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July 1, 2019 Report - June 24 - July 19
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) -
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Machine support , OOC - 'Dogbone' ERL lattice design - ERL'19 invited talk - Implementation of the new Internal Publication system - PRAB paper review Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Machine support - Expand USPAS lecture on Radiation Damping - Revisions to Operations Training, MOODLE - Final review of IOP submissions for the IPAC'19 Light Peer Review
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Impedance studies - Participate the weekly ALS-U impedance meeting interesting discussions with Karl Bane and Bob Warnock at the meeting - Bob Warnock is modifying his code on microwave instability so that he can send to me to run for JLEIC case - Prepare for JLEIC impedance meeting on 6/17: - Talking to Tim Michalski to prepare presentation on vision and status of the engineering design - Talking to Rimmer to prepare presentation on vision and status of the feedback system - Uneven bunch spectrum - Write up technote for my analysis, - Start to look at its impact on the coupled-bunch instability growth rate - Plasma cascade in the BNL Coherent-electron-cooling - Read reference papers on, trying to catch up on their current status - Remotely participated one CeC operation meeting on their upcoming experiment - Help Walter Wittmer on R&D list - Work with Bob Rimmer to prepare documents Walter requested for the R&D list, in particular, I'm the P.I. of block 6 (impedance and instabilities) in the list - Help with CBETA on CSR induced microbunching instability - Georg's graduate student, William Lou, is following our suggestion to do convergence test of the microbunching instability. He had questions for me and my former student Cheng-Ying Tsai. And we are helping him on the problems. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Impedance studies - Organize the JLEIC impedance meeting on 7/16 - Participate ALS-U impedance meeting and discussions - Continue to understand impedance analysis - Help to coordinate impedance budget study at JLAB - Coupled bunch instability - Continue with technote writing - Continue with analysis of coupled bunch instability and the study of the impact of uneven bunch distribution on growth rate - CeC project - Continue to understand the underline physics - Continue to participate their weekly meeting - CSR in CBETA - Continue to give support/help on their CSR studies
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Working on the LEB, I tweaked the design to make the nonlinearities less of a problem, - Taking July 5 off Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Continue pCDR work. Hopefully moving on to the HEB
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) -
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Developed estimated luminosity curves for 140 GeV JLEIC with or without high energy cooling - Worked on a concept for 140 GeV JLEIC - Read chapter 3 of pre-CDR-100 and made corrections - Worked on three talk slides. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) -
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) -
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Presented a poster on\ Equilibria and sychrotron stability in two energy storage ring."in user group meeting on June 24 at JLAB.( Not selected for any prize but learned something) - Presented technical progress in \ Two Energy Storage Ring" in JLEIC R & D meeting on June 27. - It was a great experience giving a talk for the �rst time in such a large number of scientists at Jefferson Lab. - Working on two cavities model for acceleration and deceleration to remove more chirping introduced by a single cavity. - Working in ERL mode, we are able to get the required bunch length and the energy spread in the cooling section. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Working on elegant simulation using real parameters for RF cavities instead of using the matrices. - Understanding the theory on damping time and energy spread in two energy storage ring ( Dr. Krafft's tech note). - Have to make more progress on \ Two Energy Storage Rings Cooler". - Third harmonics cavity.
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (June 10 - June 21) - Ion polarization studies: work with River on simulations of the transparent spin experiment, evaluating a polarization scheme for 400 GeV ion collider ring - IR work: work with Randy on optimization of the ion collider ring optics and simulations of the dynamic aperture, identifying multipole values to be used in the simulations - Two-energy storage ring cooler: development of a new concept for the longitudinal dynamics in a storage ring with long bunch length suitable for cooling - Exploring options for the ion collider arc lattice at 400 GeV and presenting them at the R&D meeting Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Work on simulations of the transparent spin experiment - Evaluating the multipole effect on the dynamic aperture of the ion collider ring - Exploring IR and crabbing designs for 140 GeV CM upgrade and writing an appendix on the upgrade - Updating the pre-CDR
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Worked with summer student Madeline Clyburn to extract transverse and longitudinal rms velocities along the linac for H- intrabeam stripping estimates. Currently able to extract information about the bunch at the end of the linac, and working to extract values as the linac is traversed. - SRIM/TRIM calculations of energy and angular distributions of lead ions after passing through carbon stripping foils, and parameterization of the probability distribution as a function of foil thickness and incident beam energy as in the Gorelov and Marti paper TUP087 from LINAC2006. Generating python tools to analyze the SRIM/TRIM data and extract distribution parameters - general agreement when comparing results obtained for 12 MeV/u U-238 ions. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Continued work with PyORBIT including: troubleshooting the DTL linac implementation and lack of beam stability, and optimization of the superconducting portion of the linac for better matching with TRACK. Also plan to discuss with ANL the possibility of converting the RF cavity field map files from binary Fortran files to something that can be read into PyORBIT. - Putting together a stripping chicane in TRACK; estimates of effects of carbon stripping foil on lead ion beam emittances and optics parameters.
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
Randy Gamage
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Frequency map analysis of the bare lattice. - Re-visited chromaticity compensation in madx (in progress). Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Scale SuperKEKB FFQ multipole strengths to JLEIC. - Dynamic aperture studies with multipoles if the chromaticity compensation goes well.
River Huang
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Transparent spin - Using RHIC’s different configurations, three particles’ spins and energy changes from one turns to 5000 turns have been tracked for three cases: parallel two snakes, 5 degree and 9 degree for snake1. The acceleration in RHIC’s cases have been involved in Zgoubi simulations. - A code for calibrating ALE (half-deviation matched to the reference trajectory) and the field in RHIC configuration has been completed. The Zgoubi simulation results demonstrated that the implement of our code yields RHIC configuration to be the transparent spin for two identical snakes. - The simulation process and results have been discussed with the project collaborators at BNL. - Simulations for calculating “Zero Integer Spin Resonance Strength” have been carried out from 10-400 GeV for 90-degree (Angle between Snake-axis and the radial direction). - "CASA BeamBeam" - In the elegant process combined with “Crab Kick”, the different parameters of the bunched beam for elegant configurations have been tested. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19)
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - Participated in Fitness for Duty discussion with Dr. Smitty Chandler and Jim Boyce - Participated in June 25th and 26th LERF run to the 1G dump. - Headed up a review of the Harmonic kicker and attended the close-out of the UITF ARR. - Submitted another abstract for ERL 2019 - Worked on getting the LDRD assembly ready to ship to Fermilab. - Worked on updating Pre-CDR-100 chapter 6 - Worked on finalizing the COO for isotopes. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - Finalize documentation for Isotope ERR. - Get LDRD sent to Fermilab. - Prepare quarterly summary for FOA contract and budget for Isotope quarterly. - Continue to work on updating the Pre-CDR-100 chapter 6.
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (June 24 - July 5) - In the last two weeks, the isotope program has had successes and failures. We attempted to bring CW beam to the existing 1G dump. We achieved bringing pulsed tune beam into the 1G line, but not to the end. A series of hardware problems prevented full transmission, including badly mounted view screens that dropped into the beam, etc, We will try again in a couple of weeks. Kevin has made progress on the boron nitride crucible, almost ready for prime time. Jamal Zweit has received the remote manipulators for the hot cell at VCU. Kevin and (hopefully) Keith Welch will go up to VCU to make sure that the crucible (with a piece of iron in it to mimic the weight) can be extracted from the pig and be opened by the remote manipulators. I am preparing the quarterly report which will be fairly positive. - Attended an ALCC videoconference on the organization that the US delegation wants to propose for the ILC Laboratory implementation. Not sure I am fully convinced that the ILC is going to happen, but I will continue to do my bit. - I have spent some time with Sarah, we need to make sure that she gets to the meat of what we would like her to produce. - I understand from Stuart that there will be a meeting tomorrow to discuss the ODU proposal to the Virginia Legislature (which includes the JEDI Proposal). I don’t have a good feel as to whether it will be successful. Next two weeks (July 8 - July 19) - I will be in Japan for the SuperKEKB Review. When I return, I will be working on completing the Isotope Quarterly Report, and helping Sarah, who should have got sufficiently far advanced with GPT to start optimizing the WIFL gun for high bunch charge. - I will start editing the PreCDR100 when there is something for me to work on.