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September 16, 2021 Report - Aug 30 - Sept 24 Director - Todd Satogata

Todd Satogata

  Previous two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cooling, impedance, team, R&D, beam-beam)
     - EIC Meetings (second IR), resource planning (critical hires)
     - EIC AI@EIC talk planning, workshop (Sep 7-9), EICPP planning
     - EIC MAC talk prep, dry run (Sep 2)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee), travel planning
     - MGMT Andrei triweekly (Sep 9)
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam; optics on call)
     - ADMIN PSsQCD@EIC organizing committee meetings
     - ADMIN Training updates
     - ODU Undergrad/grad funding meeting (Sep 3)
     - HOLIDAY (Sep 6)
     - SICK time (Sep 7 PM dental appointment)
  Next two weeks (Sept 13 - Sept 24) 
     - EIC Meetings (management, RF, crab, cooling, impedance, team, R&D, beam-beam)
     - EIC Meetings (critical hires, C3 for linac, cost/schedule, risk assessments)
     - EIC Machine Advisory Committee (Sep 21-24), dry runs (Sep 13-14)
     - MGMT Meetings (Leadership/Dept Heads, CASA coffee)
     - MGMT Accelerator/Data Science brainstorming (Sep 20)
     - OPS Meetings (08:00 daily, BTeam)
     - ADMIN PSsQCD@EIC organizing committee meetings
     - ADMIN Virtual Field Trip dry run (Sep 15)
     - SICK time (Sep 22 AM doctor appointment)

Alex Bogacz

  Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27) 
     - One-on-one with Ryan on CEBAF Optics
     - Writing a paper on PERLE 
     - MED day
     - OOC support
     - FFA@CEBAF design
     - Writing letters of recommendation
  Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Mentoring Isurumali 
     - Writing a PRAB paper on PERLE
     - Coordinating FFA@CEBAF
     - More letters of recommendation  
     - Time accounting training
     - Submitting nomination package for Mark Stefani

Ryan Bodenstein

  Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27) 
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - Positron/FFA liaison work
     - PhD Student guidance
     - Optics on call
          - Assistance/observation of OPS during setup 
     - Diversity meeting (gender)
  Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Operations meetings
     - B-Team meetings
     - FFA@CEBAF collab work
     - Positron/FFA liaison work
     - PhD Student guidance 
     - Playing around with Zgoubi to see if it’s the right tool for FFA work
     - Diversity meetings

Rui Li

  Previous two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - CBB and TCBI
           - Prepare and present my presentation at the EIC Accelerator Design meeting
     - Collective effect problems from EDM 
           - Spend some time to further understand the questions raised to me by Riad about the CSR and by Slava about the negative mass instability in their EDM ring design
     - Start writing paper on CBB and TCBI
     - Communicate with Themis Mastoridis of California Polytech State Univ. about his work on the emittance growth due to noise from crab cavities in EIC, got his slides for helping the work by River Huang et al in CASA 
     - Attend and listen to the machine advisory committee sessions for EIC

Edy Nissen

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Beam-beam Task force meeting
     - Attend BTeam Meetings
     - Determining NIM requirements for DODGE paper
     - Go back to working with WARP
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

Chris Tennant

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - RADSMA: TN summarizing work for year 1 of SBIR submitted
     - AI FOA: budget/AWP stuff, leading weekly meetings
     - KDD conference paper review on GNNs
     - Accelerator AI Workshop planning
     - Meetings/discussions about Lasitha advancement
     - JLab training
     - Invention disclosure meetings with Drew
     - Literature search on digital twins
     - Meeting with UVA professor for possible collaboration
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - RADSMA: discussions with industry partner for year 2 plans
     - ARDFML: coordinate deployment of model for fault classification
     - AIFOA1: lead weekly meetings, understand project bottlenecks
     - Holiday + vacation

Accelerator R & D - Yuhong Zhang

Yuhong Zhang

  Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

Bhawin Dhital

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Vacation: 8/17 - 8/24
     - Continued with lattice optimization
     - Particle tracking simulations with new optimized lattice
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Lattice optimization
     - Tracking simulations, Dynamic Aperture calculatin etc.

Amy Sy

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Laser particle counter: Continued system debugging, optimization, and data analysis to better understand the operational modes and system variables that can be adjusted for best performance. Vendor visit on 8/19 to start pass/fail test, with current goal to obtain over 90% event detection for 80 um wire sweeping events - still discussing with the vendor on acceptable specifications on false positive event rates. Prior to and during the 8/19 visit, channels 0 and 1 could not be adjusted to give clean event signals using methods that improved SNR for other channels - the sensors for these channels are part of the initial batch and the vendor has decided to replace these sensors before continuing with pass/fail testing. The vendor has also returned the passive optical front end to their labs for fiber connector polishing. Analysis of data taken on 8/19 (wire sweeps and dropping of 50 um aluminum oxide particles) will continue, along with refinement of offline processing algorithms and methods. Will likely give an update on laser particle counter system status to the Detector Group in mid-September.
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Laser particle counter: Data analysis of pass/fail testing data taken during last vendor visit. Implementing new algorithm at vendor suggestion that calculates local peak to peak amplitudes in both the amplitude and phase data, and sums the two signals together for improved event detection. Continued algorithm optimization by varying moving window size in the peak to peak calculations, as well as low and high pass filtering effects. Studies of dynamic window and dynamic averaging implementation in data processing applications. The newer 18 sensors have met pass/fail specifications, but the full 24 channel system is incomplete until the initial 6 sensors can be replaced with upgraded versions. The vendor has committed to supplying these upgraded sensors as replacements for the initial 6, and have been authorized to begin work on 24 additional sensors for a full 48 channel system. Delivery of the remaining 6 upgraded sensors for further testing is anticipated in the late September to mid October time frame.

Computational Physics - Yves Roblin
Yves Roblin

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

Randi Gamage

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

River Huang

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - EIC Beam-Beam project: we calculated the transverse normalized emittance growth due to RF noise for SPS ring and did the benchmark: the results show that CASA-BeamBeam results matched the CERN’s simulation results very well.
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Continue working on EIC Beam-Beam project.

Isurumali Neththikumara

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Refine the new objective functions based on mean squared error and moving average calculation and test them.
     - Prepare a presentation for the Annual Review.
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Did my annual review which is a requirement in ODU graduate program.
     - Obtained better optics with new objectives for the 14-variable search.
     - Continue the search process with 16 variable.

Dennis Turner

   Previous two weeks (Aug 2 - Aug 13)
     - HLA
         - Modified ArcSteer to load machine settings.  Had to roll back due to weirdness.  Need to investigate.
         - Wrote documentation for rayTrace_dataCollector and released to production
         - Helped troubleshoot rfCavHistory
         - rayTrace tweaks
    - Explored doing multiple spreader matches and choosing the best four quads
    - Optics On-Call
    - UITF
        - Provided snapfile scaled for 180kV gun
        - Updated deck and UED for 180kV gun and wastewater experiment
        - Stood operator training shifts 
        - Completed web-based trainings for UITF operator qualification
    - rayTrace
        - Performed rayTrace from Injector to 1R.
        - Found shortcomings in the rayTrace analyzer to be fixed.
    - Attended 0745, 0800, BTeam, AI FOA, UITF meetings
   Next two weeks (Sept 13 - Sept 24)
     - UITF
        - Operator shifts for Wastewater experiment (most of my time was spent here)
        - Start work on a download tool like eDT
     - HLA
        - rayTrace analyzer bugfixes and enhancements
        - qsUtility tweaks for UITF
     - AIPINJ
        - Create decks for spectrometer lines and import to CED
        - Attended 0800, BTeam, AI FOA, UITF meetings

He Zhang

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Submitted the TPSA lib to JOSS and revised a little for their automatic checking result. 
     - Add a few functions for memory management to the TPSA lib.  Replaced the old TPSA lib in the FMM code with the new one. Unfortunately, no improvement on efficiency although easier for coding.   
   Next two weeks (Aug 30- Sept 10)
     - Finish and submit the FMM paper. 
     - Revisit and finish the non-Gaussian IBS model in JSPEC.  

Diagnostic Development - Kevin Jordan

Kevin Jordan

  Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

Joe Gubeli

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Isotopes –
     - ARDDOT -  
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Isotopes – 
     - ARDDOT –

Michael Tiefenback

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)

CASA Fellows
LERF - Steve Benson

   Previous two weeks (Aug 16 - Aug 27)
     - Attended SBIR/STTR update meeting.
     - Interviewed SSII candidate and submit evaluation.
     - Completed new LOSP for LERF vault.
     - Derived draft WBS structure  for the EIC ERL effort
     - Completed review of Hernandez-Garcia paper
     - Met with Xelera staff to get an update on the SHC ERL design
     - Edited and updated paper on FAST magnetized beam generation
     - Gathered information on vendor export control classification for FEL optics
   Next two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10)
     - Submit new LOSP for alignment in the LERF vault
     - Prepare MAC presentation
     - Continue developing longitudinal model for CeC ERL on LiTrack
     - Finish up harmonic RF tech. note.
     - Review BBU in SSMB paper
     - Track down pressure systems / design documentation for gun HVPSs
     - Rewrite and submit the LOSP for User Lab 4

Andrew Hutton

   Previous two weeks (Aug 30 - Sept 10) 
     - Isotopes:  Loida has completed a run with 20 MeV protons - the typical energy of a hospital cyclotron.  She has identified two known production pathways for 18Fluorine and 119Antimony.  This confirms that the program is performing correctly.  More interestingly, she identify three other possibilities: 55Cobalt, 76Bromine and another pathway to 119Antimony.  I am working on looking at the other radioisotopes that are co-produced and which could be dangerous.  The 56Fe (p,2n) 55Co reaction seems clean with a small production of two Manganese isotopes that should be easily separable chemically.  The 76Bromine is more complicated as there are many byproducts and this pathway may not be viable unless the target 76Selenium is isotopically purified before irradiation.  There are similar problems with the alternative pathway for 119Antimony, which may or may not make it unacceptable.  Loida is now working on getting the neutron production working.  The goal is still to identify pathways for all the medically interesting isotopes called out by the DOE Isotope program.         
     - ERL: The sub-Panel has has another meeting and has now moved back to weekly meetings for the next month to finish.  We already have ~20 pages written and will probably expand to ~30 pages before we are finished.  The short answer is that neither is in a state that it could replace the ILC or the FCC-ee.  We will come up with a list of R&D items that should be pursued to make these ideas achievable.  For me, the most important is operation of the cryomodules at 4.5K to reduce the cryogenic plant construction cost as well as the power requirement.  This should be an area where Jefferson Lab invests heavily - the pay-back would be enormous as it would also enable every university to envisage having a small superconducting accelerator for Compton back scatter, etc.      
     -  SuperKEKB:  I am advising both of them for their graduate studies.  Lila wishes to pursue medical physics and I put her in contact with Thia Keppel and Ethan Balkin (who was a medical physicist at the University of Washington before moving to the DOE-ONP Isotope program).  Loida wishes to pursue accelerator physics, and I am helping her choose a University.  Coming from Puerto Rico, she hates the cold, which does limit her options!                          
   Next two weeks (Sept 13 - Sept 24)  
     - Isotopes: I went over Loida’s 20 MeV output data and identified another medically interesting isotope Bromine77, which is not on the DOE list but has been used in the past.  Both Bromine76 and Bromine77 would be produced from isotopically purified Selenium, which has one problem.  The melting point of Selenium is 221°C, which means that it cannot be in the form of a stand-alone foil.  I envisage encapsulating it in Titanium(?) like ANL does with their zinc targets used to produce Copper67.  The range of 20 MeV protons is ~1mm in Selenium, so it would be a thin disc, the size of a US quarter.  Our UVA collaborators tell us that separation should be easy as bromine is volatile.        
     - ERL: I wrote a draft of the conclusions of the ERL sub-Panel, which initiated an email storm.  Eventually, all the members with one exception agreed on a more nuanced version that I will produce in the next few days.  Getting a unanimous conclusion will take some effort!  The hang-up is whether operation at 4.5K with high Q0 would bring the cryogenic load for the ERLC version of the ILC sufficiently low to be competitive as a future upgrade.  We will need some careful wording to be able to come up with a report that everyone accepts.  The ERL Panel has now two weeks to complete the first draft of the actual roadmap, complete with cost and schedule estimates.  The upcoming few weeks are going to be extremely busy.       
     - I attended a meeting of the ALCC, where the latest news from Japan is not good.  MEXT has decided that it cannot approve the ILC Pre-Lab until other countries have signed on.  However, the other countries are waiting for a clear indication of intent from Japan.  The Japanese solution - create another review panel!  The ALCC is normally very positive about the chances for the realization of the ILC, but were distinctly disturbed by the news, which was presented by Hitoshi Murayama, a very credible source.     
     - PERLE: I have been in contact with Wim Leemans at DESY ( a long-time friend) about DESY joining PERLE.  We will have a high-level meeting between the PERLE inner circle (Walid Kaabi, Max Klein, Hans Weise, and perhaps Achille Stocchi) this week to discuss the opportunities.  This is also intended to try and bring DESY into the ERL Roadmap, which would strengthen it considerably.  The ICRADA is slowly going the rounds - I don’t know where it is stuck it this moment, but resolution should be near.  I also got in the middle of unblocking the collaboration with BINP as the Director used to be my student.  I continue to have concerns about the role that Jefferson Lab is willing to play in PERLE, but until the ICRADA is signed, I don’t think it is worth bringing the matter up to Stuart.