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Feb 6 2020 Report - Jan 20 - Feb 14 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - HOLIDAY MLK Jr Day (Jan 20)
     - ADMIN Leadership, group meetings, training
     - EIC Meetings re next steps, planning, DOE visit
     - ODU Xelera magnetized injector SBIR planning
     - TRAVEL IPAC21 OC/SPC Meeting (Jan 27-Feb 2)
  Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - ADMIN AI/ML planning, training, paper reviews (NIM, PRAB, NSERC)
     - MGMT Meetings, SSIII hire next steps,
     - EIC Meetings, Dave Douglas planning, parameter review
     - OPS Daily meetings, re-engage with operations daily needs
     - OPS GlueX/KLF collab meeting prep, meetings (Feb 12-13)
     - IPAC Conference committee followup, SAB selections

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17) 
     - Invention disclosures - review
     -	Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Teaching Accelerator Physics course at USPAS’20
     -	Machine support 
     -	PRAB paper review
     -	CEBAF ER chicane config. with Cornell’s magnets

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Extending my study on uneven bunch spectra while writing the technote 
     - Understanding effect of uneven bunch fill on coupled bunch instabilities
  Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14) 
     - Sick leave 2/3-2/7
     - Study impedance dependence on aperture
     - Continue with ALS-U collaboration on impedance studies

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - I have been working to document the upcoming DODGE  experiment
     - Discussing the strategy for COMBINE with Jean and Geoff attending meetings about the future of our EIC work
     - Working as optics on call
   Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - I will finish my DODGE preparations
     - Work on the design for COMBINE, it needs some tweaking and updated cost projections.

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Prepare, dry-run, give presentation at DOE NP AI Roundtable meeting
     - Accelerator Production Systems Engineering: meetings and contributing to draft white paper
     - Work on AI-related Hackathon
     - Tracking down why current ML models are performing so poorly for SRF fault classifier
     - Help CNU with FOA proposal on robotic-based diagnostic
     - Generate content for possible JLab AI (public) webpage
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Presenting a short AI talk at ODU/JLab Engineering Meeting
     - FOA proposal (in support of CNU)
     - AI Lunch Series (coordination and prep for 1-year celebration)
     - Meet with Mark Sandstrom (www.throughputer.com)

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
  Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)

Max Bruker

  Previous (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     -	Analysis of IMP experiment
     -	Mourned the death of JLEIC
  Next (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - DC cooler discussion at Fermilab
     -	Continue analysis of IMP experiment
     -	Fully read the eRHIC pCDR (the document is surprisingly well-written considering its length)

Fanglei Lin

  Previous two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
       - Worked on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class
       - Worked on the storage ring cooler project
       - Miscellaneous: attended the Innovative HE Cooling Project Status meeting, attended the Storage Ring Cooler meeting, attended JLEIC R&D
         meeting, attended JLEIC weekly meeting, attended a meeting for the Spin@USPAS class
  Next two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
       - Work on the storage ring cooler project
       - Work on teaching material for the Spin@USPAS class

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Dec 23 - Jan 3)
     - Learning python and data science with python. Took some online courses on python.
     - Preparing slides on ` beam cooling ' for coming USPAS .
   Next two weeks (Jan 6 - Jan 17)
     - Working with stability in a two energy storage ring cooler with ` Radiation on'.
     - Working on generalized formula for stability in a two - energy storage ring cooler.
     - Going to USPAS ( Jan 13 - Jan 24) San Diego, CA as a TA for "Accelerator Physics".

Vasiliy Morozov

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Work on two-energy storage ring 
     - Spin tracking simulations for the transparent spin experiment
     - EIC interaction region work
     - IBS optimization in the JLEIC ion collider ring
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Work on two-energy storage ring 
     - Spin tracking simulations for the transparent spin experiment
     - EIC interaction region work

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Longitudinal Schottky signal analysis for December 2019 IMP bunched beam cooling experiments. Evaluating the full width at half maximum
       of the central peak in the beam spectrum over the 2 seconds during which the pulsed electron beam is cooling the ion beam. This analysis
       resulted in the conclusion that the resolution of the data is not sufficient to estimate the cooling time. 
     - Preproposal for Early Career Award titled "Laser-driven Polarized Deuterium Source" was encouraged for submission of full proposal. 
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Continued work on and wrapping up the longitudinal Schottky signal analysis, including looking at the initial dithering data and
       reduction of number of sidebands as an indication of cooling. 
     - Continued work on getting the DTL portion of the JLEIC ion linac working in PyORBIT, to finish up H- intrabeam stripping estimates.
     - Work on early career proposal.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - CEBAF
            - Accelerator optics support
            - BTEAM coordination
     - Other
            - AI workshop organization
            - Writing lecture notes for USPAS
            - Preparing USPAS slides
            - Beambeam work with Isurumali
            - DOE report on FOA for beambeam
            - TRC meetings
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - AI workshop organization
     - Lecture notes preparation
     - Beambeam work
     - Optics support
     - Bteam coordination meetings

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Designing a dual arm chicane for Hall D energy doubling
     - Multipole correction for jleic icr
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Continue working on dual arm chicane
     - Continuing multipole correction optimization (for the paper)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - CASA Beam-Beam package - We completed revising “Crabbing Kick” part of CASA Beam-Beam package, since now the crabbing kick code can work
       on both Linux and Windows10 system with Graphical User Interface (GUI).
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Continue working on revise CASA Beam-Beam package.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Reading papers on beam resonances. 
     -	Recalculation of tune diffusion rates.
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Figure out the inconsistency of diffusion rate results with BNL plots.
     -	Check the output of three types of strong-weak beam - beam interactions in BB3D.

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - AIPINJ
        - Updated elegant deck to reflect layout changes from ME.
        - Verified apertures wide enough for solenoid scans
        - Match with Darmstadt triplets vs. various wien angles.
     - Hall A target position excursion
        - Attended emergency meeting
        - Recompiled Chime for RHEL7
        - Provided scripts and Chime configs for target positions and current lock
        - Fixed the above scripts when they became broken overnight.
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Searched for sources for beam locks section
     - 'AHLA
        - Spoke with Chris Slominski about taking over Fopt; he is not retiring after all.
     - Optics On-Call
     - qsUtility tweaks
     - MultiWire tweaks
     - Provided input to Chris Tennant for the DOE AI for NP teleconference
     - qsUtility for UITF
     - Attended BTeam, AIPINJ Modeling, CASA, AI Lunch, 12GeV PRAB, DOE Town Hall meetings
     - Registered for USPAS and AI Workshop
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - AIPINJ
        - Provide nominal fields for solenoids and Darmstadt triplets to assess cooling requirements, etc.
        - Include field maps in the elegant deck as they become available.
     - Beam Studies
        - Test QTSnyder and MultiWire if Beam Studies time becomes available.
     - 12GeV PRAB
        - Write draft Beam Locks section
     - Attend BTeam, AIPINJ Modeling, CASA, AI Lunch, 12GeV PRAB meetings.

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)     
     - Finished revising all module of JSPEC, except for the UI. 
     - FOA quarterly report.
     - Investigated the latest FMM/QBX references and working on the SBIR proposal on Implementing the integral equation method on space charge
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14) 
     - Perform simulations on IMP experiment.
     - Finish revising the UI and start document the codes.
     - Finish a draft of the SBIR proposal.


Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Isotope Experiment – All of the radiation shielding is now compete and has been approved by RADCON 
     - Halo monitor – We are still trying to track down the ~$28k that Radiabeam wire transferred to NYC Treasury (DOE) on 10/10/2019. DOE  
       claims they didn’t receive the wire.
     - ARDDOT – Ordered all of the COTS optics and optical HW for the three remaining SLMs in ARC 7. Meet with others to prioritize upgrades to
       CEBAF diagnostics. Ordered 234CF viewports and illuminators for the first seven viewer imagers that will be replaced.
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - ARDDOT – Continue working with Zemax. Creating a test setup for CEBAF viewers and will work on a common image design that will allow for
       a quick replacement of the existing imagers.

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (JAn 20 - Jan 31)
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - Completed all Isotope ERR punch-list items.
     - Continued to review the new LOD
     - Submitted quarterly report for the Cooling FOA and budget for isotopes
     - Worked out the best geometry for straight-merger coil connections
     - Scheduled seminars for Dhakal, and Hernandez Garcia
     - Hosted seminar for Pashupati Dhakal
     - Submitted Linac 20 abstract to publications system and conference
     - Assisted in 1X commissioning run for isotope beam line. No joy but beam to the 1X.
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - Visit Duke University to help with OAM gamma production experiment 
     - Continue to review the LOD
     - Work on getting straight-merger coils completed and measured
     - Review paper on LHeC dynamics

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Jan 20 - Jan 31)
     - After months of effort, Steve Benson, Joe Gubeli, Kevin Jordan, Keith Welch and I finally got Beam Authorization for the 1X line. This 
       was immediately followed by the discovery that the FL02 cryomodule was producing virtually no gradient (stuck tuners) so we had to 
       postpone our first isotope production run for two weeks to allow the module to be warned up. This was immediately followed by the 
       announcement by MCV that Jamal has to quit his lab in the hospital and decamp to the university. This means that his hot cell will be
       out of action for months. Decidedly, someone up there doesn’t love me!  
     - I received an email from Jehanne indicating her desire that the LERF become an isotope Production Facility.  I sought guidance from
       Stuart and have spent time seeking out a commercial accelerator that would do the job cheaper and better. Apparently, the new, high 
       energy Rhodotron costs $7M as a turnkey accelerator.  
     - And I have also been peripherally involved in the discussions on our EIC future.   
   Next two weeks (Feb 3 - Feb 14)
     - The Module is being warmed up in the FEL, tuners appear to be unstuck.  
     - I have spent this week looking into ferrite tuning for the harmonic kicker, which has morphed into looking into in situ plasma 
       processing of the CEBAF cryomodules; all of this with Max and Sarah.  
     - I have also been participating in the discussions on the Engineering White Paper, rewriting the “ask” so that we actually ask for
     - Next week, I will be continuing with tuners, plasma cleaning, and EIC.