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Feb 6 2020 Report - Jan 20 - Feb 14 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
  Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17) 
     - Invention disclosures - review
     -	Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
     -	Machine support 
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	CEBAF ER chicane config. with Cornell’s magnets

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Extending my study on uneven bunch spectra while writing the technote 
     - Understanding effect of uneven bunch fill on coupled bunch instabilities
  Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14) 
     - Sick leave 2/3-2/7
     - Study impedance dependence on aperture
     - Continue with ALS-U collaboration on impedance studies

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - I have been working to document the upcoming DODGE  experiment
     - Discussing the strategy for COMBINE with Jean and Geoff attending meetings about the future of our EIC work
     - Working as optics on call
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - I will finish my DODGE preparations
     - Work on the design for COMBINE, it needs some tweaking and updated cost projections.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Visit to CNU robotics lab
     - Follow-up meetings for "AI in Accelerator Division" talk
     - Meeting with Communications staff about AI at JLab
     - Generate content for AI landing page
     - Work with Daniel Lersch on generating quarterly problem for AI Lunch Series
     - Checking performance of online fault classifier models
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Prep and give presentation on AI at Jefferson Lab at DOE telecon
     - Accelerator Production Systems Engineering: meetings and contributing to draft white paper
     - AI for NP Workshop: work on pre-workshop "hackathon"
     - Host Lasitha for day visit to the lab
     - Re-train ML models for SRF fault classification using new training data set (with more fault classes)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     -	Analysis of IMP experiment
     -	Mourned the death of JLEIC
  Next (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - DC cooler discussion at Fermilab
     -	Continue analysis of IMP experiment
     -	Fully read the eRHIC pCDR (the document is surprisingly well-written considering its length)

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
       - Worked on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC R&D meeting, attended JLEIC weekly 
         meeting, attended a meeting for the Spin@USPAS class
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Work on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)
     - Learning python and data science with python. Took some online courses on python.
     - Preparing slides on ` beam cooling ' for coming USPAS .
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Working with stability in a two energy storage ring cooler with ` Radiation on'.
     - Working on generalized formula for stability in a two - energy storage ring cooler.
     - Going to USPAS ( Jan 13 - Jan 24) San Diego, CA as a TA for "Accelerator Physics".

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Work on two-energy storage ring 
     - Spin tracking simulations for the transparent spin experiment
     - EIC interaction region work
     - IBS optimization in the JLEIC ion collider ring
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Work on two-energy storage ring 
     - Spin tracking simulations for the transparent spin experiment
     - EIC interaction region work

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17):
     - Longitudinal Schottky signal analysis for December 2019 IMP bunched beam cooling experiments. Plotting and evaluating spectrograms from the first set of data (700 ns bunch
       length, varying RF voltage from 0.6 kV to 2 kV) to check for missing data. Evaluating peak spacing and sideband evolution as RF voltage is varied. The synchrotron 
       frequency from the peak spacing appears to be ~50 Hz lower than expected from the experimental parameters, across all RF voltages 
     - Looking for the source of this 
   Next two weeks (Jan 23 - Jan 31)
     - Continued Schottky signal analysis for latest IMP experiment.
     - Continued work on getting the DTL portion of the JLEIC ion linac working in PyORBIT, to finish up H- intrabeam stripping estimates.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Vacation (until Jan 8)
     - AI workshop organizing committee meetings and organizational work
     - Accelerator restart, BTEAM meetings
     - TRC committee meetings
     - FOA report on beambeam
     - Staff evaluations
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Hall A recommissioning, review of specifications for beam deliveries
     - USPAS meetings 
     - Preparation of slides for summer USPAS teaching  
     - Preparation of lecture notes for USPAS
     - Staff evaluations, final step
     - Calculations for spin transport IPAC contribution (with J. Grames/M. Joyce)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Chromaticity correction
     - Added two mobius insertions to the ICR
     - Multipole correction for jelic icr
   Next two weeks (jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Designing a dual arm chicane for Hall D energy doubling
     - Multipole correction for jleic icr

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - CASA Beam-Beam package - We completed revising “Crabbing Kick” part of CASA Beam-Beam package, since now the crabbing kick code can work
       on both Linux and Windows10 system with Graphical User Interface (GUI).
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Continue working on revise CASA Beam-Beam package.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - AIPINJ
        - Updated elegant deck to reflect layout changes from ME.
        - Verified apertures wide enough for solenoid scans
        - Match with Darmstadt triplets vs. various wien angles.
     - Hall A target position excursion
        - Attended emergency meeting
        - Recompiled Chime for RHEL7
        - Provided scripts and Chime configs for target positions and current lock
        - Fixed the above scripts when they became broken overnight.
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Searched for sources for beam locks section
     - 'AHLA
        - Spoke with Chris Slominski about taking over Fopt; he is not retiring after all.
     - Optics On-Call
     - qsUtility tweaks
     - MultiWire tweaks
     - Provided input to Chris Tennant for the DOE AI for NP teleconference
     - qsUtility for UITF
     - Attended BTeam, AIPINJ Modeling, CASA, AI Lunch, 12GeV PRAB, DOE Town Hall meetings
     - Registered for USPAS and AI Workshop
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - AIPINJ
        - Provide nominal fields for solenoids and Darmstadt triplets to assess cooling requirements, etc.
        - Include field maps in the elegant deck as they become available.
     - Beam Studies
        - Test QTSnyder and MultiWire if Beam Studies time becomes available.
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Write draft Beam Locks section
     - Attend BTeam, AIPINJ Modeling, CASA, AI Lunch, 12GeV PRAB meetings.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)     
     - Revised JSPEC for better management of the code. 
     - Calculated the IBS rate for new lattices from Vasiliy.
     - Ao Liu, A scientist from Euclid Techlab, want to apply for an SBIR project on space charge effects and he wish Ji Qiang and I can join.
       Discussed with them and helped to write an LOI. 
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17) 
     - FOA Quarterly report.
     - Set up turn-by-turn tracking for IMP experiment and ion beam edge cooling. 

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)
     - Isotope Experiment – Helped with the two day run to the 1G dump.
     - Halo monitor – Conducted the Halo Monitor experiment in the LERF.
     - ARDDOT – Was able to install and run the Beamenizer on a Windows 10 machine.
   Next two weeks (Nov 11 - Nov 22)
     - Isotope Experiment – Help with the two day run to the 1X line.
     - ARDDOT – Start work on the other CEBAF SLMs

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Nov 25 - Dec 6)
     - Assisted in run to the 1G dump with CW beam. Unfortunately we could not run beam.
     -	Reviewed SBIR
     - Reviewed IPAC 2020 abstracts
     -	Looked over new Phase II SBIRs
     - Met with diagnostics team to derive a plan for replacing the beam-a-nizer frame grabber at the LERF
     -	Met with the magnet group and came up with a strategy for the kicker coils for RF merge test
     -	Continued gathering documents for the ERR punch list
     -	Planned for another run to the 1G dump
   Next two weeks (Dec 9 - Dec 20)
     - Assist with the run to the 1G dump
     -	Certify User Lab 4 in the LERF
     -	Host Michael Famiano for Acc. seminar (with Joe Grames)
     -	Move excess equipment out of the LERF

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - The last two weeks have been mostly spent on AccApp 2020, preparing before I left for Vienna as well as the Program Committee itself.     
       One upside, I have an invited oral on Isotope production.  
     - We are finalizing the preparations for the first irradiation (mostly Steve and Kevin).  
   Next two weeks Jan 20 - Jan 30)
     - This week, I need to complete the Isotope quarterly report for the DOE, due Friday.  
     - Next week, we will commission the target beam,one, with the first irradiation hopefully the following week.  
     - There is also movement on the Straight Merger test at the ANL-AWA.  Ware preparing the coils for the cavity that is installed at the 
       AWA. Sarah is heading up this effort.