Robust Meeting - July 17, 2020

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Attendees : Carlos, Mamun, Marcy, Riad, Joe


  • Reviewed the proposal (scope, Cornell/JLab responsibilities, timeline, budget) from proposal.
  • Funding period is Sep 25 2020 - Sep 24 2021, so important to have all our procurements well known for order at start of project.
  • JLab AWP code name is "ROBUST"

Action Items

  • Joe - coordinate a kick-off meeting with Cornell group
  • Riad - start discussion with Bryan Moffit, develop work plan and purchasing list to build ad commission polarimeter DAQ in the Oct 20 - Mar 21
  • Marcy - list any UITF gun and beam line jobs or repairs to make photocathodes reliably, improve vacuum for high current lifetime studies
  • Carlos - evaluate energy reach of gun and Wien filter for experiments in the Apr 21 - Sep 21 time frame
  • Mamun - develop plans to modify the 1137 and UITF depo chambers to test and finally transfer Cornell recipes to UITF photo-gun
  • Joe - evaluate keV-Mott Mott for operating in 100-300 kV range and for high current lifetime studies