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== Stream of consciousness agenda... ==
== Stream of consciousness agenda... ==
* Property
* Announcements...
:: Validations are now due April 30th
:* Property - validations are now due April 30th
:: I will transfer stuff to SME's e.g. Riad gets Mott scopes, Steve/Carlos HVPS
:* Safety - everyone's doing pretty good, thanks - keep it up
* Safety
:* Vacations - are on the horizon - please share to my Calendar (as free)
:: Everyone's doing pretty good, thanks - keep it up
:* Lab vehicles - you can reserve for work - see Lynsie Tedrow - https://www.jlab.org/facilities/vehicles
* Spring/summer vacations on the horizon
:* Sharepoint - you have access to share (backup) files with one another - [https://jeffersonlab.sharepoint.com/sites/CIS CIS Sharepoint (internal)]
* Division is asking us to finalize all work travel requests through Sep 30...  
:* Lab IP - you can share your documented work, use Jlab funding statement - https://www.jlab.org/info_resources/publications/notice
:: IPAC'23/May - Aziz, Greg, Joe
:: Linear collider workshop/May - Andriy
* Division is asking us to finalize all work travel/meeting requests through Sep 30...  
:: Quantum meeting/June - Riad
** May - IPAC'23 (Greg/Aziz/Joe) 5-13 and LCWS 15-19 (Andriy/Carlos)
:: HV meeting/? - Gabriel
** Jun - APS DAMOP Meeting 5-9 (Riad/Matt Grau)
* Outstanding proceedings/papers
** Jul - ?
:: Gabriel's - PSTP Wien filter proceedings
** Aug - ?
:: Josh/Joe - PRAB Charge lifetime improvement of biased CEBAF photogun
** Sep - ?
:: Greg/++ - Rev Sci? - Compton polarimeter for MeV injectors
* Proposals/deadlines
* Papers and proceedings...
:: Carlos/Andriy - HEP proposal for gun/e+
:* (Joe) Polarized Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation in Particle Accelerators (USPAS Summer 2021 Spin Class Lectures)
:: Mamun - High vacuum gun ECA
:* (Gabriel) PSTP Penning cell Wien filter
:: Max - PEPPo-II LDRD
:* (Josh) Charge lifetime improvement of biased CEBAF photogun
:: Marcy - CBE in June?
:* (Greg) A Compton polarimeter for SRF photoinjectors
:: Joe - Robust in Sep?
:* (Max) Upgraded Injector Test Facility
* CEBAF...
:* (Joe) Positron white paper
:: (gun bake, HV conditioning, laser jobs, Moller jobs, upgrade jobs)
:* (Riad) Electron EDM
:* (Riad) Quantum computing
* CIS/IPAC'24 suggestions for invited orals...
:* Particle Accelerator Spin-Transparent Storage Rings for Beyond State of the Art Science
:* Making Extreme High Vacuum (XHV) commonplace in accelerators
:* A new polarized electron injector at CEBAF for parity violation
:* PEPPo II : a GeV positron beam experiment at CEBAF
* Proposal status...
:* (pending) - SLAC/KEK/JLAB HEP - Supports ILC PES and e+ target (Carlos, Andriy)
:* (pending) - DOE ECA - PES with 1000x better vacuum (Mamun)
:* (due 6/23) - LDRD PEPPo-II (Max)
:* Jun'23 - CBE (Marcy)
:* Sep'23 - Comtra (Riad)
:* Sep'23 - HVINS (Carlos)
:* Sep'23 - Robust (Joe)
:* High voltage insulator/plug tests ongoing
:* TE011 cavity...?
:* Eventually GTS could go to LERF
* CEBAF PES jobs...
:* 200 kV gun - bake out, laser alignment, HV conditioning, gun kick/spot move, picks bias voltage
:* Fix photocathode activation Keithley 485 Picoammeter - bad display
:* 200 kV Wien - 20 Amp PS, E/B spin calibration, benchmark model
:* Viewer/Harp/Kicker - fix short, add chopper valve/bake region, add new kicker magnet
:* Hall A laser jobs - remove ML, install repaired 250/499 board
:* KL jobs - install new amplifier for KL, test 499/32 setup, measure D pulse length, and laser size
:* Moller jobs - install IA in Hall D path, measure IA rise time, review RTP setup and laser table electrical isolation with I&C
* UITF rest of this year...
* UITF rest of this year...
:: With MeV program ended, now re-classified as a "Gun Test Stand" like the LERF
:* Now operates like GTS with an OSP, Jessica safety warden and Joe POC
:: Jessica will take over as Safety Warden from Matt, I will act as UITF-GTS PI in the interim
:* Focus will shift to using UITF to test photocathode lifetime/polarization (Greg, Aziz)
* GTS rest of this year...
* student plans through Fall summer/tests/travel/needs?
* Student updates
** Sohaib/REU - spin tracking for CEBAF/Ce+BAF
** Sami - returned to France, writing his thesis
** Sunil - wants 15 Mhz bunches this summer to test his model of KL
** Aziz
** Greg
** Kawser

Latest revision as of 14:32, 4 April 2023

Stream of consciousness agenda...

  • Announcements...
  • Division is asking us to finalize all work travel/meeting requests through Sep 30...
    • May - IPAC'23 (Greg/Aziz/Joe) 5-13 and LCWS 15-19 (Andriy/Carlos)
    • Jun - APS DAMOP Meeting 5-9 (Riad/Matt Grau)
    • Jul - ?
    • Aug - ?
    • Sep - ?
  • Papers and proceedings...
  • (Joe) Polarized Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation in Particle Accelerators (USPAS Summer 2021 Spin Class Lectures)
  • (Gabriel) PSTP Penning cell Wien filter
  • (Josh) Charge lifetime improvement of biased CEBAF photogun
  • (Greg) A Compton polarimeter for SRF photoinjectors
  • (Max) Upgraded Injector Test Facility
  • (Joe) Positron white paper
  • (Riad) Electron EDM
  • (Riad) Quantum computing
  • CIS/IPAC'24 suggestions for invited orals...
  • Particle Accelerator Spin-Transparent Storage Rings for Beyond State of the Art Science
  • Making Extreme High Vacuum (XHV) commonplace in accelerators
  • A new polarized electron injector at CEBAF for parity violation
  • PEPPo II : a GeV positron beam experiment at CEBAF
  • Proposal status...
  • (pending) - SLAC/KEK/JLAB HEP - Supports ILC PES and e+ target (Carlos, Andriy)
  • (pending) - DOE ECA - PES with 1000x better vacuum (Mamun)
  • (due 6/23) - LDRD PEPPo-II (Max)
  • Jun'23 - CBE (Marcy)
  • Sep'23 - Comtra (Riad)
  • Sep'23 - HVINS (Carlos)
  • Sep'23 - Robust (Joe)
  • GTS
  • High voltage insulator/plug tests ongoing
  • TE011 cavity...?
  • Eventually GTS could go to LERF
  • CEBAF PES jobs...
  • 200 kV gun - bake out, laser alignment, HV conditioning, gun kick/spot move, picks bias voltage
  • Fix photocathode activation Keithley 485 Picoammeter - bad display
  • 200 kV Wien - 20 Amp PS, E/B spin calibration, benchmark model
  • Viewer/Harp/Kicker - fix short, add chopper valve/bake region, add new kicker magnet
  • Hall A laser jobs - remove ML, install repaired 250/499 board
  • KL jobs - install new amplifier for KL, test 499/32 setup, measure D pulse length, and laser size
  • Moller jobs - install IA in Hall D path, measure IA rise time, review RTP setup and laser table electrical isolation with I&C
  • UITF rest of this year...
  • Now operates like GTS with an OSP, Jessica safety warden and Joe POC
  • Focus will shift to using UITF to test photocathode lifetime/polarization (Greg, Aziz)
  • Student updates
    • Sohaib/REU - spin tracking for CEBAF/Ce+BAF
    • Sami - returned to France, writing his thesis
    • Sunil - wants 15 Mhz bunches this summer to test his model of KL
    • Aziz
    • Greg
    • Kawser