May 15, 2013

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We will meet in ARC 428 on Wednesday May 15 at 3pm EST.

For those calling in we'll use the ReadyTalk audio conference system.

1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada)
2. Enter 7-digit access code 3441852, followed by “#”

Topics that I believe we'll discuss are...

1. (Joe - 15 min) Timeline and responsibilities for near-term tunnel work
2. (Riad - 15 min) Recap/summarize/discuss run time estimates for Gold for Fall run



3. (Marty - 15 min) Geant4 modeling update
4. (Joe - 15 min) G4Beamline simulations comparing dumps of Cu, Al, C, Be
5. (Marty - 15 min) Further revision of June data w/ background subtraction