PPB - July 19, 2023

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Meeting Coordinates

Wednesdays @ 11am EDT
- On-site TL-2236
- Zoom (see e-mail)


Andriy - Radiation level at target area
Max- brief update on LDRD
Amy - brief update on LDRD
Silviu - brief update on SLAC liquid Xe and JLab solid target
Sohaib - update on ANSYS simulations of solid targets
Sami - brief update


Running lists

Status of proposals
- HEP proposal for e-/e+ sources development, with SLAC and KEK => awarded year 1
- DOE early career proposal for low vacuum (high current sources) => pending
- UVA JSA proposal to evaluate spin rotator for higher MeV energies => pending
- LDRD award (2nd year) to study phase acceptance of CEBAF => awarded year 1, pending year 2
- LDRD proposal (1st year) to study thermal predictions and stresses => pending year 1
- DOE SBIR awarded to Xelera/JLab for liquid jet target Phase I study => awarded
2023 topics
- Delivering 60-120 MeV e- or e+ from LERF to CEBAF
- Quads with large bore and large range 60-600 MeV
- Reversing polarity of magnets w/ bulk PS
- Evaluating CEBAF unipolar magnets w/ reversal
- Strategic roadmap for diagnostics for tuning and transporting secondary e+/e- beams
- Evaluation of radiation shielding for >100 kW target
- Strategic roadmap for LERF cryomodules and energy reach of primary e- and secondary e+/e- beams
- media:JLab AAC Report March 8-10 2023 Final.pdf