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Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata (Interim CASA Director)
Todd Satogata

  • Previous two weeks (July 23-Aug 3)
    • ADMIN: Leadership meetings, staffing input and planning
    • ADMIN: DOE Operations Review (Jul 25-26)
    • JLEIC: pCDR writing, template, EIC lunch, impedance/HE/R&D meetings
    • JLEIC: NAS report release presentation (Jul 24)
    • JLEIC: Summer student work on Booster simulations, training
    • JLEIC: EIC User's Group Meeting (Catholic University, Jul 30-Aug 2)
    • JLEIC: Summer student poster session (Aug 3)
    • IPAC18: Finalize proceedings
  • Next two weeks (Aug 6-Aug 17)
    • ADMIN: Leadership/group meetings, staffing input and planning
    • JLEIC: pCDR writing, template, EIC lunch, HE/R&D meetings
    • JLEIC: Complete Booster vacuum tech note calculations
    • JLEIC: Director's Cost Review round table (Aug 6)
    • JLEIC: P&C Meeting pCDR Update (Aug 13)
    • OPS: Re-engage with BTeam, CEBAF startup, OOC schedule input
    • ODU: Sal Sosa annual review presentation (Aug 9)
    • IPAC18: IPAC'18 delegate survey report

Alex Bogacz

  • Previous two weeks (July 23-Aug 3)
    • ADMIN: Materials for European strategy collaboration:
      • PERLE with Orsay
      • LHeC with CERN
      • Muon accelerator with INFN Frascati
    • PERLE: Refinement on PERLE lattice
    • OPS: Arc 2 Optics: further phase advance optimization
  • Next two weeks (Aug 6-Aug 17)
    • MUONS: Summary on muon acceleration for European Strategy Group
    • LHEC: Refinement on the LHeC ERL lattice
    • MUONS: NuFact SPC mtg. at Virginia Tech
    • ADMIN: Tech Transfer database training

Rui Li

  • Previous two weeks (July 23-Aug 3)
    • JLEIC: Calculate resistive-wall impedance contributions to the coupled bunch instabilities. Found out that for the electron ring, their effects are negligible for the longitudinal coupled bunch instability, but they play a major role for the transverse coupled bunch instability (dominant over the RF cavity HOM effects).
    • JLEIC: Summarize the LCBI and TCBI results and presented them at the impedance meeting
    • JLEIC: Review early literatures on collective instabilities
  • Next two weeks (Aug 6-Aug 17)
    • JLEIC: modify the section of preCDR to include new findings of resistive wall effect on CBI
    • JLEIC: continue to develop more understandings on collective instabilities by going over literatures
    • JLEIC: digest discussions on the impedance meeting, forming up my vision for the impedance studies

Edy Nissen

  • Previous two weeks (July 23-Aug 3)
    • JLEIC: Booster working point simulations, up to 96% survival but still with long-term beam stability issues
    • JLEIC: Update pCDR contribution based on reviewer feedback
  • Next two weeks (Aug 6-Aug 17)
    • JLEIC: Continue Booster working point simulations
    • JLEIC: Assist with pCDR as necessary (referencs, tables, Booster section)

Chris Tennant

  • Previous two weeks (July 23-Aug 3)
    • LERF: LERF lattice study for isotope production (no constraints)
    • ADMIN: planning mini-ERL workshop
  • Next two weeks (Aug 6-Aug 17)
    • ISOTOPES: isotope kick-off meeting
    • ISOTOPES: isotope lattice design (with constraints as they become defined)
    • JLEIC: model 476 MHz linac for cooler ERL and work on longitudinal match using arc from Project-E

Accelerator R & D - Y. Zhang (Awaiting Update)
Fanglei Lin

Vasiliy Morozov

Amy Sy

Guohui Wei

  • On Leave

Yuhong Zhang

Computational Physics - Y. Roblin (Awaiting Update)

Yves Roblin:

  • OPS: preparing for upcoming run
  • OPS: BTEAM meeetings. Now weekly again.
  • OPS: incorporated new optics into CED
  • OPS: meetings with physics regarding energy determination for past experiments
  • JLEIC: pCDR writing, pCDR meeting
  • ADMIN: acting Casa Director during Todd’s absence, Leadership meeting.
  • ADMIN: budget. Adjusting charged hours for a “soft “ landing and closing MEPCEC
  • ADMIN: budget: preparing projections for JLECBB

Dennis Turner

He Zhang

  • Last two weeks
    • Beam-beam code development
      • The symplectic tracking code using one of the four classical generating functions has been finished and benchmarked with COSY Infinity 9.0. To use the new code, the user only needs to provide the truncated map and specify which generating function to use for symplectic tracking. The generating function will be constructed automatically. The following figures show the benchmark for the symplectic tracking of 1,000,000 turns using the first generating function. Our code agrees well with COSY Infinity. The same benchmark has been done for all the other three generating function and for tracking with a truncated map. In all the cases, the both codes agree with each other. A few places of the code are revised for better efficiency. A new parser is also added so that the truncated map generated by MAD-X can be loaded. But we have not done anything to convert the coordinates between COSY Infinity and MAD-X. A bug in the original TPSA code is found and fixed.
      • Now we can consider how to fit the tracking code into BeamBeam3D. The following issues needs to be addressed:
        • Calling C++ functions in Fortran.
        • Convert COSY Infinity and MAD-X coordinates to BeamBeam3D coordinates.
        • Parallelization.
      • I have read some tutorials on calling C++ in Fortran. In principle, it can be done. Need more testing to learn how it works.
    • JSPEC code development
      • Continue working on the arbitrary electron bunch module for JSPEC. A new electron beam model has been added. The interfaces between the following modules: electron beam, friction force calculation, cooling rate calculation, have to be revised. This work has not been finished.
    • Others
      • Investigated and wrote about high energy DC cooler
      • Submitted the abstract for ICAP’18
  • Work plan in the following two weeks
    • Finish fitting the arbitrary electron bunch module into JSPEC.
    • Write about enhancing cooling efficiency for pCDR.
    • Document the work on symplectic tracking.

Kirsten Deitrick

Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan (Awaiting Update)
Kevin Jordan

Joe Gubeli

Michael Tiefenback

LERF - S. Benson

  • July 23-Aug. 3
    • ISOTOPES: Prepared for and attended kickoff meeting for isotope project
    • JLEIC: Went over CEC study by Stupakov to derive ERL specifications
    • ADMIN: Attended Operations review
    • JLEIC: Wrote up cooling section of HE-JLEIC appendix
    • JLEIC: Worked on editing Cooling chapter of pCDR
    • OPS: Met with Tim Minga to survey fire safety status of the LERF
    • JLEIC: Held Cooling ring meetings and wrote up minutes.
    • JLEIC: Derived utility needs for cooling ring with Cooling ring group
    • ADMIN: Held program committee meeting for "ERLs for EIC" mini workshop.
  • August 6-17
    • JLEIC: Visit Fermilab to plan out the FAST/IOTA transport of magnetized beam experiments.
    • JLEIC: Hold FOA project status meeting (Aug. 17)
    • ADMIN: Try to define HZDR collaboration
    • ADMIN: Prepare ICPA-18 conference presentation.
    • OPS: Work on fire safety punch list items in the LERF
    • JLEIC: Continue to work on pCDR
    • ISOTOPES: Revise LOD for isotope work

A. Hutton

  • July 23-Aug 3
    • JLEIC: Read all of the JLEIC PreCDR updates and sent out comments to the authors.
    • ISOTOPES: Prepared for the Isotope Kick-off meeting
    • Started my invited talk on Transverse Deflecting Cavities for the HL-LHC Collaboration Workshop. Contacted people in the US, Europe and Japan to get input, incorporated slides I received from UK and ODU.
    • Some discussion with Kirsten on the Cornell results