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Director - M. Spata
No report. Acting Director, Accelerator Division
Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata
No report. Medical leave
Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang
Fanglei Lin
- Prepared a paper for the JPos17 proceeding.
- Working on the modification/optimization of electron collider ring for different study purposes.
- Worked with SRF colleagues to provide RF system information for the baseline design of electron ring.
- Discussed spin study with U of New Mexico and Cornell U, and learning the code BMAD.
- Miscellaneous: attended discussion of IP magnets with engineers, attended the JLEIC R&D meeting, attended JLEIC detector meetings, attended CASA group meeting, attended JLEIC general meeting.
Vasiliy Morozov
- Gave a JLEIC overview presentation to engineers.
- Prepared and gave a talk on JLEIC IR design at the EICUG Detector Discussion meeting at Temple University.
- Prepared and made a presentation on the EIC R&D FOA at a JLEIC R&D meeting.
- JLEIC planning and proposal preparation activities: JLEIC planning meetings, meetings with collaborators.
- Geometry tagging LDRD: working with Guohui and meetings with collaborators.
- Crab crossing: working with Salvador and River on crab crossing simulations.
- Meeting with engineers on IR layout.
- Meeting on detector background simulations.
- Submitted three IPAC'18 abstracts: detector design, polarization, and crab crossing.
Amy Sy
- Toroidal merger: working on optimizing geometry to include larger coils in the second half of the merger, to accommodate the high energy beam injection. Verifying that the new larger coils do not adversely affect the low energy beam.
- Worked with Muons, Inc. to put together the ion source SBIR proposal, focusing on a polarized D- source that could use laser photolysis for polarized deuterium atom generation.
- Geometry tagging LDRD: Transferring analysis tools and GEMC input/output data to Guohui to get him up to speed on progress on the LDRD since August 2017.
Guohui Wei
- Modify of a draft of a Journal paper, "Integration of the full-acceptance detector at the JLEIC
- Working on the LDRD1804 of Geometry tagging. Add a detector at the first downstream final focus quadrupole to detect cascading proton and neutron. And analyze the final state particles on this detector
- Update on compensation study of detector solenoid effects due to comments from magnet group. The lengths of the two correctors upstream should become longer with weak field rather than current 0.2 meter.
Yuhong Zhang
- Submitted 4 PAC2017 abstracts
- Attended JLEIC engineering meetings
- Participated discussion on new FOA
- Created a set of slides for the topic of "How China can help US EIC"
- Updated a set of slides for on cooling experiment for the China-US collaboration summit
- Started to look at the magnetized DC cooler
Computational Physics - Y. Roblin
No report.
Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan
No report.
LERF - S. Benson
No report.