekend! - Help Gunn Tae with CCR simulations
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Max Bruker
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (Aug 19- Aug 30) - Worked on the storage ring cooler project - Prepared tutorial material for ZGOUBI workshorp - Attended the ZGOUBI workshop Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Work on the storage ring cooler project - Work on updating the interaction region design - Work on spin tracking using BMAD and ZGOUBI
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Continued H- linac optimization in TRACK. Rough linac optimization using MADX for optics design through matching sections between different components in the linac (i.e. matching from DTL tanks to SCL section). Transferred one version of "optimized" H- ion linac lattice to PyORBIT for comparison with TRACK - trying to understand disparities between TRACK and PyORBIT simulations to best implement processes that are harder to do in TRACK, such as simulation of emittance growth through a stripping foil. - Working on PSTP2019 invited talk titled "Laser-driven polarized deuterium source". Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance. - Continued work on the stripping chicane optics design and matching to the stripped beam distribution. - Continued work PSTP2019 talk
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks () - CEBAF: - JLEIC Next two weeks () -
Randy Gamage
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
River Huang
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Isurumali Neththikumara
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Beam-beam effect - After inserting our symplectic tracking code into beambeam3d, the codes compiled successfully. However, me met some memory fault when running the code. I tried to solve this issue and did fixed a few small bugs, such as a overflow of integer for factorial calculation, but the bug is still there. This work was put onhold since NAPAC posters/papers are due. Will continue in the next week. - IBS calculation - We are benchmark our IBS rate calculation with others. After a few iterations, I think when we use the same formula and the same parameters, our results agree with BNL’s result. Meanwhile, we noticed that even if the beam parameters are very close, our IBS time is about four times longer than eRHIC’s. But why? We suspect it is the lattice that leads to this difference. Next week we will investigate it. - NAPAC - Prepared slides for a talk in SERIPO workshop. (Yuhong will present.) Prepared two posters. Writing two papers but haven’t finished them. Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Finish NAPAC papers. - IBS analysis. - Start working on JSPEC benchmarking with Lanzhou experimental data. - Finish BB3D debugging.
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - HPWS: New motor controller for the High Power Wire Scanner arrived. After some change in the wiring I was able to run some initial test. The new controller seems to run a little better than the older one but the parameters are not yet optimized. Had a telecom with our collaborators, Radiabeam, were we both tried to tune the parameters. After a little progress we decided that we need to get Aerotech involved. - Isotope: Little to no work on Isotope production - FAST: Received the slit plate and had it UHV cleaned. Had a trip scheduled but the folks at Fermilab realized at the last minute that they had a scheduling conflict with the cleanroom. The trip has been delayed to the end of September at the earliest. - IBIC: The paper and poster are completed. Waiting on local review/approval to submit the paper. Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13) - Short week with Monday being a holiday and Friday a travel day to IBIC. Will work some on preparing the Isotope crucible with gallium test shipment. The idea is to keep the gallium from freezing during transport. We will try using hand warms packed in the shipping container. It is the start of the month so I will be doing the monthly safety walkthrough as Safety Warden. The following week is the IBIC conference.
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2) - Vacation interleaved with remotely addressing HPS and magnet system configuration Next two weeks (Aug 5 - Aug 16) - Vacation leave plus dealing on-site with HPS and magnet system configuration issues
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (Aug 5 - Aug 16) - Completed chapter 6 for Pre-CDR - Hosted seminar for Grigory Eremeev - Arranged for assembly of the LDRD at Fermilab - Helped to prepare paper for EIC description for NAPAC - Consulted with Chris Hall from Radiasoft on a possible SBIR for the EIC cooler. - Set up seminars for Steve Jamison and Steve Webb - Attended SBIR meeting in Gaithersburg, MD Next two weeks (Aug 19 - Aug 30) - Submit proposal for change of SOW for the Cooling FOA for IMP work - Explore the possibility of changing the venue for the no-deflection merger test - Finalize documentation for isotope ERR - Start putting together talks for ERL 2019 - Host talks for Steve Jamison and Steve Webb
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (July 22 - Aug 2 ) - July 22- July 29: primary focus on the isotope project - July 22: visit to VCU to test out our designs for the crucible removal and opening using a remote manipulator. It was successful, but several opportunities for improvement were noted , and have since been made by Kevin and Joe. - July 22 - July 26: visit by Robert Bentley and Geno Santistevan, PhD students at New Mexico Tech. They attempted to make thermal measurements (a bust) carried out FLUKA calculations to determine the amount of radiation immediately following the irradiation and following the decay. We have tentatively changed our irradiation protocol for 10 hour cool-down time rather than 24 hours initially proposed. This enables us to extend the irradiation time for more Cu67 production. - July 26: the quarterly report for the isotope project was submitted to the DOE on time. - July 29-August 2: Read large portions of the pCDR-100 and made corrections, mostly English but some substantive comments. Also spent a lot of time with Sarah who finally got GPT running on the WiFEL Gun. Sarah presented at the Friday lunchtime poster session and had a lot of interactions with people (who would be surprised?). Next two weeks (Aug 5 - Aug 16) - Focus on nailing down the Isotope run and helping Steve finalize the safety documentation. - Continue the pCDR editing - Help Sarah really make progress on the WiFEL simulations.