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Director - M. Spata
No report. Acting Accelerator Division Head

Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata
Todd Satogata

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - ADMIN: Return to part-time work (Jan 22), hopefully full-time (Jan 29)
     - JLEIC: pCDR presentation (Jan 22), preparations for lattice convergence
     - ODU: Return to teaching PHYS 417/517 (with Charles/Geoff/Suba)
     - ODU: Randy advising, review thesis chapter
     - OPS: Start re-engaging with CEBAF operations, BTeam, Bubble chamber meet
     - IPAC18: Send out contributed oral presentation invitation letters
     - Madison Accelerator Lab SPAC online meeting (Feb 2)
  Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - JLEIC: pCDR resource planning meetings, P&C meeting (Feb 12)
     - ODU: Continue teaching PHYS 417/517 (full load), Randy advising
     - OPS: Plan OOC, Beam Studies (Tuesdays), BTeam
     - IPAC18: Coordinate contributed orals, send poster presentation acceptances

Alex Bogacz

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - VACATION: Jan 22-26
     - USPAS: Practical Lattice Design web updates, final grading
     - OPS: Optics on call, CEBAF operations support
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - ADMIN: PRAB paper review
     - OPS: Optics on call, CEBAF operations support
     - PERLE: Lattice updates after January meeting

David Douglas

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - Write up "simple" CCR arc
     - Design two isochronous arcs with greater symmetry, higher periodicity
       (one with fully axially symmetric dispersion matching, one with only
       global axial symmetry)
     - Refine next iteration of FFAG-like solutions
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - Write up "Why PERLE" note requested by Max Klein
     - Write up ERL/CCR arc requirements document
     - Write up integrated arc+dispersion match
     - Continue refining next iteration of FFAG-like solutions
     - Generate CCR full-turn lattice for full-turn testing

Rui Li

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - USPAS: Auditing Alex Chao course (Jan 15-26)
     - ADMIN: APS/DPB thesis committee work wrap-up
     - JLEIC: Prepare for impedance meeting (Feb 19)
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - JLEIC: Continue playing with and understanding Blaskiewicz's
       code for JLEIC parameters
     - JLEIC: Communicate with Blaskiewicz re code questions
     - JLEIC: Summarize study for JLEIC R&D meeting report
     - JLEIC: Prepare for impedance meeting (Feb 19)
     - JLEIC: Read more about impedance budgets of various machines

Ed Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - Preparing talk for beam-beam workshop (Feb 5-7)
     - JLEIC: Preparing seminar for SLAC visit (after beam-beam workshop)
     - JLEIC: Booster ramping tests
     - JLEIC: Booster lattice regularization/simplification for engineering
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - Beam-beam workshop  (LBNL, Feb 5-7)
     - SLAC visit and seminar (SLAC, Feb 8-9)
     - JLEIC: Booster lattice regularization/simplification for engineering/baseline

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - JLEIC: More headway with GPT tests for uBI/CSR/shielding (bends!)
     - JLEIC: CCR arc analysis (elegant, Bmad, TStep, Vlasov-solver)
       Major microbunching observed, investigating source
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - JLEIC: Figure out cooler next steps post-FOA
     - JLEIC: Start assembling S2E cooler simulation for pCDR, even without
       some portions that work at 3.2 nC

Randy Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Jan 22-Feb 2)
     - Dissertation writing: Continue work on coasting instability chapter
     - JLEIC: Continue evaluation of coasting beam instability thresholds
   Next two weeks (Feb 5-Feb 16)
     - Dissertation writing: Continue work on coasting instability chapter
     - JLEIC: Continue evaluation of coasting beam instability thresholds
     - JLEIC: Meet with Rui Li, get ideas on esme instability tests

Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang
Fanglei Lin

  • -Performing a tune scan for electron collider ring.
    -Learning the BMAD for spin tracking simulation.
    -Miscellaneous: attended beam-beam code development meeting, attended discussion of IP magnets with engineers, attended the JLEIC R&D meeting, attended JLEIC detector meeting, attended discussion of electron cloud simulation in JLEIC.

Vasiliy Morozov
My activities in the past two weeks were:

  • -Wrap up of the FOA proposals
    -Review of SBIR proposals
    -Geometry tagging LDRD: teleconference with collaborators
    -IR design: meeting with engineers
    -Crab crossing: work with River on beam-beam
    -*Preparation of a presentation on light ion polarization for workshop on physics with polarized light ions at EIC

Plans for the next two weeks:

  • -Attendance of the workshop on polarized light ion physics
    -Ion collider ring lattice development

Amy Sy

  • -Toroidal merger: verifying and initializing proper high energy distribution for transport through the high energy portion of the merger. Compiling and summarizing recent results for presentation.
    -Continued literature search on feedback systems with the goal of providing some estimates of feedback system parameters as dictated by JLEIC beam physics.

Guohui Wei

  • -Update on IR design. we chance the length of the upstream anti-solenoid from 1.6 meter to 1.2 meter. And nest the decoupling skew quads into the main FFQ upstream of the IP. The downstream skew quads is changed from 0.1 meter to 0.2 meter.
    -LDRD study of the geometry tagging after the collision. the final states with x > 0.02 are statistics with the multiplicity of A(A of biggest residual ion), Z(Charge of biggest residual ion), D(generated deuterium), and alfa particles. And I also place a virtual monitor upstream of the first FFQ to detect the final state with large scatting angle.
    -Modification of a journay paper "Integration of the full-acceptance detector at the JLEIC"

Yuhong Zhang

  • -Attended USPAS training (Project Management)
    -Provided supported to NAS review (Lia Merminga)
    -Started planning of remaining/next phase bunched beam electron cooling experiment
    -Started DC cooler conceptual design
    -Other activities on JLEIC (meetings etc)

Computational Physics - Y. Roblin
No report.

Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan
Kevin Jordan:

Joe Gubeli:

  • LCLS-II:
    -Vault waveguide layout support
    -Gallery false floor layout
    -Gallery SSA alignment
  • SBIR Review
    -Work on CEBAF HARP issues
    -Work with John Musson on his next Lab 4 experiment
    -Working with Mike on diagnostics improvements

Mike Tiefenback:

  • tracking magnet problems (steering anomalies indicating possible wiring faults)
  • tracking optics (rayTrace tool improvements, coordination with Yves Roblin for potential incorporation into optics tuning)
  • planning for diagnostic improvements (Synchrotron Radiation imaging in 7A, 1C12, and possibly MXR2T06 common dipole)
  • recommending decommissioning of SRCC coils to free up resources -- this system has been shown to be unnecessary
  • more on improvements for wire scanner systems
  • keeping my training record up to date

LERF - S. Benson
January 22-Feb. 2 Reviewed two SBIRs for DOEs Tried to better define match of electron cooling to IBS in in JLEIC Hosted two Cooler ring meetings to define near term goals and progress towards them Completed laser audit in the LERF and certified laser in User Lab 4 Went over property list and resolved missing data and items. Hosted Nilanjan Banerjee from Cornell for Accelerator Seminar Reviewed Ultrafast Electron Diffraction MRI proposal for submission to NSF with NCCU Discussed possible collaborative work with Cornell at the CBETA facility with Rongli Geng and Tom Powers Completed paper for JPos17

Feb. 5-16 Submit Pos17 paper Write up tech note on Cooler Ring numerology Host Cooler ring meetings on Feb 7 and 14 Complete property validation