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November 11, 2021 Report - Oct 25 - Nov 19 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cooling, impedance, team, R&D, beam-beam)
     - EIC Partnership Workshop (Oct 26-29), All-Hands (Oct 25), EICUG (Oct 28)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee), hiring
     - MGMT P&C (Oct 28), Andrei/Todd Triweekly (Nov 4)
     - MGMT AWP planning, appraisal development
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam), prep for AI in Accel Div workshop
     - ADMIN PSsQCD@EIC organizing committee meeting
     - ADMIN FFA-CEBAF Working Group meeting (Nov 5)
     - LEAVE Medical appointment (mid-day Nov 2)
  Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cooling, impedance, team, R&D, beam-beam)
     - EIC Procurement meet (Nov 8), SRF postdoc interviews, crit hires meet
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee), hiring
     - MGMT AWP planning, appraisal development
     - MGMT AI in Accel Division Workshop (Nov 12)
     - OPS Winter'22 SAD planning meet (Nov 8)
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam)
     - ODU Faculty meeting (Nov 9)
     - ADMIN Valeri Lebedev retirement symposium (Nov 19)
     - VACATION Nov 11-15, Nov 17

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5) 
     - B-Team, Ops meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collaboration work
     - Positron meeting
     - Student mentoring
     - LDRD preparations
         - PhD student recruitment
         - Post-doc job description
  Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Presentation on FFA@CEBAF for CLAS collaboration
     - B-Team, Ops meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collaboration work
     - Presentation on FFA@CEBAF for JLAAC
     - Student mentoring
     - Annual appraisals
     - Preparing PRAB paper on PERLE 

Ryan Bodenstein

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5) 
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - Positron/FFA liaison work
     - Student Guidance
     - LDRD preparations
           - Writing job description
           - Contacting professors and universities for PhD students
           - Recruiting with HR
     - Preparing PRAB paper for FFA collab
           - Making Overleaf and outline
     - Met with Aurora Realin on 28th to discuss organizing/teaching a communication workshop
  Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - Positron/FFA liaison work
     - Student Guidance
     - LDRD work
           - Exchanges with HR to update position
           - Met with Balša and ODU PhD student for FFA work.
           - Recruiting online
           - Learning BMAD
     - Preparing PRAB paper for FFA collab
     -	SafeZone training
     - AI workshop on the 12th
     - BMAD School

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - 1st week: attending the EIC Partnership workshop, including the ERL sitellite workshop on Friday
     - 2nd week: attending the COOL 2021 workshop on electron cooling 
     - Reading literature on Vlasov analysis
  Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Redo some calculations for CBB/TCBI in the EIC eSR with the new working point
     - Continue with the paper writing for the journal paper on the CBB/TCBI modeling studies
     - Discussion with Steve Benson on the control of shot noise for a Hamiltonian system
     - Discussion with Gennady Stupakov on the his recent paper about the CSR effects
     - Attend relevant EIC meetings for my work

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - Attended B-team, EIC beam-beam, EIC RCS, and morning OPS meetings
     - Attended EIC partnership workshop
     - Wrote DESIREE beam time application and submitted it.
     - Submitted revised DODGE paper to NIM
     - Worked on preparations for a two day DODGE beam experiment later in November
     - Optics on call
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Attend B-team, EIC beam-beam, EIC RCS, and morning OPS meetings
     - Optics on call, called in Monday the 8th
     - Preparing for DODGE beam time
     - Half day off November 12

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - RADSMA: PV collection/classification
     - ARDFML: Frontiers manuscript editing
     - AI FOA: meetings about capturing streaming data from C100 modules
     - LDRD: PDS, UVA meetings, budget meetings, specifying software requirements
     - Meetings and prep talks for "AI in the Accelerator Division" event
     - All-Hands meeting
     - Serving on an interview committee
     - ANL talk preparation and presentation ("AI/ML Workshop for Particle Accelerators, X-Ray Beamlines and Electron Microscopy")
     - Completing AWPs
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - AI lunch (web, administrative, public affairs, speaker coordination, etc.)
     - AIFOA1: leading weekly meetings, time in MCC collecting data, preparing talk for DOE PI meeting
     - RADSMA: finalizing PVs to record
     - LDRD: software specifications, deep dive on PVs to collect
     - Organization, meetings, actual "AI in the Accelerator Division" event
     - Interview committee duties
     - Paper review
     - SBIR review
     - Attend AI talks of APEX workshop
     - Prepare JLAAC talk

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 9 - Nov 19)

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25  - Nov 5)
     - Prepared presentation and paper for AccApp21.
     - Taking Bmad classes online.
     - Writing PRAB paper on "Dual Energy Storage Ring Cooler".
   Next two weeks (Nov 5 - Nov 19)
     - Will continue Bmad course.
     - Will revise and complete AccApp21 paper and presentation.
     - Will continue writing a PRAB journal paper.

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - EIC Beam-Beam project: Collaborating with colleagues, working on evaluating emittance growth rate for different rings. Working with He Zhang, checking the efficiency of FMM. 
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Working on EIC Beam-Beam project: For valuating emittance growth rate for different rings, I used the stable models of JLEIC which was offered by Vasiliy to study effects of crab cavity multipoles and RF noise, the simulations has been implemented.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - Performed few statistical analyses on the magnetic fields in the solutions obtained for 30-variable search.
           - Wanted to have an explanation for the field variation in some magnets, but so far no conclusion on this.
     - Tried to fine tune few of the obtained solutions by fixing some quadrupole fields, resulting lower population size and generations.
     - Observed how the rayTrace analyzer works, established remote connection to an accelerator machine so the rayTrace tools are accessible.
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Read more on writing tips & guidelines for a journal paper. And start working on the paper/
     - Obtain better solution for south linac lattice, and start the beam line design.


Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - UITF
        - Tabulate emittance measurment results
        - Once solenoid wiring is corrected, reload model settings for comparison and retake emittance data
     - HLA
        - Fixed bug in QTSnyder related to missing BPMs
        - Discovered a bug in harpFitter while debugging MultiWire.
        - Worked with Marie to get it fixed.
     - Optics On-Call
     - MultiWire testing, debugging and verification
     - AI FOA
        - Continue collecting training data from the archiver
        - Started work on the filtering tool for data collection based on type of FSD trip
     - MultiWire testing and debugging
     - Attended LCLS-II commissioning meeting
     - Energy scaling 910 - 980 MeV/linac
     - Took rayTrace data from 8S to 9R
     - Attended 0745, 0800, BTeam, UITF, AI FOA meetings
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Optics On-Call
     - Completed Electrical Work Site Safety training ESC003
     - UITF
        - Tweaks to the elegant deck
        - Processed emittance measurements to compare model vs. machine 
     - HLA
        - cs2sdds tweaks
        - eDT tweaks
     - AI FOA
        - Presented SRF Cavity Instability project at the AI in the Accelerator Division meeting
        - Gathered and labeled more training data from the archiver
        - Begun developing a model to train with the archiver data
        - Begun work on the high-level software filter for DAQ data collection
     - Processed MultiWire data for Hall C taken on 11/5
     - Provided qsUtility templates for Hall A change to pass 4
     - Gave a short summary of the energy scaling and rayTrace to the Wednesday 1330 meeting
     - Attended LCLS-II commissioning meeting
     - Attend 0800, BTeam, AI FOA UITF Optics, Polarized Positron, 0800, 1330 meetings

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - The heat load & trip rate optimization code update has finished.
     - Attend COOL'21 workshop
     - Attend BMAD school    
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Attend BMAD school
     - Finish the FMM paper
     - Continue the python JSPEC development  

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5)
     - Prepared short talk for Diagnostic discussion at the  ERL workshop
     - Attended the EIC Partnership Workshop
     - Set up invitations for the EIC ERL Satellite workshop
     - Acted as convener for the EIC ERL Satellite workshop
     - Attended COOL21 workshop.
     - Reviewed ACCApp presentations.
     - Presented summary of the Satellite workshop for the EIC R&D meeting.
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)
     - Submit quarterly report for the High Energy Electron cooling for the EIC FOA program
     - Prepare presentation for JLAAC meeting
     - Schedule first SPC meeting for ERL 2022
     - Rewrite and submit the LOSP for User Lab 4
     - Finish up harmonic RF tech. note.
     - Continue to develop personnel needs and definitions for the ERL program
     - Respond to reviewers' comments on FAST Magnetized beams paper.
     - Review one PRAB paper and one SBIR proposal.
     - Work on setting up CRADA with HZDR

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Oct 25 - Nov 5) 
     - Isotopes:  Loida has now got the results for fast neutrons (! MeV) and high energy protons (200 MeV) for direct radioisotope production.  She is starting to write up her part of the work for AccApp’2021 - I still have to do my part.  I managed to get an extension of her contract (funded by Balša at ODU) through May of next year to run the cascade reactions and produce a reviewed publication with Lila, Adam Stavola and I as authors (Adam has been helping with the integration of the two programs).   
     - ERL Panel and sub-Panel: I  completed the two-day review go the LabEx program at Paris-Saclay.  I made a list of my comments after the meeting and as punishment, I was asked to write up the report from the notes that came out of the discussion.  Not only am I the only American, I am the only native English speaker so I couldn’t really say no.  I sent the first draft around for comments before the weekend.    
     - ERL sub-Panel:I have completed the short version of the ERL sub-Panel (5 1/2 pages) and it has been integrated into the ~40 pages ERL Roadmap.  This has already been integrated with 4 out of 5 of the other Roadmap Panels (SRF late again), and the whole thing was discussed with the LDG on Tuesday November 2.  Then it starts the rounds of the various committees, to be made public December 21.  I have prepared my presentation to the ERL Satellite Workshop and uploaded it.  Next is to deal with the late arriving updates from Vladimir and Thomas, as well as Telnov.  We have to see how much of the evaluation we repeat with the new parameters.             
     - PERLE:  there was a PERLE Collaboration Board meeting - atrocious.  Max Klein and I met with Achille afterwards to underline that if IJCLab didn’t get their act together, they would miss the boat completely.  Achille agreed with us, and stated that he had just appointed an experienced Project Engineer to put some structure into things.  He asked us to keep on giving constructive feedback.  BINP is now a full member of the Collaboration; I have been on the telephone with Jean-Luc Biarrotte to try and unblock the ICRADA, we are, as always, close but still not there. 
     - I received an invitation to give a talk at a retirement seminar for Valeri Lebedev; I will be working on that next week.  
     - I provided a list of suggested speakers to be invited to the IAEA sustainability conference in Vienna in May (this is different from the ICFA sustainability conference in Grenoble in March) as I am on the organizing committee.  The OC will meet in December in Vienna.  I have already told them that I cannot be there in person.  It is not sure that they are set up for remote participation.  I will put it in the travel folder anyway.                               
   Next two weeks (Nov 8 - Nov 19)  
     - Isotopes: Loida has made progress on her AccApp’2021 presentation, I have only a small part of the paper written.  Loida is behind on applying to grad school, I need to push her a bit harder.  
     - Lila is applying to graduate schools across the country - I have sent in half a dozen references this week - I think there are more to come.  I hope that more than one accepts her, then I will be advising her on which to accept.    
     - PERLE: Believe it or not, the ICRADA has been returned to the DOE with the IN2P3 accepting our original wording that they objected to a couple of months ago.  Is there light at the end of the tunnel?  No idea!          
     - ERL Panel and sub-Panel: We have a near final version of both the ERL Roadmap Report and the ERL sub-Panel report.  They are both being edited now (Max Bruker has been really helpful in this).  The ERL Panel report is getting a lot of last minute changes as more people weigh in on their particular area.  Fortunately, this has not been too much work for me - Max Klein has taken this to heart.  But I have been on a couple of video conferences with the lab Directors Group and with Dave Newbold (the chair of the LDG) to smooth some of the concerns.     
    - I been working on my talk at the retirement seminar for Valeri Lebedev, trying to recreate ancient history (thanks to Alex and Mike Spata for their help).  Still looking for old photos - I have Kandice and Melissa looking through the archives.