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Oct 2019 Report - Oct 14 - Nov 8
Director - Todd Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8) - .
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Writing ERL’19 paper - Writing a CDR chapter on the LHeC ERL design - Preparing talks on 50 GeV ERL and PERLE for the LHeC/PERLE workshop at CERN Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Finishing a CDR chapter on the LHeC ERL design - PRAB paper review - Attending nuSTORM mtg at CERN - Attending Workshop on the LHeC, FCC-eh and PERLE, Chevennes de Bogis
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Prepare presentation on "Collective Effects in JLEIC" for the EIC collaboration meeting at ANL - Participate in the EIC Hadron Cooling Workshop in Fermilab (10/7-8) and the EIC Collaboration Meeting (10/9-11) - Presented my talk at the EIC collaboration meeting, and had multiple discussions with colleagues at the meetings Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Schedule and organize the next JLEIC Impedance Meeting - Work on microwave instability simulation in the e-ring of JLEIC - Write up technote on spectra for uneven bunch fill, which will play a role in the coupled bunch instability growth rate analysis.
Edy Nissen
Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Did some work with the LEB, trying to see if I can get more space in the lattice - Mostly coordinated with the people at DESIREE for the measurements they made for me on October 21, and 22. - Analyzed the data they sent me and worked to finalize the proposal for beam time which is due the 31st. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - I will submit the proposal - Determine priorities for my work in the next two weeks.
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Accelerator Advisory Committee meeting (slide preparation/dry-run/talk) - Employee self-evaluations - Wrote draft of ML section for CEBAF PRAB paper - Preparing slides for Accelerator Seminar (11/14) - Participated in initial telecon about using ML for magnetized beams (with ANL, SLAC) - Start outline, initial sections for draft of SRF classifier paper (to be submitted for peer-review later in the year) Next two weeks (Oct 28 Nov 8) - Finish Accelerator Seminar talk - Continue work on SRF classifier paper - CeC effort starting up in earnest again (?) - JLEIC cooler effort ramping up again
Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang
Yuhong Zhang
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Worked on IBS - Studied 10^35 JLEIC - Work on DC cooler - Wrote slides for two talks in the EIC collaboration meeting 5. Attended EIC Hadron Cooling Workshop and EIC Collaboration Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Write slides for JLAAC review - FOA quarterly report - JLEIC R&S (IBS/cooling, DC cooler, IMP paper. etc)
Max Bruker
Previous (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Prepared presentation for cooling workshop - Finished Jspec simulations with current Heb lattice at different energies to evaluate cooling energy tradeoff - Attended cooling workshop and collaboration meeting Next (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Find reason for alleged discrepancy between Jspec and theory / Fermilab cooler experience - Revisit weakly magnetized cooler
Fanglei Lin
Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Worked on the storage ring cooler project, and provided a quarterly report - Revisiting electron top-off injection scheme for JLEIC - Miscellaneous: attended JLEIC R&D meeting, discussed introducing computation of DK depolarization rate using Zgoubi with Radiasoft collages, attended JLEIC general meeting, finished employee appraisal. Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8) - Work on updating the interaction region design - Work on the storage ring cooler project
Bhawin Dhital
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - PWorking on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring cooler. - Working on simulation to get the longer bunch length in the cooling section. - Introducing harmonic cavity and bunching cavity in two energy ring to get the longer bunch length in the cooling section. Bunching cavity provides the focusing. - Results shows that we should go with shorter bunch length ~ 1 cm. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Will be working on longitudinal dynamics and stability in two energy storage ring - Making clear presentation based on calculation and simulations for future plan. - Meeting with Dr Krafft for more discussion. - Should go with chirping and de-chirping along with other scheme in two energy ring. - Working with new lattice for two energy storage ring.(Dr Fanglei Lin has designed the new lattice).
Vasiliy Morozov
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Optimization of the IBS rate in the ion collider ring -IR design: modeling of the detector region in GEMC and GEANT4 -Preparation for and attendance of the EIC collaboration meeting Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Attending APS DNP meeting - Preparation for JLAAC meeting - Preparation for EINN meeting
Amy Sy
Previous two weeks (Sept 25 - Oct 11) - Some preliminary work preparing for LBNF/DUNE review, including review of prior report and teleconference with Beamline L2 manager. - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in MADX and TRACK. Testing stripping module in TRACK and resultant transport through the nominal ion linac. Working on an insertion to ion linac as laid out in chicane schematic in preCDR. Current ion linac design has stripping location before quad triplet - looking at optics at this position, modifications for Pb30+ versus stripped Pb67+, and other parameters as part of the chicane design. - Remote attendance of EIC Accelerator Collaboration Meeting. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - DOE pre-review teleconference for planning for LBNF/DUNE review. - Continued work on linac optimization for reduced transverse emittance. - Continued work on heavy ion stripping chicane design in TRACK and PyORBIT. - Continued work on TRACK vs PyORBIT comparison for linac simulations.
Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Attended AIXLAB, staffed JLAB booth. - Interview panel for RADCON group leader - BTEAM, preparations for startup - Meetings for local organizing committee for AI workshop at JLAB - Working on 12Gev Paper, started assembling notes and writing - Beam beam work with Isurumali - Assessing effect of longer bunch, discussions with Yue Hao et al - Preparing report for FOA due oct 25 - Preparing talk for Nov 7th PI meeting - Prepared talk for SLLP leadership training (took place oct 7th at fermilab) - Prepare performance appraisals, review objectives - Extended PIT meeting - Writing RAR3 reports for past running period - Preparing/reviewing optics for upcoming run - Oct 11: sick day Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - BTEAM, FOA report, performance appraisal, budget preparation (AWP) , AI meetings, Hall A optics rework (for FFB and dithering optimization)
Randi Gamage
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Multipole correction optimization - Re-tune ion collider lattice to fix dispersion at IP - EIC hadron cooling workshop(at Fermilab) and EIC collaboration meeting(at Argonne lab) Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Continue to optimize the orbit correction - Continue multipole correction and DA studies (New ion quad data from GianLuca at LBNL) - Add optics correction
River Huang
Previous two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Transparent Spin Mode using Zgoubi - OPERA field maps with snakes’ parallel (the snake currents were varied using a fitting procedure to adjust the snake axis to 0°) has been put into RHIC’s lattice. After precisely adjusting the total bending angle of all of the dipole magnets to sum up to 2π, we tried to realize the spin transparent in a simulation for the RHIC’s configuration: all of the spin components are constant from turn to turn with a good numerical precision. After precisely adjusting, the spin resonance-strength was much smaller than before. Again, we also introduced random transverse quadrupole misalignments Δ𝑦 and dipole roll Δ𝜑 with rms magnitudes that provide 0.2 mm vertical closed orbit distortion ac-cording to a statistical model prediction. Averaging over all seeds gives a rms vertical closed orbit excursion of about 0.18~mm. - CASA Beam-Beam package - We are working on coding to convert the symbolic expressions to python to solve nonlinear equations。 Next two weeks (Oct 28 - Nov 8) - Continue working on EIC project
Isurumali Neththikumara
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
Dennis Turner
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - 12GeV PRAB paper - Submitted two sections to SharePoint; started work on a third. - Received new computer and set it up with elegant, MacPorts, etc. - Attended AI lunch meetings - Continued work on Multiwire - While working on MultiWire, saw opportunity for improvement to qsUtility and chased that squirrel. - Emailed Janet to fix my timesheet so that it no longer thinks I'm on the Ops shift schedule. - Completed the new Laser Safety Training. - Attended BTeam meeting - Generated qsUtility measurement and matching templates for IHA0L03. - Attended Injector Upgrade Meeting - Met with Joe Grames to walk the Injector beamline and discuss the upgrade plan. - Touched base with Alicia to talk about GPT modeling, etc. - Helped the new operator get started with CSUE and software development so he can perhaps take over some of my software tools that are not related to CASA. - Sick day 10/7 Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Continue work on assigned sections of the 12GeV PRAB paper. - Get more familiar with the upgraded Injector beamline, get started with elegant deck, etc. - Finish MultiWire - Create templates for all the Hall lines and Injector. - Write ATLis for testing. - Write documentation. - Finish QTSnyder upgrade and write ATLis for testing - Make sure qsUtility works with Injector solenoids once and for all. - Resurrect work on rayTrace. - Attend BTeam, 12GeV paper, Injector Upgrade, and AI lunch meetings.
He Zhang
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - JSPEC - In JLEIC cooling scheme, the electron bunch is expected to be repeatedly used for tens of times. Due to the collective effect, e.g. space charge and CSR effect, the electron bunch may be distorted in phase space during transport, which may affect the cooling efficiency. To simulate this effect, a process has been developed in JSPEC. This process uses particles with 6D coordinates to present the electron bunch. The particle coordinates are saved in binary or text files. It is allowed to use up to 100 files to represent different electron bunches, which are named sequentially as electrons_0.dat, electrons_1.dat, etc. The program reads all the files provided into the memory and create electron density map and temperature map saved as hierarchical trees for each electron bunch. These maps are used in the friction force calculation and the cooling rate calculation. Since the time for 100 circles are still much shorter than the time step (0.1 second to 1 second) in a typical cooling simulation, it is valid and convenient to calculate the averaged cooling rate of all the electron bunches and use it as the effective cooling rate for the current time step. Note that the file reading and map generating only need to be done once. But the rates need to be calculated in each time step. We checked the validation of the process using Gaussian electron bunches represented by particles, because the cooling rate of an ideal Gaussian bunch can be calculated accurately. In real simulations, the electron bunches can be created by other beam transport programs. - Cooling/IBS calculation - Continue performing cooling and/or IBS simulations for various JLEIC parameters with IBS-optimized lattice. Results suggest with the optimized lattice 1.6 nC electron bunch will provide enough cooling for 100 GeV proton beam and significant reduce the IBS expansion for 200 GeV proton beam. Put the results into slides to support our talk in EIC collaboration meeting. Next two weeks (OCt 14 - Oct 25) - Start working on JSPEC benchmarking with Lanzhou experimental data. - Finish a few changes of JSPEC
Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan
Kevin Jordan
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) -
Joe Gubeli
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Isotope Experiment – Uploaded 1F, 2F and 1X region drawings for beamline components to Document Control. Uploaded the shielding mechanical presentation to Document Control as well. - ITV7A09 – Received parts, assembled, aligned, documented and installed new imaging system for the 7A09 Viewer. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Isotope Experiment – Work on completing the shielding and instrumentation for the experiment. Address items that comes out of the review - Halo monitor – Finish aligning the camera/fiber optics and install it on LDRDS
Michael Tiefenback
Previous two weeks () - Next two weeks () -
CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - Previous (Sept. 30-Oct. 11) - Analyzed R&D needs for EIC for W. Wittmer - Analyzed damping wiggler needs for the JLEIC electron storage ring - Prepared two talks for Hadron Cooling workshop - Attended Hadron Cooling workshop, gave two talks, chaired one session, and helped write up working group summary. - Attended EIC Collaboration meeting. - Had discussions with P. Piot about using AWA to do RF merge study - Set up seminar for Uttar Pudasaini. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Submit proposal for change of SOW for the Cooling FOA for IMP workAttend Hadron Cooling Workshop - Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF - Prepare quarterly report for Strong Cooling FOA project - Prepare budget for isotope project quarterly and assist PI in submitting the report. - Submit papers for ERL workshop
Andrew Hutton
Previous two weeks (Sept 30 - Oct 11) - I spent most of my time organizing a response to the Isotope ERR. In addition;, I prepared my talk for AMICI and helped Yuhong with his talk on IBS. Next two weeks (Oct 14 - Oct 25) - Attended the AMICI meeting in Saclay and gave my closing report from the Industrial Advisory Board, of which I am the Chairman. - Now I am on vacation until the middle of next week. I will be at the LHeC/PERLE at the end of next week.