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Director - M. Spata
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Accelerator Physics - T. Satogata
Todd Satogata
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - USPAS: Class preparation - OPS: Daily meetings, spring run preparation - IPAC18: SPC1 meeting prep - ER@CEBAF: Seminar prep - ADMIN: ODU/Adelphi REU recommendation letters - ADMIN: student meetings (Randy, EricT) Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - ADMIN: Meet with Rui, establish expectations/reporting - ADMIN: Distribute normalized annual reviews to group - IPAC18: SPC1 meetings (Jan 10-12) - ODU: Randy annual research presentation (Jan 11) - OPS: Daily meetings, spring run preparation, BTeam/ATLis prep - ADMIN: student meetings (Randy, EricT) - USPAS: Teaching (Jan 15-28)
Alex Bogacz
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - Publication survey analysis (APS publication committee) - JLEIC: Transfer of Booster lattice to Ed - Vacation (Jan 4-6) Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - PERLE : continue lattice design, Feb trip prep - JINST article review - Invention disclosure reviews
David Douglas
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - JLEIC: CCR arc option evaluation - JLEIC: Devise/refine solutions for arcs with local axial symmetry, dispersion suppression, and isochronicity (and working to shorten an initial design) Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - JLEIC: Write up CCR arc option evaluation tech note - JLEIC: Work with Chris on longitudinal beam dynamics of EUV FEL-type arcs and magnetized beam transport
Ed Nissen
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - JLEIC: Continue writing PRSTAB paper draft on beam-beam sims - JLEIC: Start evaluating/planning Booster lattice from Alex Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - JLEIC: Continue evaluating/planning Booster lattice - JLEIC: Review recent PRST:AB on booster injection space charge compensation - JLEIC: Continue writing PRSTAB paper draft on beam-beam sims
Chris Tennant
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - DarkLight: Finished TN on emittance analysis - JLEIC: Translate Dave DIMAD ERL cooler recovery arc to elegant - JLEIC: Transport simulations of magnetized beam in EUV FEL-type arc Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - JLEIC: Tracking studies for new CCR baseline through arc (axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric) - JLEIC: Investigation of measuring emittance in multi-component beams (also applicable to DarkLight TN analysis) - LERF: Start evaluating injector simulations for NASA irradiation project
Randy Gamage
Previous two weeks (Jan 3-6) - JLEIC: Continue writing outlines of initial dissertation chapters - JLEIC: Continue esme simulations of debunch/rebunch with impedance - Start preparations for USPAS TA-ship Next two weeks (Jan 9-Jan 20) - Annual report presentation to committee (Jan 11) - USPAS: TA for Todd/Cedric course (Jan 15-28)
Accelerator R and D - Y. Zhang
Computational Physics - Y. Roblin
Diagnostic Development - K. Jordan