Kerr - July 26, 2016

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Revision as of 13:15, 26 July 2016 by Grames (talk | contribs)
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Today polished iron foils were mounted to two pucks, a) 1006 steel fabricated for GTS gun and b) molybdenum fabricated for bench tests. Both pucks were heated in dry nitrogen glove box with a small square of indium foil on top. At about 300C the indium foil melts and the iron foils are placed and centered. The pucks are moved off the heater and allowed to cool. Later, tantalum retaining rings with ID 11mm were press fit and crimped to the pucks.

Here are some picks:

P IMG 4183.JPG

P IMG 4184.JPG

P IMG 4185.JPG

P IMG 4186.JPG

P IMG 4187.JPG