For discussion at todays meeting. Concerning some of the priority parity experiment related instrumentation desirable to have operational ASAP in Hall A. SUMMER 2015 Installation: 1) The \u201cQweak\u201d Halo monitor system (with possible upgrades to hole diameter options). 2) Four high quality cables (similar to what we had during Qweak) running from the \u201cQweak\u201d cavity triplet current monitor package to an electrically isolated location in the Hall A racks upstairs. What seems to be currently in place is a new separated function version on of Musson\u2019s electronics. This is not ideal for the moment as its split nature may not allow the electrical isolation flexibility and the ability to modify electronics non-invasively and on the fly during normal Hall A running. We have an ample supply of Qweak electronics. For 2016 Hall A run Period: 3) Re-commissioning of the \u201cG0\u201d helicity position feedback system at the injector region which was used during the last run of Qweak. This cannot only be used to control the position of the beam actively locked to the reversal, but as a way to modulate the beam position at the reversal rate and phase so as to measure sensitivities. 4) Possibly a set of the Big BPM\u2019s (which we are being constructed for use in Hall C). These allow monitoring and control on the beam position downstream the target. It may also be possible to use the first generation version as a transmission monitor \u2013 yielding information on helicity correlated target density.