Difference between revisions of "CEBAF Injector Upgrade"

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This area is related to Injector Upgrade Meetings
This area is related to Injector Upgrade Meetings
= [[Injector Upgrade Meetings]] =
=== [[Injector Upgrade Meetings]] ===
== [https://jeffersonlab-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/grames_jlab_org/EhXqNtq16CBNt4JzMmy4T1ABpR9qdRQQGacUVwrDGi9DEw?e=Gb8Y85 Link to AIPINJ OneDrive folder] ==
=== [https://jeffersonlab-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/grames_jlab_org/EhXqNtq16CBNt4JzMmy4T1ABpR9qdRQQGacUVwrDGi9DEw?e=Gb8Y85 Link to AIPINJ OneDrive folder] ===
=== [[AIPINJ Layouts]] ===
=== [[AIPINJ Layouts]] ===
=== Components ===
== Components ==
=== [[200KV 15 deg dipole]] ===
===[[200KV 15 deg dipole]] ===
=== [[200kV Wien Filter]] ===
===[[200kV Wien Filter]] ===
=== [[Injector Solenoids Upgrade]] ===
=== [[Injector Solenoids Upgrade]] ===

Revision as of 11:36, 11 February 2020