2016-Mar-21 Accel. Phys. Biweekly Report

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Todd Satogata

 Previous two weeks (Mar 7-Mar 18)
   - OPS: BTeam, tune team prep
   - OPS: Implement new Hall D IHA5C00 matching strategy to improve FFB phases
   - UITF operations review
   - ER@CEBAF: Francois Meot visit, discussions
   - OPS: Eric Thompson, continued fopt fits, documentation
   - JLEIC/ODU: Bunch splitting development with Randy
   - CBeta: continue collaboration paperwork development
 Next two weeks (Mar 18-Apr 1)
   - ADMIN: Personnel interviews
   - JLEIC: Collaboration meeting
   - ER@CEBAF: Proposal writing
   - OPS: Eric Thompson, continued fopt fits, documentation
   - JLEIC: Investigate code requirements for gear changing simulations
   - JLEIC/ODU: Bunch splitting development with Randy
   - CBeta: collaboration paperwork, meet with Bruce Dunham
   - JACoW: Finish COOL'15 talk processing, publish to JACoW; template work

Alex Bogacz

 Previous two weeks (Feb 22-Mar 4)
   - JLEIC: Ion Booster design
   - ER@CEBAF: Arc A chicane layout
 Previous two weeks (Mar 7-Mar 18)
   - UITF: UITF modeling, review prep, review
   - JLEIC: Ion Booster chromaticity correction
   - PERS: Med leave
 Next two weeks (Mar 18-Apr 1)
   - JLEIC: Collaboration meeting
   - UITF: review followup
   - Muons: Start prepping IPAC'16 neutrino factory paper

David Douglas

 Previous two weeks (Mar 7-Mar 18)
   - DarkLight: Complete IR optics, start detailing correction systems
   - CBeta: start sensitivity assessment and support S2E
   - Project E: Provide feedback on Lattice 3.2 and patent disclosure
   - JLEIC Cooler: Prep for collaboration meeting
   - ER@CEBAF: meeting, push to reassess the longitudinal match and
     impact of field imperfections
 Next two weeks (Mar 18-Apr 1)
   - DarkLight: Really complete IR optics, continue detailing correction systems
   - Project E: Meetings, meetings, meetings
   - CBeta: continued sensitivity assessment, feedback to design
   - JLEIC Cooler: Collaboration meeting and talk prep

Chris Tennant

 Previous two weeks (Mar 7-Mar 18)
   - Project E: complete Touschek analysis
   - Project E: await details of ASML/DOE meeting (CRADA?!)
   - JLEIC Cooler: continue s2e: beam quality at cooling solenoid
   - JLEIC Cooler: refine model (matching input from Dave)
   - JLEIC Cooler: ubunching gain analysis on recirculation arc
 Next two weeks (Mar 18-Apr 1)
   - Project E: document Touschek analysis
   - JLEIC Cooler: continue s2e: alternative cooling methods
   - JLEIC Cooler: Collaboration meeting and talk prep
   - Write erratum to TN-15-52 concerning (erroneous) emittance
     values reported when using qsUtility during fall 2015

Randy Gamage

 Previous two weeks (Mar 7-Mar 18)
   - MEIC: esme model development, bunch split optimization
   - Continue documenting results for thesis, IPAC'16 paper
 Next two weeks (Mar 18-Apr 1)
   - MEIC: esme model development, bunch split optimization
   - Continue documenting results for thesis, IPAC'16 paper
   - Start investigation of genetic algorithm merge optimization