In person in MCC Conference Room and with Zoom.
1- Two major MOLLER beam studies in Hall A - Hall A is ON April 12th:
- FFB in Hall A: (tentatively scheduled on April 17)
- BSList to start Hall A April run with FFB ON [1] and for MOLLER test [2]- Ryan Bodestein
- BSList to measure PQB beam in Hall A helicity flip of 2 kHz and to measure monitor (BPMs, BCMs) resolution: [3]
- K-Long Beam Loading: (tentatively scheduled on May 1)
- BSList to deliver 15.6 MHz beam from Hall D laser to Hall C - Riad Suleiman: [4]
- BSList to measure PQB beam in Injector and Hall A - Caryn Palatchi: [5]
- Other issues to look for:
- 4-channel BPMs saturation in West Arc
- Dumping beam harmonics right onto one of the higher order mode frequencies