How to run CODA

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CODA Startup

 From an accelerator machine: ssh -X idaq@opsmdaq0 

Note: idaq is the injector DAQ account and uses ssh authorized_keys for login - no need to enter password

Two ways to execute the following few steps:

% startcoda (then skip to Start and Stop a Run)
Or: Open few xterm & windows.
 xterm 1: % telnet iocmdaq1
CODA xterm screen1.jpg
 xterm 2: % msqld (the CODA msqld database is usually running unless opsmdaq0 was rebooted)
CODA xterm screen2.jpg
 xterm 3: % platform
CODA xterm screen3.jpg
 xterm 4: % codamaster
CODA xterm screen4.jpg
 Choose the configuration: Mott_Sample
CODAConfig screen.jpg
 When the CODA MASTER panel appears, select Config => Enable Buttons.
CODA MASTER screen.jpg
Select ET System, Event Builder, Event Recorder and Run Control.
After doing that if you will click on Get Status you will find status of  ER1, EB1 and ROC1. All buttons must be green.
CODA MASTER screen1.jpg
Select Run Control and the main CODA panel will appear. 
RunControl screen1.jpg

Start and Stop a Run

From Run Control panel, select in the following order (Note: if any of the selection is already completed, move to the next step):

  1. Sessions => inj
  2. Configurations => Cool => Mott_Sample
  3. Platform => Connect
  4. Configure
  5. Download
  6. Prestart (or Start. Note that Start combines both Prestart and Go)
  7. Go
RunControl screen2.png

To stop a run:

  1. End

To start a new run, select:

  1. Prestart (or Start. Note that Start combines both Prestart and Go)
  2. Go
  3. End

and if you want to apply a change or you need a new configuration:

  1. Reset

and start from number 5.

Issues and FAQ

  • Set Event Limit in Run Control: Options => Scheduler => Program: Enter Event Limit