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Director - M. Spata
No report
Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - JLEIC: Side meetings (Ilya from Tech-X on spin tracking) - SCIDAC/ASCR proposal reviews, Rockville panel (Apr 6-7) - OPS: BTeam prep, meeting, Hall D difference orbit analysis - ODU: JMU seminar planning - USPAS: director committee telecon, calls - IPAC18: Invited abstract review, SPC/2 preparation - PRAB article review (start) - ADMIN: Laptop video card failure, repair in progress - VACATION: half Apr 12 Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - PRAB article review (finish) - ADMIN: Leadership training (Apr 21) - JLEIC: Ion integration, coordinate with ANL linac personnel - JLEIC: Ramp design, development for Booster parameters - IPAC17: Student poster booklet layout/production - IPAC18: SPC committee abstract reviews, SPC/2 preparation - USPAS: director committee telecon, calls
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - USPAS: Course development for Jan 2018 Practical Lattice Design - PERLE: Instrumentation and tuning Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - IPAC paper prep (Booster optics, ER@CEBAF) - PRAB article review - ERL'17 and NuFact'17 SPC meetings - PERLE: prep mini start to end simulations
David Douglas
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - PERLE: Write up tech note TN-17-014 on CSR estimates - JLEIC: Simulation, tech note draft on transfer kicker dynamics Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - VACATION: Apr 19-25 - JLEIC: Work through/write up CCR LSC effects estimate - JLEIC: Complete and write up reqs doc for CCR arcs - JLEIC: Write up "Life Hacks" for magnetized beam - JLEIC: Write up ERL/CCR architecture reqs/tradeoffs
Rui Li
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - Start IPAC paper/poster prep (JLEIC collective effects) - Learning about fundamental RF mode/coupled bunch instability growth times - Discussions with Rimmer re LLRF impact on fundamental mode impedance - Review CSR results from Cheng-Ying and Dave on EEX beamline Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - Finish IPAC paper/poster prep (JLEIC collective effects) - Evaluate impedance mode contributions to coupled bunch instabilities - Coordinate impedance mode contributions with Jiquan cavity design - Review transient CSR impedance to prep for second IPAC17 paper - Continue with JLEIC instability estimates
Ed Nissen
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - JLEIC: Figured out issue with Booster emittance growth - JLEIC: Re-run simulations with better tunes for IPAC papers - Start IPAC paper prep (Booster SC, beam-beam sims) Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - Finish IPAC paper/poster prep (Booster SC, beam-beam sims) - JLEIC: Improve fidelity of Booster injection/SC simulations
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - PERLE: Simulations for CSR study - ERL'17: Start paper prep (entering DarkLight coauthors into SPMS) Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - JLEIC: S2E cooler work and simulations - ERL'17: Continue paper prep (synthesize info from talks/papers) - PERLE: More simulations for CSR study?
Randy Gamage
Previous two weeks (Apr 3-Apr 14) - JLEIC: Collaboration Meeting (Apr 3-5) - JLEIC: Coasting beam instability calculations/simulations - Dissertation writing Next two weeks (Apr 17-Apr 28) - JLEIC: Finish coasting beam instability calculations/simulations - Dissertation writing: Finish coasting beam chapter
Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang
Computational Physics - Y. Roblin
Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan