July 19, 2022 - Group meeting

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July 19

General business
  • Crystal is taking a new job in procurement, beginning 8/1
    • Evelyn will take over CIS students
    • Tristan will take over CIS staff
    • Until 8/1 => e-mails to Crystal, copy Tristan and Betty
    • After 8/1 => e-mails to Tristan, copy Betty
  • Nate is now our point of contact for I&C jobs
  • Job postings
  • UITF training - staff and students
  • Early scientist lunchtime gatherings, Tuesday's at noon (not same week as group meetings)
  • NA-PAC proceedings are due 8/2, its polite to submit for internal review a ~week ahead NA-PAC
    • PI's and account managers should look at their annual spending
    • Send me your wish list for end of year purchases for RSRSRC or ARDSRC
  • Cleaning up 1137, UITF shop, making space for students, phase 2 ugprade, staff
  • Procurement's deadline for FY22 purchases is 8/19, anything later is not guaranteed
  • CIS web page - https://www.jlab.org
UITF (this week and next week)
  • Understanding why polarization is zero? https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4017011
  • After the MeV run..
    • Test PSS kicker ~Aug
    • Test low rep rate laser for EIC kicker ~Aug, be ready for run as early as Sep, order spare amp now, communicate everyone involved
    • Compton install TBD before/after kicker, MeV run ~Oct?
    • 200 kV gun install ~Nov
  • Hall D TMG failed last week, was a cold solder joint, it was repaired and in 1137 locker w/ shutter
  • Nate reported they are now able to successfully load firmware to seed laser board, ready for testing soon
  • KL will begin installation in 2025, for operating in 2026-2028, let's add PR to FY23 budget request (need full scope integration w/ RF, software, etc.?
  • A2/IYG0I02 charging https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4015377
  • Injector bpm's respond to current differently https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4014457
  • Gun2 lifetime
Your Projects
Papers and reports
  • Valeria's - summer study report
  • Matt's PV - graphics from Joe Wien, Riad PV
  • Sajini's and Mamun's and Riad's magnetized beams - out for peer review
  • Josh's and Joe's biased anode - author review