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Oct 2019 Report - Sept 30 - Oct 25 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
  Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - JLEIC pCDR finalization and final print!
     - JLEIC cooling and collaboration meet travel planning
     - OPS hall liaison planning and meeting
     - OPS discussions of CASA injector upgrade involvement
     - OPS prepare for KLF and Hall D collaboration meetings
     - ODU PHYS854 teaching (with Geoff Krafft)
     - Maybe take a vacation day here or there...

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - Attending ERL’19 in Berlin
     - Vacation 
     - PRAB paper review
  Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Writing ERL’19 paper
     - Writing a CDR chapter on the LHeC ERL design
     - Preparing talks on 50 GeV ERL and PERLE for the LHeC/PERLE workshop at CERN

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Prepare presentation on "Collective Effects in JLEIC" for the EIC collaboration meeting at ANL
     - Participate in the EIC Hadron Cooling Workshop in Fermilab (10/7-8) and the EIC Collaboration Meeting (10/9-11)
     - Presented my talk at the EIC collaboration meeting, and had multiple discussions with colleagues at the meetings 
  Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) 
     - Schedule and organize the next JLEIC Impedance Meeting
     - Work on microwave instability simulation in the e-ring of JLEIC
     - Write up technote on spectra for uneven bunch fill, which will play a role in the coupled bunch instability growth rate analysis.

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - I finished up an update for my pCDR section and sent it to Todd
     - I have been putting together some parameters and measurements needed for my collaboration with DESIREE, I am currently trying to coordinate this with them.
     - I have been revisiting the LEB design, since the lattice is quite dense and I feel it could be made better.
   Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - I will be focusing on the DESIREE collaboration. Currently they have 2 days in late October where they can do some initial measurements for me. That will be 
       used to help finalize my proposal for a spring trip out there to do the direct gear-changing experiment, which is due October 30th.
     - I will also be attending my scheduled human performance improvement session.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - AI strategy meetings (web content, lunches, outreach, re-branding, etc.)
     - Wrote LHeC appendix on "ERL Developments" (including updated "ERL landscape" plot)
     - Prepping slides for contributions to the two 1-day workshops I'm attending before ICALEPCS (one on Jupyter notebooks the other on ML)
     - Was invited to (remotely) participate in the LBNL "AI for Science" session on Accelerator Science
     - Proofread various talks/papers that I am involved with (e.g. Adam Carpenter's ICALEPCS paper, Steve's multiple ERL talks)
     - AI webpage development - slowly coming along (https://www.jlab.org/AI/lunch_series)
     - Some work on using AI for state vector prediction in a detector 
   Next two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - AI webpage development - slowly coming along (https://www.jlab.org/AI/lunch_series)
     - Some work on using AI for state vector prediction in a detector 

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Worked on IBS
     - Studied 10^35 JLEIC
     - Work on DC cooler
     - Wrote slides for two talks in the EIC collaboration meeting 5. Attended EIC Hadron Cooling Workshop and EIC Collaboration 
  Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Write slides for JLAAC review 
     - FOA quarterly report    
     - JLEIC R&S (IBS/cooling, DC cooler, IMP paper. etc)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Sept 16 – Sept 27)
     -	JSPEC simulations of different DC cooling schemes for the HEB
     -	Prepared concept for workshop presentation
  Next (Sept 30 – Oct 11)
     -	Finalize workshop presentation
     -	Hadron cooling workshop and EIC collaboration meeting

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Reviewed electron beam damping parameters with damping wigglers
       - Answered questions from the pCDR external reviewers
       - Miscellaneous: generated electron ring lattice without detector solenoid for beam study, attended JLEIC R&D meeting, attended Semi-annual Graduate Student Progress   
         Review meeting, discussed introducing computation of DK depolarization rate using Zgoubi with Radiasoft collages, 
  Next two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
       - Work on updating the interaction region design
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Prepare talks for cooling workshop and EIC collaboration meeting

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - PWorking on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring cooler.
     - Working on simulation to get the longer bunch length in the cooling section.
     - Introducing harmonic cavity and bunching cavity in two energy ring to get the longer bunch length in the cooling section. Bunching cavity provides the focusing.
     - Results shows that we should go with shorter bunch length ~ 1 cm.
   Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Will be working on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring
     - Making clear presentation based on calculation and simulations for future plan.
     - Meeting with Dr Kra�t for more discussion.
     - Should go with chirping and de-chirping along with other scheme in two energy ring.
     - Working with new lattice for two energy storage ring.(Dr Fanglei Lin has designed the new lattice).

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Optimization of the IBS rate in the ion collider ring -IR design: modeling of the detector region in GEMC and GEANT4 -Preparation for and attendance of the EIC
       collaboration meeting     
   Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Attending APS DNP meeting
     - Preparation for JLAAC meeting
     - Preparation for EINN meeting

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Continued H- linac optimization in TRACK. Working on optimization of second DTL tank with slightly lower voltage level. Baseline design has one voltage level for first
       and second DTL tanks, and a slightly lower level in DTL tank 3. Trying to improve on reduced emittance by lowering the voltage in DTL tank 2 and reoptimizing downstream
       quadrupoles and solenoids.
     - Working on PSTP2019 invited talk titled "Laser-driven polarized deuterium source". 
   Next two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance.
     - Continued work PSTP2019 talk 
     - Attending/presenting at PSTP2019 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks ()
     - CEBAF:
     - JLEIC
   Next two weeks ()

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Multipole correction optimization
     - Re-tune ion collider lattice to fix dispersion at IP
     - EIC hadron cooling workshop(at Fermilab) and EIC collaboration meeting(at Argonne lab) 
   Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
     - Continue to optimize the orbit correction
     - Continue multipole correction and DA studies (New ion quad data from GianLuca at LBNL)
     - Add optics correction

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Transparent Spin Mode using Zgoubi - Adjusted RHIC’s OPERA maps into snakes’ parallel case, put OPERA maps into RHIC’s lattice, tested Transparent Spin Mode using Zgoubi
       and obtained some results. We need to analyze the simulation data in future.
     - Beam-Beam interaction and Particle Tracking - For the case, σ_1x=σ_2x  ,σ_1y=σ_2y  and σ_1x≫σ_1y and β^*≫σ_x, we obtained an analytic solutions, this was used in our
       CASA Beam-Beam package to test the luminosity of some JLEIC configurations. New benchmark of particle tracking in Linac-Ring was completed between BeamBeam3D and CASA
   Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25)
      - Continue working on EIC project

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks ()
     - Completed move to the ARC
     - Turned over MCC KeyWatcher
     - QTSnyder upgrade to QT5 for migration to RHEL7
     - Multiwire emittance measurement and matching for the Halls
          - Simulated and tested with elegant vs qsUtility analysis
          - Started working on Ops tool
     - Bagels with the AD
     - Met with Yves to discuss work on the Injector upgrade
     - Attended Machine Learning lunch meetings
     - 12GeV PRAB paper
          - Attended meetings and received topic assignments
          - Assembling references, sketching out text.
     - Completed "Respectful Workplace" training
     - Attended BTeam meetings
     - Checked on new computer; still not ready
   Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Finish QTSnyder upgrade; write ATLis for testing the "live" portion with beam
     - Finish Multiwire tool; write ATLis for testing with beam
     - 12GeV PRAB paper
     - Meet with Grames, et. al., about Injector upgrade work.
          - Joe has some papers, etc for me to read first
     - Resurrect work on rayTrace

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)     
     - JSPEC - In JLEIC cooling scheme, the electron bunch is expected to be repeatedly used for tens of times. Due to the collective effect, e.g. space charge and CSR effect,
       the electron bunch may be distorted in phase space during transport, which may affect the cooling efficiency. To simulate this effect, a process has been developed in
       JSPEC. This process uses particles with 6D coordinates to present the electron bunch. The particle coordinates are saved in binary or text files. It is allowed to use up
       to 100 files to represent different electron bunches, which are named sequentially as electrons_0.dat, electrons_1.dat, etc. The program reads all the files provided
       into the memory and create electron density map and temperature map saved as hierarchical trees for each electron bunch. These maps are used in the friction force 
       calculation and the cooling rate calculation. Since the time for 100 circles are still much shorter than the time step (0.1 second to 1 second) in a typical cooling
       simulation, it is valid and convenient to calculate the averaged cooling rate of all the electron bunches and use it as the effective cooling rate for the current time
       step. Note that the file reading and map generating only need to be done once. But the rates need to be calculated in each time step. We checked the validation of the
       process using Gaussian electron bunches represented by particles, because the cooling rate of an ideal Gaussian bunch can be calculated accurately. In real simulations,
       the electron bunches can be created by other beam transport programs. 
     - Cooling/IBS calculation - Continue performing cooling and/or IBS simulations for various JLEIC parameters with IBS-optimized lattice. Results suggest with the optimized
       lattice 1.6 nC electron bunch will provide enough cooling for 100 GeV proton beam and significant reduce the IBS expansion for 200 GeV proton beam. Put the results into
       slides to support our talk in EIC collaboration meeting. 
   Next two weeks (OCt 14 - Oct 25) 
     - Start working on JSPEC benchmarking with Lanzhou experimental data.
     - Finish a few changes of JSPEC

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Sept 2 - Sept 13)
     - I have been preparing for the IBIC conference and the Faraday Cup award for September 8 - 12, including the award poster and website update 
   Next two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - Attended the IBIC Conference      
     - Vacation

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Oct 11)
     - Vacation
     - HPWS – Had a teleconference with Aerotech and Radibeam to tune the linear motors. With the Aerotech motor expert’s help the motors were successfully tuned and the HWPS
       translates well in the current configuration. The HWPS was not under vacuum or in its normal 45 degree angle.
     - Isotope Experiment – Completed a presentation for the Isotope Review. Presented the information to the review committee.
     - ICALEPCS conference – Paper and poster nearly complete and in its final review process. Paper title, “Wire scanner for high intensity beam profile diagnostics”
   Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Isotope Experiment – Work on completing the shielding and instrumentation for the experiment. Address items that comes out of the review
     - Halo monitor – Finish aligning the camera/fiber optics and install it on LDRDS

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks ()
   Next two weeks ()

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
   Next two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - Attend ERL 2019 and present 3 invited talks
     - Discuss HZDR beam noise studies with Pavel Evtushenko
     - Complete preparations for Isotope ERR and attend it.
     - Submit proposal for change of SOW for the Cooling FOA for IMP work
     - Set up Working group 5 agenda for the Hadron Cooling Workshop at Fermilab.

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Sept 16 - Sept 27)
     - Attended 2nd AMICI Industrial Session in Brussels, Belgium and gave a presentation on upcoming nuclear accelerators worldwide.    
     - I then visited Louvain-La-Neuve (a suburb of Brussels) to see the progress on the MYRRHA Injector which is being built there.  
     - This week I have been totally consumed by preparing and attending the Isotope ERR.  We still have a lot of paperwork to do as well as finish the installation.  
     - I also did try and help Yuhong with the IBS studies he is carrying out.    
   Next two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11)
     - Organize the responses to the Isotope ERR Comments and Recommendations.  
     - Prepare my talk for the AMICI 3rd Annual Meeting in Paris, attend the meeting on October 8 -9  (this is the last one in the series).  
     - Then I am on vacation until October 23 when I will attend the LHeC/PERLE meeting near CERN.