November 19, 2015 - Mott Group Meeting
Let's meet on Thursday November 19 at 1pm EST in TED 2504 for a post-Run II discussion.
Please add your meeting updates to the wiki:
And your writing updates to Box:
To Do (Joe) summarize process and results to measure beam energy (Joe) what photocathode did we use for Run I? (Daniel, Riad, Tim, Marcy) Corroborate the Lebow and FESEM measurements with foil rate measurements to assign X-axis and uncertainty for each foil (Tim) Explore and recommend heuristic fit approach for target thickness (Riad) Incorporate energy spread correction in data analysis (Daniel) Summarize Run II with cuts (T=+/- 2sigma, E=-1:3 sigma) (Daniel) Compute asymmetry is 0.5 sigma slices to explore dependence and determine appropriate energy cut (Marty, Tim, Riad, Joe) - Resolve approach for second scattering distribution