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Revision as of 12:52, 24 June 2013

Hi Folks,

In the off-weeks between meetings I'm going to be a squeaky wheel to make sure we stay on track...

1. Allena - What is status of the PSTP abstract? Did you get all necessary replies, submit to Matt yet ???

2. Riad - Have you started working on DAQ yet; need to get going on this, get Marty involved, troubleshoot the widths on detectors at least. Remember, you will also owe Sue a plan for any software development she will need, so keep this in mind.

3. Charlie - My recollection is by end of this month you're going to spec out the camera we should have, will the metric be (Watts/nm)/(uA-um) into camera solid angle?

4. Marty - By next week, should have a good idea of status of simulating detector efficiency, at least in exactly what the "to-do" list is. Also, need to resolve Geant4 command for making the beam; unless solved already, the divergent beam doesn't add up. Throw 1000 parallel e-. If they diverge then you still need to figure out the "beam command".

5. Sam - Plan on a 15 min power point presentation next Wed summarizing your elegant work to set beam spot size at target (or dump) for the range of momenta we discussed. You're on track, make this priority over G4beamline until you wrap it up

6. Me - Collimator survey saga continues, but I'm expecting good news today, i.e., finals on position which I think will mean it doesn't come out. I'll also give update on new target ladder, viewer holders, anything else.

THANKS & Go Mott!