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January 7, 2021 Report - Dec 7 - Jan 15
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Switchyard strategies for FFA@CEBAF - Setting up GA for linac optics (one-on-one with Isturumali) - Muon acceleration writeup for Muon Collider Study Group. Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Presentation on switchyard for FFA@CEBAF - Collaboration with Kevin Andre on PERLE end-to-end tracking - PRAB paper review - White Paper on future CEBAF - writeup on FFA energy doubling
Ryan Bodenstein
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Prep to move to the US - Arrived in the US on the 26th - Settling in a bit Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - First day on the 1st - NEO for 3 mornings, normal onboarding stuff - Lots of training. Got badge - Will get laptop - More training, and getting into the actual work process
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23) - Impedance:Attend the weekly EIC impedance/beam dynamics meeting. Attend the biweekly EIC impedance/engineering meeting - Coherent Beam-beam and Transverse coupled bunch instability (TCBI) after convergence test done against particle numbers, I focused on the detailed study of Landau damping from beam-beam on TCBI, compare the beam-beam damping rate with the TCBI growth rate, and its dependence on eSR working point. Got some interesting results - Improve my analysis for current spectra for uneven bunch fill in my technote, now I got perfect agreement of my analysis with the Fourier spectra directly calculated by Frank Marhauser using Mathematica - Dec 24 - Jan 1: Holiday vacations Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15) - Continue with my calculations for the interplay of CBB (coherent beam-beam) and TCBI (transverse coupled-bunch instability) - Study the growth or damping rate dependence on working point choice and initial dipole offsets. - Write up a brief note - CeC review - Going through the CeC presentations - Participate in the committee discussions
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (Dec 7 - Dec 23) - Vacation/Lab shutdown: (Dec 18 - Jan 1) Next two weeks (Jan 4 - Jan 15) - Attend Bteam and Cold startup meetings - Attend Beam-beam task force meetings - Work on ECA application
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.) - Attend AIRES 2 Workshop - Isotope simulations for Steve - Generate modified ERL landscape for Andrew and Max Klein - Learning to use CED - AIFOA: editing budgets, preparing quarterly, project planning, detailing software specifications and requirements - RADSMA: IPAC21 abstract will be submitted for project Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.) - AIFOA: finalize and submit quarterly report - ARDFML: analysis of different datasets to understand why ML models give different performance - Attend seminars (OWLE, AI Lunch, etc. - Serve on hiring committee for Data Science Department Head - Mentoring grad student duties: hosting foreign national training, paperwork, graduate student progress review
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Max Bruker
Previous (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Finished SBIR review - Some work on the JSPEC code to get a decent basis for the Python interface to be useful - This was motivated by He's tech note that is currently being edited - Tried to start working on EIC RF problems, but folks are reluctant to share prior material, particularly simulation code... Will need to pester more Next (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Edit the JSPEC tech note - I am planning to redesign and document the JSPEC Python interface. Merge both projects into one, throwing C++ file i/o and run file parsing overboard and making all data transparent through nparrays etc. Slightly restructure the class hierarchy such that it more readily exposes the important interfaces to the user. - UITF optics work. We would like to obtain a model that is consistent with reality and hope to get there with iterative measurements and corrections. Due to lack of harps in the keV beam line, measuring the emittance there may prove to be cumbersome but hopefully not impossible.
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Completed all 6 tech notes and are ready to submit into JLab online system - Two abstracts are prepared and submitted to IPAC2021. - I was working to �nd out the discrepancy in Touschek lifetime especially in high energy ring. Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - I will submit all tech notes into JLab system after the �nal approval from my supervisors. - Further exploration of beam dynamics in a dual energy storage ring. - I will be working on to �nd out the discrepancy in Touschek lifetime in high energy ring. - I will be working to understand Higher Order Mode (HOM) impedance measurements in SRF structure that we use in dual energy storage ring simulation.
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Randi Gamage
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
River Huang
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - We are working on study the image reconstruction of collision beams based on Poisson's solution of equation and trying to solve the retarded potentials based on results obtained in 1995 by R.A. Kruger. - We are also working on optimizing CASA Beam-Beam. Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Continue working on CASA Beam-Beam.
Isurumali Neththikumara
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Completed creating 10-pass north linac files with 750 MeV energy gain per pass with different phase advances (900,1200,600) - Compared OptiM and Elegant output for 600 FODO linac with 1.1 GeV gain. - Elegant files were obtained from Dr. Roblin, and there’s a pretty good agreement in both results - But inj+NL file had deviations due to weak cavity-end focusing - Tried to write a conversion script from OptiM to Elegant, but it’s complicated, so decided to convert OptiM to Madx, then convert Madx to Elegant format. Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Start writing the GA code.
Dennis Turner
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - The binary collision model and the local model for the non-Gaussian IBS finished. Need testing. - Submitted one abstract for IPAC’21 Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Test the binary collision model and the local model. - Add the following feature to TPSA package: derive Lie map from truncated DA map.
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Isotopes – Work on 50kW design - ARDDOT - The three stands and vacuum chambers for the ARC 7 SLMs have been installed. The next step is to have the chambers aligned by S&A. Working on a new design for the 1A and 2A SLMs to place the camera over the upstream dipole. This approach should allow us to take advantage of the dipole steel as radiation shielding. The design is not entirely straightforward as the there is little room between the dipole and ceiling making the XYZ camera translation difficult. Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Isotopes – Work on the 50kW design - ARDDOT – Continue working on diagnostics upgrade to CEBAF (simulations, engineering and designs).
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) -
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - Reviewed PRL and PRAB pair of papers. - Finished writing up review of PCA CeC program at BNL - Wrote up and submitted quarterly report for “Innovative High Energy Electron Cooling for the EIC” project - Reviewed Export Control and FOUO compliance with external lawyers Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - Review SBIRs from DOE-NP. - Put together the budget for the Isotope quarterly. - Present new JLAMP design study - Go over CDR appendix looking for potential lethal flaws in the low energy cooler design. - Rewrite and submit the LOSP for User Lab 4 - Set up training for Drive Laser Enclosure LPSS
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (Jan 18 - Jan 29) - EIC: - Isotopes: - PERLE: - VNECA Next two weeks (Feb 1 - Feb 12) - EIC: - Isotopes: - PERLE: - VNECA: