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Director (M. Spata) No Report

Accelerator Physics (T. Satogata) Todd Satogata

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - ADMIN: Appraisal training (Sep 19)
     - OPS: BTeam (Sep 19), ATLis cleanup, troubleshooting guide, RSR accounting
     - IPAC18: invited program finalization, registration opening
     - JLEIC: Continue assembling documents, pCDR meetings/planning
     - JLEIC: Continued esme simulations for coasting beam instability evaluation
     - ODU: USPAS January 2018 class coordination (registration opening)
     - ADMIN: Write recommendation letter for Eric Thompson Fulbright
     - ODU: JMU seminar prep/trip (Sep 29)
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - PERS: Wish Mike a Happy Birthday (Oct 2)
     - OPS: BTeam (Oct 3), ATLis cleanup, ORFP update review
     - OPS: 12 GeV beam parameter meeting
     - JLEIC: Prepare talk for BNL collaboration meeting
     - ADMIN: Peer review NIM paper
     - IPAC18: Editorial board meet (Oct 5), SPMS support work
     - JACOW: Team Meeting travel planning, organization
     - JLEIC: Continue assembling documents, pCDR meetings/planning
     - HALLD: Help McCaughan prepare slides for GlueX collab meet talk (Oct 12)
     - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Oct 9-13)

Alex Bogacz

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - NUFACT: NUFACT'17, talk on "Muon Acceleration for Neutrino Factory and Beyond"
     - IPAC18: Continue APS scientific publication board org for light peer review
     - ADMIN: Invention disclosure review, TRC work
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - ADMIN: Peer review PRAB paper
     - NUFACT: Write, finish paper for NUFACT'17 proceedings
     - USPAS: Continue work on lectures for "Practical Accelerator Design"

David Douglas

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - JLEIC: More work beating on tilted solenoid, comparison to DIMAD
     - JLEIC: Work on talk for EIC collaboration meeting
     - JLEIC: respond to any results Chris develops on the simple CCR
       arcs (and started write up the simple arc)
     - JLEIC: Work with Chris to understand Bmad quadrupole model
     - ADMIN: Neil symposium (Sep 27)
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - JLEIC: continue with tilted solenoid: generate transfer matrix
       (numerical differentiation); start comparing to conventional
     - JLEIC: continue responding to any results Chris develops on the simple
       CCR arcs and writing up the simple arc
     - ADMIN: talks for collaboration meeting, Bonn, and Daresbury

Rui Li

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - JLEIC: prepare slides summarizing my understanding of
       electron cloud in JLEIC and present at R&D meeting
     - JLEIC: start to work on slides summarizing JLEIC collective
       effects for the upcoming collaboration meeting in BNL
     - ADMIN: continue to work on matters for the thesis award
       committee (deadline is 9/16)
     - ADMIN: Write recommendation letter for Eric Thompson Fulbright
     - VACATION: Sep 22
     - ADMIN: Neil symposium (Sep 27)
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - VACATION: Oct 2-3
     - JLEIC: Prepare slides on collective effects for EIC collab meet
     - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Oct 9-13)

Ed Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - JLEIC: chasing down issues around injection problems in the
       booster, and we determined that there may be dispersion in
       sections that are not dispersive.
     - ADMIN: Neil symposium (Sep 27)
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - JLEIC: figure out the best way of combatting injection
       synchrobetatron coupling and hopefully get a good injection
       simulation going.
     - VACATION: Oct 9

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - JLEIC: trying to benchmark Bmad for a single quad (elegant and DIMAD
       agree but use the same phase space coordinates while Bmad does
       not; tried (with Dave's help and a 30+ year old TN he wrote) to
       do the appropriate transformations. Still not making sense)
     - PERLE: learning/trouble-shooting Cheng-Ying's code for use with
       acceleration (to model S2E PERLE lattice)
     - JLEIC: summarizing results from analysis of CCR "simple arc"
       (microbunching is under control, one pass through arc is okay,
       10 passes through a ring comprised of arc and we're doomed -
       CSR longitudinal wake induced energy spread growth/distortion
       and CSR-generated emittance growth)
     - ADMIN: Neil symposium (Sep 27)
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - CRADA signed? (a talk at the symposium raised the possibility
       of renewed interest in FEL for Navy and/or lithography in 2025
       time frame - woot!)
     - JLEIC: resolve Bmad issue and proceed to play with CSR/CSR
       shielding capabilities (benchmarking with elegant if possible)
     - PERLE: proceed with PERL analysis - really need some results
       for multiple turns. Suspect they are doomed too.

Randy Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Sep 18-Sep 29)
     - Dissertation writing: Continue coasting beam chapter, tech note
   Next two weeks (Oct 2-Oct 13)
     - Dissertation writing: Hopefully coasting beam chapter, tech note