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January 7, 2021 Report - Dec 7 - Jan 1 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23) 
     - EIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team, R&D)
     - EIC Director's Review (Dec 8-11)
     - EIC IR2 Workshop and OC meetings (Dec 15-16)
     - EIC FY21 labor planning, design and R&D plan updates
     - EIC CDR updates, editing
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee)
     - ADMIN APS DPB Executive Committee Quarterly (Dec 11)
     - ADMIN Accelerator seminar (Alex, Dec 17)
     - ADMIN IPAC'21 planning (Thursdays)
     - ODU Isurumali meetings re ER@CEBAF, python optimizations
     - ODU USPAS planning, syllabus development
     - Dec 24 - Jan 1: VACATION and Winter SAD holidays
  Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15) 
     - EIC Meetings (Management, RF, crab, cryo, cooling, impedance, OPC, team, R&D)
     - EIC CD-1 page turns (Jan 6, 8), dry runs (Jan 13-15)
     - EIC Coherent Electron Cooling review attendance (Jan 13-15)
     - EIC Partner project and management planning
     - EIC CDR updates, editing, finalization
     - MGMT Evals, Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee)
     - ADMIN IPAC'21 planning (Wednesdays)
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, 08:30 LERF/isotopes, LERF cleaning/medical)
     - SICK (Jan 14, medical procedure)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23) 
     - Weakly focusing multi-pass linac optics
     - FFA CEBAF Optics  - FODO cell optimization 
     - Setting up GA for linac optics (one-on-one with Isturumali)
     - PRAB paper review 
     - Dec 24 - Jan 1: Holidays/Vacation 
  Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15)
     - Beyond 57 GeV ‘Site Filler’

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23)
     -  Impedance:Attend the weekly EIC impedance/beam dynamics meeting. Attend the biweekly EIC impedance/engineering meeting
     - Coherent Beam-beam and Transverse coupled bunch instability (TCBI)

after convergence test done against particle numbers, I focused on the detailed study of Landau damping from beam-beam on TCBI, compare the beam-beam damping rate with the TCBI growth rate, and its dependence on eSR working point. Got some interesting results

     - Improve my analysis for current spectra for uneven bunch fill in my technote, now I got perfect agreement of my analysis with the Fourier spectra directly calculated by Frank Marhauser using Mathematica 
     - Dec 24 - Jan 1: Holiday vacations
  Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15) 
     - Continue with my calculations for the interplay of CBB (coherent beam-beam) and TCBI (transverse coupled-bunch instability)
            - Study the growth or damping rate dependence on working point choice and initial dipole offsets. 
            - Write up a brief note
     -	CeC review
            - Going through the CeC presentations
            - Participate in the committee discussions

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23)
     - Vacation/Lab shutdown: Dec 18 - Jan 1)
   Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15)
     - Attend Bteam and Cold startup meetings
     - Attend Beam-beam task force meetings
     - Work on ECA application

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     -	"Problem of the Quarter" presentation
     -	AIFOA: PI meetings
     -	RADSMA: collaboration meetings
     -	ARDFML: data exploration, application of unsupervised learning on summer 2020 data labels
     - Attend NeurIPS conference
     - Serve on PERLE injector review committee
     - Attend seminars (CASA, OWLE, etc.)
     - Vacation
     - Lab shutdown  Dec 24 - Jan 1
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - Vacation
     - Lab shutdown

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
  Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Almost done cleaning up and documenting the IMP data folder. Lots of dusty old stuff to sort through.
     - Minor remarks on the APS synopsis draft.
  Next (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - Crucial Conversations class, parts 1 and 2. Mostly common sense, but always a good idea to be reminded of the necessity for continuous self-improvement.
     - While I still need to finish cleaning up the data folder, the IMP experiment is OVER. We managed to painfully get rid of the errors introduced by the production team, and
       the article has now been published. It only took little more than a year, counting from the end of the experiment...
     - Reading the EIC CDR. Haven't gotten very far in terms of making meaningful comments.
     - UITF beam optics work coming up!

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
     - Continued involving the study of electron polarization in the EIC 
     -	Worked on the storage ring cooler project  
     -	Took a few days off 
     -	Miscellaneous: attended the EIC eSR polarization meeting, attended the EIC RCS polarization meeting, attended EIC design team meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting,
       attended the EIC general meeting 
  Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Take vacation

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
     - Momentum aperture and Touschek lifetime were calculated in a dual energy ring with two set of energies, low energy ring = 150 MeV and high energy ring = 500, 1000 MeV. The
      calculated lifetime are couple of hours. Touschek lifetime were calculated using elegant simulation and using analytical formula. However, there is some discrepancy of 
      calculated lifetime especially in high energy ring.
     - I was working on tech notes on dual energy storage ring. About 6 tech notes were prepared and edited.
   Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - I will be working to figure out the discrepancy in Touschek lifetimec calculation in a dual energy storage ring.
     - I will complete the tech notes.

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
     - Preparing and giving presentation on the spin transparency experiment at the DoE PI exchange meeting
     - Study of the control of the vertical electron beam size at the IP by coupling
     - Bench-marking of polarization lifetime calculations
     - FFA work: optimization of a CEBAF FFA cell
   Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Preparing and giving a talk on the EIC 2nd IR at the 2nd IR workshop
     - 2nd IR work: optimization of the ion IR2 lattice for low-energy operation
     - EIC ion polarization: first estimate of the ion polarization lifetime due to longitudinal IBS
     - CDR: updates of the ion polarization section and the 2nd IR appendix
     - Optimization of the vertical electron beam size at the IP
     - CEBAF FFA work

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Matrix methods for magnetized ion beam transforms. Concatenating the round to flat beam transform with a matrix satisfying the constraints as listed in SLAC-PUB-4679. Some
       preliminary testing on a sample distribution.
    - Attending the Workshop on the Second IR at the EIC.
    - EIC Design Newsletter team meeting with F. Willeke to discuss the future direction of the newsletter. Topics included the transition from task forces to design teams and
      formalization of the design plan.
    - Preparation for the DOE/SC Review of LBNF/DUNE, to be held January 6-7 and 11-13, 2021. Pre-review meeting to be held 12/21. 
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - LBNF/DUNE pre-review meeting.
     - Vacation!

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - FFA working group
     -	Bteam meetings and Bteam related coordination of activities
     -	Cold start and ORFP procedural development
     -	Spreader/Recombiner setup procedural development
     -	ER@cebaf /XFEL preparation for meeting
     -	CED import requirement drafting
     -	FSD/Hall controls meetings
     -	Evals
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - Vacation
     - Lab shutdown

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
   Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
   Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
   Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
     - HLA
           - Developed and released cs2sdds, a tool for importing machine settings from EPICS or MYA into an elegant deck
           - Continue development of rayTrace analyzer GUI for 
     - Ops
           - Training
                 - Completed SAF210 5-Minute Escape Pack Training
                 - Completed SAF116kd Physics Work Governance
                  -Completed GEN034 Security Awareness
           - Participated in ORFP/Cold Startup/Troubleshooting 
     - Guide discussions
            -Investigate 1S/1E and 2S/2E steering errors
     - Attended OWLE Seminar on Automated LHC Collimator Setup with ML
     - Work through online PyTorch tutorials
     - Attended 0800, BTeam, CASA meetings
     - Thanksgiving Holiday  
   Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20)
     - HLA
          - Rewrote parts of my SDDS_Perl library to speed up loading data for the rayTrace analyzer
          - Continue work on rayTrace analyzer GUI
     - Training
          - Completed GERT training
          - Read and signed 2021 General Access RWP
     - Working through PyTorch book and tutorials
     -AI FOA
          - Attended meetings
          - Presented timeline for Year 1 milestones
     - AIPINJ
          - Tweaking the element layout in the elegant deck and CED
          - Revisit chopper modeling in elegant
     - Drove to JLab to get SmartCard update
     - Attended Cold Startup/ORFP/Troubleshooting Guide meetings
     - Attended AI Lunch Series, Accelerator Seminars, Radiasoft Webinar on photoinjector modeling in Sirepo/OPAL.
     - Attended 0800, BTeam meetings

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)     
     - Friction force output has been finished and tested. 
     - Writing the report on JSPEC development. Not finished.
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1) 
     - Continue the unfinished work. On vacation and holiday most of the time

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (Nov 23 - Dec 4)
  Next two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Isotopes – Assisted S&A with the alignment of the beryllium vacuum window, radiator and raft. Started working on a HPGe detector support structure design.
     - ARDDOT - With S&A completing the alignment of the three Arc 7 SLMs I started working on the optical alignment. Most of the first one is complete.
   Next two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 1)
     - Isotopes – Support next week’s run remotely. Continue to work on the HPGe support structure
     - ARDDOT – Complete the optical alignment of the three SLMs. Start working on diagnostics upgrade to CEBAF (simulations, engineering and designs). 

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Oct 26 - Nov 6)
   Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 20)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - Presented talk at ERR for 5 kW Isotope run.
     - Submitted Technical note for Low Energy cooling for the EIC
     - Completed AWP for Isotope program and got it approved
     - Helped set up installation of horizontal corrector for Isotope beamline.
     - Looked at JLAMP redesign
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - Review Physics of Plasma paper
     - Go over CDR appendix looking for potential lethal flaws in the low energy cooler design.

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 18)
     - EIC: I attended meetings, including the Editorial Board.  The upcoming period I will be more involved in editing the CDR.  
     - Isotopes: I prepared two talks for the Isotope Review and dry run some of the others.  The Review went well, with questions on the window.  I had contacted ANL to borrow a window; they sent the window and 
       the detailed design, which enabled Joe to calculate it.  Initially his calculation did not give a positive result.  Dave Meekins pointed out that it was because Joe was modeling the window as a solid, not a shell. 
       When it was calculated as a shell, it could be demonstrated to be safe. We finished the week preparing for the run.  Lila is making progress; I also attended another of the DOE Isotope Program Seminar series - the 
       pet project of our funding manager.     
     - PERLE: there was videoconference where some progress was made.  There is agreement that PERLE can use the AES booster module, and we need to provide a SoW for replacing the cavities. Achille reiterated that he was 
       willing to fund the SRF work at JLab, just needs all of the documents signed!   
     - VNECA Good meeting to bless the Governors Nuclear Energy Strategic Plan, which we helped develop.  There are opportunities for Jefferson Lab to take an active role, but actually, we are on the sidelines.  But it is 
       good for our image in Richmond to be seen to be helping with the Governor’s plans.    
   Next two weeks (Dec 21 - Jan 1)
     - EIC: I attended meetings, including the Editorial Board.  The upcoming period I will be more involved in editing the CDR.   
     - Isotopes: I prepared two talks for the Isotope Review and dry run some of the others.  The Review went well, with questions on the window. I had contacted ANL to borrow a
       window; they sent the window and the detailed design, which enabled Joe to calculate it. Initially his calculation did not give a positive result. Dave Meekins pointed out that
       it was because Joe was modeling the window as a solid, not a shell.  When it was calculated as a shell, it could be demonstrated to be safe. We finished the week preparing for
       the run. Lila is making progress; I also attended another of the DOE Isotope Program Seminar series - the pet project of our funding manager.    
     - PERLE: there was videoconference where some progress was made.  There is agreement that PERLE can use the AES booster module, and we need to provide a SoW for replacing
       the cavities.  Achille reiterated that he was willing to fund the SRF work at JLab, just needs all of the documents signed!  
     - VNECA: Good meeting to bless the Governors Nuclear Energy Strategic Plan, which we helped develop.  There are opportunities for Jefferson Lab to take an active role, but
       actually, we are on the sidelines.  But it is good for our image in Richmond to be seen to be helping with the Governor’s plans.  
     - Still in Continuing resolution awaiting info on further funding from the DOE Isotope Program.