Nov 22, 2019 Meeting Minutes
1. in general, we should use model field maps that extend at least to the vacuum surfaces, so that particles don't not particles do not "unphysically" escape. 2. we'll use the gun, solenoid, and dipole field maps josh provides 3. we'll use the corrector field maps cristhian provides 4. joe will work w/ or designer to make a mechanical layout that shows transverse dimensions of vacuum surface along the beam line 5. we'll try to add the dipole to gpt w/ unrotated coordinate system, compare with travel and elegant to make sense that we're modeling same geometry 6. carlos will put cornell paper on beam potential and beam gaps on wiki 7. josh will check if gpt does provide useful information on killed particles, i.e. positions/energies 8. we'll meet again in two weeks 12/6